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Posts posted by jpfirewhip

  1. More about the Beto Carrero World:


    Latin America's largest theme park, with its 14 million square meters, is settled in one of the most beautiful locations of the Brazilian coast, Penha beach, North of Santa Catarina. With more than 100 attractions for all ages and daily 1.100 artists and employees participation, Beto Carrero World reached its 17 years of activities never leaving growing and excellence behind.


    Defined by its idealist Beto Carrero as the "Brazilian family park", the leisure center offers a complete service substructure, restaurants, snack bars, ice cream parlors, diaper changing station, lockers, gift shops, parking lot, and everything in an ideal surrounding safe condition.

    To enchant "children of all ages" the park counts with shows, breath taking rides with different sizes and styles, railroad rides and a chairlift, theme areas and a zoo. You will find charming landscape and refreshing tree shade. Not to say much, last year three thousand tree seeds were planted.

    Check the options - breathe, because you will get more excited right next.


    When Beto Carrero chose to settle down in Penha, North coast of Santa Catarina, he already bet in regional tourist attraction integration. Only 35 kilometers from Balneário Camboriú, 60 from Blumenau, 66 from Joinville, the park is halfway from cities that offer shopping tourism, ethnical fests, gastronomy and a lot of beaches. The two capitals are also near - from Florianópolis 110 kilometers and from Curitiba 195, both connected by highways (Road 101 and 376). Once you are off Road 101, it is a little more than 6 kilometers ´till you get to Beto Carrero World, also a good and illuminated road.

    The best itineraries, the exact distance, time you are going to spent on your trip, consumption prevision and fuel expenses -You will find all in www.betocarrero.com.br, counting with a detailed road map.



    The most radical rollercoaster of Latin America, FireWhip is guarantee of fun and adrenaline. Manufactured in Holland, in a Suspended Looping Coaster style (the trails keeps suspended above the passenger's head) FireWhip has 40m tall, 700m extension, five loopings and reaches almost 100km/h speed. With a capacity of attendance of 1.100 passengers/hour, the rollercoaster provides a flight over lagoons and falls, in a scenographic area built specially for this new and wild attraction.


    Splash Island (Ilha do Tchibum)

    This roller coaster refreshes and thrills everyone; a great fall in a water tank ends the ride after wild turns through 80 km per hour.


    Empire of Waters (Império das Águas)

    Beto Carrero World's greatest work and same as its success. More than one thousand ton of stones and over 16 million litters of water for one minute simulate an incredible rafting, that takes visitors through a river of almost one kilometer of extension and five meters large. The ups and downs, the waterfalls, cliff caves will sure give "butterflies in your stomach".


    Roller Coaster Star Mountain (Montanha-Russa)

    The star of extreme attractions will ever be the roller coaster - and at Beto Carrero World they are the highlights. Star Mountain is the park's biggest and wildest roller coaster: imported from Holland, with two loopings, 35 meters high and goes through 86 km per hour.


    Big Tower

    World's greatest extreme tower, an one hundred meter free fall gets to a speed of 120km per hour, it is the teenagers' fever and to whoever enjoys extreme safe emotion.


    Free Fall, the Tower of Terror

    A free fall from an elevator equal to an 18th floor building in a 90 km per hour speed is one of Beto Carrero's top attractions.


    Tigor Mountain

    Beto Carrero's latest attraction, it is made for people who enjoy adrenalin, but not too much. Made in Holland, it is a 600 meter extension Vekoma roller coaster. A family ride that starts in a German style station that goes 15 meters up and gets down by 80 km per hour, flying over a beautiful lake with a great sight seeing.

    Eight coaches for four people each, in a 2,5 minute trip, takes per hour until 800 hundred people breath away.


    Cine MadEmotion

    What about a space trip with your feet on the ground? That's what a Beto Carrero's visitant will find in this simulator movie theater. In front of a big screen while travelers watch the movie they will experience a real synchronized moving sensation made by a hydraulic system installed under the chairs. Each session takes about 10 minutes.


    Dum-Dum Roller Coaster

    This little mean and puffy alligator is one of Betinho Carrero's gang members and he is now taking children to one more exciting ride. One of Beto Carrero's most recent roller coasters, DUM DUM was projected by the same Disney World's supplier and it shows the perfect amount of emotion for children as well as for the parents.



    Sure fun for kids! 15 boats navigate through a huge mountain, full of enchanting sceneries with hundreds of children's literature characters, followed by involving songs and special effects. The 16 meter high concrete structure took two years of construction to get ready. The ride lasts 5 minutes and it is able to take until 700 people per hour.


    Castle of Horror (Castelo do Terror)

    A spectacle of lights, scenery and drama waits for you through out this terrifying labyrinth. Actors play the most classical roles from horror films and books, in nine different scaring sets, with updated technological effects.


    Venetian Carousel (Carrossel Veneziano)

    In the food court's heart there is a sample of the world's first made two-store carousel, it has1800 light bulbs and it is able to entertain one thousand people per hour. Made in Italy, there are only five like this in the world.



    Tubes, tunnels, labyrinths and sliders that go straight into a ball pool, a sure fun and totally safe three-store spot especially made for kids.


    Unicorn's labyrinth (Labirinto dos Unicórnios)

    One of the park's gardens was changed into a beautiful and magical child entertainment. An adventure among goblins, wizards and elves amazes the children who must solve the puzzles and find the way out.


    Chairlift (Teleférico)

    Choose the best time for the ride: before starting your tour, to set up your itinerary or later on, to appreciate the places you have been. It will be impossible to resist the 800 meter extension and 30 meter high panoramic journey. Made by a high-tech Swiss company, Rowema AG, the equipment offers 23 gondolas with four people capacity each. The boarding stations allow people to hop in and out without stopping the other gondolas course; controlled by electronic devices that offer a total safe ride.



    Beauty, mystery and suspense involve this attraction, a classic from horror teenager literature. The audience gets tense while a pretty woman turns into a furious jungle beast.


    Other attractions

    Car race (Autopista), Baby Elephant (Baby Elefante), Carousel, Little Ducks (Patinhos), Mad Cups (Xícaras Malucas) and the Little Train (Trenzinho).



    Daily, the park presents seven performances and counts with renowned artists from all over the world, straight from Las Vegas (USA), Russia, Kenya and Mongolia (China). Acqua is Beto Carrero's most recent show, in wich a shipwreck is simulated and several artists play an incredible role under the sea, alternating their acrobatic, juggling and dance abilities, pictured by fascinating light show and sound track. At 4 o'clock pm, with 30 minute duration.

    At Excalibur a medieval duel set is rebuilt and not to say the various comic sketches. The artists in their epoch models live in a full heraldic shield high aristocracy decorated castle and set intense battles in search of King Arthur's legendary sword.


    A 45 minute show that starts after 5 o'clock pm.

    Another classic from Beto Carrero's show repertoire is Monga, a beautiful woman that turns into a fierce gorilla.


    At Animal Actors, animals exhibit intelligence and loyalty in a riding arena attraction. Performed at Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho Theater, a 45 minute show, always after 2 o'clock pm. At Wild West actors turn into glorious far west characters: gunmen, show girls, Indians, treasure hunters, clowns and many others entertain visitors while they have a delicious lunch. Music, humor, dance and entertainment in a genuine saloon! Starting at 12h30 pm the spectacle lasts 45 minutes.


    The Mysterious Africa's show theater is surrounded by a forest and takes the audience imagination to the mysteries of that continent. Juggling, dance and of course humor take part of one of the park's most sought after spectacles. It starts at 3 pm and it lasts 45 minutes.

    And who isn't interested by Beto Carrero's hero true story? Beto Carrero Memory Show carries the spectator to the early days of Brazil's favorite cowboy, since his poor childhood to his recognition as a genuine legend in popular imagination. A fascinating spectacle that ends triumphantly an unforgettable day in the park. Time - 6h15 pm and it lasts 45 minutes.

    The General Parade (Desfile Geral) presents to the audience the great Beto Carrero World's cast, a ride through the park's main streets, with animals, allegoric cars, carriages, clowns, cowboys etc. Thousands of people stand there to watch it and, in many occasions, find Beto Carrero leading the parade. Always at 6h pm for 15 minutes at most.


    Theme Areas (Áreas Temáticas)

    Nation Avenue (Avenida das Nações) is the first Beto Carrero's theme area. Its main attraction is the Castle of Nations, considered the largest Theme Park's entrance gateway. With 10 thousand square meters, it holds booking-offices, banks and shops. After going through this grand castle, the visitor will find the Event Square, Cine MadEmotion, the Chairlift, the Palace of Ice Creams and other great attractions that integrate the Nation Avenue.

    The Park's Zoo is one of the biggest and most beautiful of the world, with more than 700 animals from 171 different species, settled in an environment that reproduces their own habitat. There are zebras, elephants, tigers, lions, jaguars, llamas, bears, alligators, deers, baboons, hippopotamus, chimps, camels, tamanduas, ostriches, peacocks, swans and a lot more. In the Snake-pit (Serpentário) the native snakes have a special spot, a mini rain forest environment reproduction and a meadow, with pit vipers, venomous pit vipers, boa constrictors and rattlesnakes, show the species' exoticism and mysticism.


    The Primate Science Center (Centro de Primatologia) is a highlight at the Zoo, because Beto Carrero's team gives the primates special attention. Concerned with their safety, welfare and entertainment, an 11 island archipelago was built, being always monitored by the park's veterinarian and biologist. A maternity hospital and a clinic are also part of the primates' complex. Another distinguishable attraction is the Island of Baboons (Ilha dos Babuínos).


    The World of Horses (Mundo dos Cavalos) is another Beto Carrero World's innovation. It's a 5 thousand square meter visiting area and almost a two thousand square meter backstage (for equine nursing). The attraction offers horse, pony and carriage rides through wonderful gardens and imperial palm trees, the seniors may watch it in an air-conditioned waiting-room. At World of Horses, homage was paid to 'Faísca` by giving him a specially decorated new bay.


    The Moms and Puppies (Mamães e Filhotes) spot enchant the children that feed animals like goats and lambs with milk bottles straight from the park's farm. The puppies' feeding time is between 3h30 and 4h pm.

    A long suspension bridge is the Island of Pirates (Ilha dos Piratas) entrance; animatronic puppets present the tradition and behavior of the "sea robbers" to the visitors. The constructions and the boats are inspired in the Captain Flick and his crew stories that lived in the sea hunting for treasures. In this place, the visitor can find attractions like the Great Cave (Grande Caverna), the Stranded Boat (Barco Encalhado), the Pirates' Cave (Caverna dos Piratas), place where they hid their gold, the Galleon (Galeão) and the Pirate Bar (Bar Pirata), the fun House of Mirrors (Casa dos Espelhos), the Lighthouse (Farol) and the Pirate Boat (Barco Pirata) are some of Beto Carrero World's extreme rides.


    The Far West (Velho Oeste) reproduces a typical 19th century North American city, when the territory was colonized towards Pacific Ocean. Peculiar constructions, like the Fort Alamo (Forte Álamo), the Saloon and all the characters (the sheriff, cowboys, prospectors, showgirls, gunmen) the Gold-Mine (Mina de Ouro), notable characteristic of that time and the Indian Tribe (Aldeia Indígena) show the visitants their habits.


    A long stop at the Fantasy Land (Terra da Fantasia) is inevitable, the adventure starts at the boarding station, the imposing João Alves de Queiroz, where visitors are properly warned: "If you are afraid of the dark and giants you better stay at the station". With an 11 million reais initial investment, the Dinomagic Railroad (Ferrovia Dinomagic) offers a ride through out the world of magic filled with giant animals and frightening dinosaurs. On the way, oriented by the locomotive engineer that explains the attractions, visitors find the Hope Village (Vila Esperança) (typical Azorean place), the Land of Giants (Terra dos Gigantes) where, besides watching animals in a size never seen before, they are swallowed by an enormous snake. Trough the journey there is a chance to check the Rain Forest, where the visitor can breathe fresh air enclosed by native vegetation carefully preserved by Beto Carrero World. Also sees Beto Carrero's House, faces a Train Robbery (Assalto ao Trem) - staged by actors and one of the most amazing moments of the ride. Passes through the Model Vegetable Garden (Horta Modelo) cultivated by the Park and the Arabian Tent (Tenda Árabe), where a sultan lives with his wives. But the strongest point of the ride is the Dinosaurs Cave (Caverna dos Dinossauros), a huge theater where visitors watch, from inside the train, a fantastic light and sound show with dinosaurs in their real size and natural movements facing hostile situations in their wild life in the Jurassic period.


    There is a part of Germany at the German Village (Vila Germânica). A German style house complex is the perfect replica of a typical village. The spot pays homage to the immigrants that helped Santa Catarina build its wealth. And of course, it couldn't work without a typical restaurant: the Bier Haus that offers Beto Carrero World's visitors a typical German gastronomy.



    When it comes to safety, there is no playing around at Beto Carrero World! All efforts are made to assure the visitors' welfare. The Park strictly follows the rules given by the ride's manufacturer, exhaustively tests each equipment before releasing it to the public and carries on with regular preventive maintenance. The day starts with a very detailed safety check list, called start up, without it, nothing operates.

    There are also written safety procedures and oral orientation given by the monitors in each attraction, regarding on how the rides work, proper age and to whom is suitable, in case of extreme rides. Besides, these equipments structurally have a device that inhibits its function if the person hasn't buckled the safety-belt properly. Parents with small kids get especial information in each attraction.


    This binomial - prevention and attention - is essential and it has been keeping the park away from serious accidents, between visitors and staff, for over 16 years.



    1.100 people work in the Park, they are collaborators and third party services providers - these last ones in 45 small businesses, distributed in 78 selling spots. There are 22 snack bars, seven restaurants, eight bombonieres and six ice cream parlors. Most of the entrepreneurs live in the coast near the Park, many of them used to be fishermen.


    Working time

    In the high seasons (January, February, July, October, November and December) the Park opens daily, between 10am and 7pm. In the other months, from Thursday to Sunday, same time from 10am to 7pm.



    Thursday to Sunday: From March to June, From August to October

    Months opened everyday: January, February, July, November and December.


    Opening time

    Ticket-office: 9am

    Park Attractions initiate at 10am

    Park Attractions end at 6pm

    Other services end at 7pm






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