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Posts posted by mariarenatafranca

  1. No, I'm not a rich girl. I work my ass off in order to pay for my trips. That's the problem with average brazilians. They complain a lot, don't work hard, don't make any effort to improve their culture, to learn a new language and to travel abroad. And when someone has the guts to stand out and have a opinion, those poor in spirit complain. Those people here study in private schools, that are not cheap in Brazil, and those schools teach english classes since kindergarden, There's no excuse for this "google translator english", that's just lazyness (or stupidity)




    Unlike most brazilians, I'm not blind. I know how to aprreciate what my country has to offer, and I'm able to tell when something needs imporvement. And if something in my country is not good, there's no reason to pretend that I don't see that.




    I think buying the Chiller was a stupid option. BCW doesn't have ATM machines, doesn't have a website in english/spanish, doesn't offer transportation to/from airport and bus station, doesn't have a Q'bot system, doesn't have multilingual staff, has the WORST SLC coaster I've ever ridden (and I've ridden a lot of SLCs), it's themeing is confusing, it lacks a coesive landscaping and doesn't have enought flat rides. I think the money would be much more well spent if they tried to solve all those small issues that makes the park look indeeed, MESSY, CREEPY and with a lot of rip off rides.



    Brazilian parks tend to copy American parks, but they do not have that extra factor that makes american parks so good. Hopi Hari, for instance, has a huge RCCA wooden coaster that is pretty much crap. It hurts like hell, it's almost impossible to ride it twice. Why not build a much smaller GCI or Gravity Group coaster instead? Mirabilandia bought Deja Vu, which was a mistake at first place, and now it's rotting away because the park and the government are having some issues about the land the park stays in. BCW bought a SLC coaster, repainted it, put a lot of cool themeing, but the ride is CRAP, really crap. It made me burst into tears. And do you know what the funny thing is? BCW knows that it's SLC is crap, but they don't do anything to make it better, because brazilians don't know any other inverted coaster, so they think Firewhip is actually good!



    I'm really ashamed of those brazilians, I really am. I think everyone should have the right to express their opinions, and I think it was really inappropriate of them to come here and start defending BCW. On their own forum in Brazil they complained a lot about you, americans, saying that you were just jealous that Chiller was coming to Brazil, like you have nothing better to do. Unfortunately, that's how the average brazilians think.

  2. I'm so sorry for the mess the brazilians are making here. Please keep in mind that not all the brazilians are like that, and there are some brazilians that speak a decent english.


    I live in Brazil, but I travel a lot around the world, and BCW is indeed, a weird park. At the same time it has some "major" rides like an Intamin Drop Tower (two, in fact), and a SLC coaster, it lacks themeing, accessbility, landscaping and originality.


    The sad fact is that some brazilian's don't know how to take criticism, and most of them don't get american humour. It's low self esteem + lack of money to travel abroad, I guess... But I can assure you that not all brazilians are close minded like that.


    I don't agree with our parks policy of buying old, unwanted stuff, like the Chiller and Deja Vu (whitch is rotting away in Recife). I think a decent, large mine train would be a better addition to BCW right now.

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