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Posts posted by DevilsFlight

  1. ^ However, 1) a lot of businesses do not have a lot that big (it will take a long time) and 2) I'm willing to bet they would rather spend that money on an attraction that will gain attendance (no one wants to go to an amusement park because they got a newly paved lot). Plus with the extended seasons now and bad weather, it is a challenge to get it done in only a year while adding new attractions.

  2. That would've been horrible. That would've been such a wasted spot considering there's barely ever a line for GL, so that area would still be just as empty as it is now.

    Still, it would've paved the way for new flats and possibly a new/refurbished Old Country. However, a Kingda Ka extension would be too costly and I doubt the park will try to extend it in the future. I am hoping for soft restraints or new trains, though.
  3. This particular destruction may not be visible from the park, but that doesn't make it right. All the trees that have been cut down in the park itself is noticable to guests, and has destroyed the atmosphere.

    Of course, it is not right. There are other options that are better (parking lots), but I was just saying that the loss is not visible from someone standing at ground level in the park.
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