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Posts posted by ericthewanderer

  1. I've got plenty of ideas for the 50th anniversary!Here are my main ideas:

    1-take out the go-karts and Dare Devil Dive and replace with an antique car ride.

    2-flat rides galore! Namely a Larson Flying Scooters and Tilt-a-whirl, and a Huss 2nd Gen Condor,2nd Gen Enterprise, and Air Boat rides.

    3-a musical/dancing fountain set-up for the lake.

    4-shows all year for the Showcase theater, even if they have to "out-source" them.

    5-get rid of the paintball building!

    Honorable mentions: getting a brand new ferris wheel(or at least fixing the one they got) and gettting new trains for Green Lantern; by that I mean the new-style stand-up trains Sea World is getting or regular sit-down trains.

    Also, IIRC HH turns 25 in 2024,so they get a Mack Power Splash and a Vekoma Family Splash Suspended Coaster.

  2. 21 hours ago, GAcoaster said:

    This is one of the simplest thing the park can do to improve the atmosphere-- change the music!


    They pay ASCAP royalties for playing music in the park no matter what it is, make it music that fits the themed areas of the park instead of just a generic pop soundtrack. 

    A slightly cheaper way would be to use "royalty free" music:I think there's just a basic license fee involved(but don't quote me on that).The good part is that most "royalty free" companies have huge playlists in categories suited for theme parks:country and mariachi for Frontier Adventures,epic soundtracks for Movietown,etc. .

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  3. My first time at Great Adv, was in 1999,so I never got to see the TVs operational.I spent a few years wondering exactly what those "boxes" were around the park before some one said they were old TVs.With the technology available now maybe SF could do a bigger,better version of the TV channel.

  4. I think Six Flags should try to get permission from Warner Bros to use movie names and characters for films for new simulators chain-wide.Basically the simulator movies would be based on movie series like "lethal Weapon","Police Academy" and "Vacation" and have look-alikes do most of the acting.Six Flags could go as far as make at least 3 movies for each title:the first one would be used for most of the season,the second would be only for Fright Fest,and the third would only be shown during HITP.

    I know that's alot to ask for,but building all those Justice League shoot-'em-ups seemed to pay off.

  5. I could be wrong,but I heard somewhere that some companies like Ticketmaster and Live Nation try to bully promoters and performers into dealing only with them-making it harder for independent or small outlets to stay in business,which is why the outdoor pavillions at theme parks (like the Great Arena) did good business back in the 1970's & 80's but now sit unused.

  6. Back during it's Wild World days,SFA had a Cinema 180;the weird thing was it wasn't actually 180-it was more like 90/100,and everyone had to stand.The films shown were very similar to the above video-basically POV footage of coasters and race cars/motrcycles.Sometimes they would throw in a "slow" segment: one movie had footage taken by a helicopter as it flew over Mt. St. Helens about a week after it erupted.  

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