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Matt Kaiser

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Posts posted by Matt Kaiser

  1. Nice bug in the https://mypass.sixflags.comweb site.

    If you happen to have Family Members on your pass and you remove all of them...

    The next time you go in a choose Manage Family the Unblock Access section now shows hundreds-thousands of names.

    Probably every Six Flags pass holder if you wait long enough. You would think this would limit access to your previously removed Family Members.

    Nice coding skills Six Flags!


    I tried explaining to the web site support but got nowhere.




    Isn't the pass system a third party company? It's not Six Flags coding it :P

  2. Im not for it. One because it means more tree removing. Unless GA agrees to reforest the park itself...by either moving mature trees or planting new ones, and replacing some of the grass areas with the park...I dont even want to know what this is doing to the lake itself. Im all for gorwth and development. But Im sure the NJEPA will have a say so as well....I belive that at this point the park needs to replace what ever they remove.. In order to retain the balance of the eco-system around the waterways on sight.


    In the latest Planning Board meeting notes, it says that they will be replanting trees over the next 5-7 years on Gadv property.





    4. KDC Solar/Six Flags – Block 3201, Lots 15, 30 & P/O 11 – Reed Road – P/F Major site plan to include Minor Subdivision to consolidate lots and create new lot. Construct a Solar Generation Facility consisting of Solar Panels, Inverters, Transformers and a Substation.


    Mr. Klee reads 2 part application.


    1. Minor subdivision 131 parcel on Reed Road where panels will be located.

    2. Site plan- conservation overlay zone impacts both valid DEP letter


    Sibdivision will create conforming parcel. 125-130 acre parcel, put up panels, maintenance building, inverter facility, no traffic impact. Trees to be replanted over 5-7 years on Great Adventure property.


    Mr. Shea calls up 4 representatives to be sworn in:

    Tom Lynch (KDC Solar)

    Rich Rosenburry (Maser Consultants)

    Dr. W (Ecological services)

    Tim Boyer (Six Flags)


    Tom Lynch states he has been involved in 11 different locations mostly Middlesex county at Centra State Hospital. Solar panels ground mount generate 100% electric consumption for theme park and Water Park.

    Tim Boyer states that since exploring solar opportunities there has been an increase in electric cost, compared to sister properties cost reduction.


    Mr. Rosenburry gave credentials and provided his testimony


    4 exhibits placed on the record:

    A-1 Aerial Parcel Map Six Flags

    A-2 Aerial Parcel Map color rendering solar

    A-3 Dimension plan color rendering

    A-4 color rendering of substation


    They will be subdiving and consolidating 2 lots. They applied in November after LOI from DEP. Could not do a site visit because of weather. There are wetlands to the west of Solar panels, so there will be a 50 ft buffer. It will be remote, so unmanned. No traffic. All panels will be below 12 feet. There will be gate (A3) to allow maintenance vehicles. Low grow grass for the 1st year will be cut 1 time per month and once established only need to be cut 2-4 times per year. The lifespan of panels, they generally depreciate 1 % per year and could be in use indefinitely. If panels were no longer used site would be remediated back to original state. There will be a new driveway to smaller substation, no lighting needed.


    Mr. Peters asks what the disturbance area is?


    Applicant responds 94 acres.


    Mr. Haring asks if property is secured?


    Applicant responds with 7 ft fence, KDC is responsible for all fence enclosed.


    Mr. Dolan asks if there is an out clause of the 25-year contract if newer technology arises?


    Applicant states for the first 25 years no, after that it could be discussed.


    Open public forum.


    Close public forum.


    Motion made by BRESSI / Haring. YES: Dolan, Longo, Russo, Flemming, Bressi, Haring, Riccardi, Hudak.

  3. ^Yes, congrats Harry! It was awesome to see that!



    In park news, Jackson Planning Board approved Great Adventure's proposals for both 2015 Capital Improvements and the 100-acre Solar Field in the meeting on Monday.





  4. First off, I'd like to point out that you can't easily compare the amount of acres of solar panels over a parking lot to the amount of solar panels over a field.

    At Rutgers, many of the parking lots on Livingston campus have solar panels. As you can see in the picture below, there is a lot of space not actually covered by solar panels, that would be covered in an open field. If they wanted the same power output from parking lot panels, they would probably easily need 150-200 acres of parking lot versus just 100 acres of open field. On top of this, the parking lots would need to be completely repaved before installing the panels as I assume it will be a LOT harder and more expensive to repave with the solar panel structures, inverters, wires, etc.




    Secondly, the park got approval for the solar field in the Jackson Planning Board meeting on Monday.



  5. Looking through the Jackson Township Planning Board Minutes, I came across a representative for Six Flags requesting an ordinance for the park to construct a 100-acre Solar Farm on property to almost fully power the park. (And fully power it at times -- I assume in the off-season?) The location is in a wooded area, supposedly near Reed Road.






    PDF Here: http://www.jacksontwpnj.net/documents/minutes/planning_board/2014/12-01-14.pdf

  6. Yeah Gadv isn't cheap with trains


    I think they do this because it would be more of a hassle and possibly more expensive to not start with all the trains. Every morning, safety checks have to be preformed on the trains, such as some restraint checks, a few empty test runs, and a test run with an employee riding in each train. Since all the trains need to go through that to be used that day, all the trains are already on the track in the morning. Putting a train away would either cause the ride to not open on time, or would require the employees to clock-in earlier.

  7. If the tower stress / sway is the ultimate factor, then the state would be correct in not allowing both rides to operate simultaneously. That would also put the blame back on Six Flags and Intamin, as they were responsible for engineering efforts. The more I think of this, the more a freestanding drop tower seems like a more prudent decision.


    I truly wonder if power requirements are the ultimate issue. It must take an insane amount of electricity to launch "Kingda Ka". "Zumanjaro" would add to the drain more. Perhaps the grid or conduit in that section of the park can't handle the requirements. I remember a similar situation with "Batman & Robin: The Chiller". No need to chance overwhelming the circuit so to speak.


    It's purely the state's fears of loose articles.

  8. It was only drained because a hurricane damaged the damn and needed to be fix in order for the wild life to survive. I believe they actually ended up capturing all the fish in the lake before they drained it.


    Also, it was Prospertown Lake that drained, which is next to Nitro.

    The lake at the Grandstand and Log flume is Switlick Lake. They are separated by a dam, which is why Switlick Lake did not drain after the hurricane.

  9. We went to the park Saturday 10/26, with Jason (Spikedudej), who made a special visit to Fright Fest all the way from Florida.

    Coastin' East showed up as well to spend some time with Jason.

    This was the last day at the park for all of us as well.





    The wonderful Kool-Aid fountain.






    Taking a picture with Frank, who looks a bit familiar...







    We then took Jason on his first SORA ride.













    After SORA, we had lunch at Best of the West, then headed to Bizarro. #GetTwisted








    Hmm, that operator looks familiar as well..






















    Fast forward a bit, we saw the Awakening and Dead Man's Party: The Guest List. (As usual)








































    We also saw Ghoulmaster's Ghosts twice. Jason had to see Norma.







    We then saw the Classic Dead Man's Party.






    Taking a picture of me!












    Let's have a party,








    there's a full moon in the sky!






    It's the hour of the wolf,






    And I don't wanna die!







    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!























    Jason, Coastin' East, and I also went through some terror trails in between the shows. Jason and I were able to do all the trails thanks to the $40 scare pass.

    I am emphasizing that we did all 5 trails, saw Ghoulmaster's Ghosts twice, The Awakening and Dead Man's Party: The Guest List, and the Classic Dead Man's Party all in one night. It is possible, but only with a scare pass (or reallllllyyyyy short lines), and a lot of speed-walking.








    And that concludes the 2013 Season.

    Until next year, "The party's over boys, so close those coffin lids."


  10. Well, I actually joined over 4 years ago, but here's my first post!


    My name is Matt, but a lot of people probably know me as Kaiser.

    I'm a freshman in college studying computer science. I work for Chop Dawg Studios as a web developer.


    Also, I love coasters and Great Adventure. :D

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