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Posts posted by pashacar

  1. Wild Thing at Valleyfair. It looks like great fun but the trains are horrible; it's like riding a coaster stuck sitting on the floor of a bumpy SUV. And the track is so long and boring. Honestly, boring. The helix out by the parking lot is pointless, bankless, and just totally devoid of fun. Plus the hills are not curved, so you lock into a set angle when going up or down every hill (this phenomenon can be felt on Magnum and Steel Force, but to a considerably lesser degree) and stay there the whole time, which not only makes the ride less exciting and less fluid, but more painful as well, as the transitions into and out of these hills are brutal. Overall a forceless, drawn out, uncomfortable and boring ride. I honestly couldn't believe how bad it was.

  2. I'm sure nobody who isn't a total nerd who had the game pre-ordered noticed, BUT, in typical Six Flags fashion, that little press release that the DS version has shipped neglects the small fact that the other two editions were supposed to come out last week too. Instead, they're now quietly pushed back to December, meaning that this game is likely to be even more rushed and of poor quality than I anticipated. Yay Six Flags!!

  3. Shifting the topic a little, what happened to the park's iwerks theater in the past few years to make it a capacity nightmare? They used to efficiently run the preshow (with a video that was actually relevant to the ride film) and get people in there every 7 minutes or so, assigning rows and all. Ever since Spongebob, they're either repeating some annoying and horrible generic simulator preshow endlessly or playing something that isn't even relevant to what you're about to see in the main theater. Worst of all, they now go around (slowly, no less) and check each seatbelt individually, something that drastically slows down loading time and was never necessary until just a few years ago. Did something happen to cause that change, or is the park just getting lazy as they let the dispatch cycles of this ride increase to 15 minutes, or even beyond that? A line from the start of the hangar building used to be well under an hour, but these days it's almost unbearable to wait for the ride.

  4. How were Sunday's crowds? They look much more manageable from the new pictures, including an empty TDK queue (were lines really that short, or was it closed or something?). I'm thinking of going next Sunday or Monday but if Sunday crowds are considerably lighter than Saturday ones, I'll opt to go then rather than miss out on all of the Fright Fest activities that aren't operating on Columbus Day.

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