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Posts posted by Ogolo

    • Spinning (too much) is what this ride is all about.
    • Any car not upright in the loading/unloading area should be automatically corrected or there is a big design flaw.
    • Not spinning does not seem to be a valid solution but I suspect it will be the solution.
    • It is still a fun ride in its current state but the consistent 0-2 flips last night is not enough.
    • Luckily I got 1 ride before it was changed.
    • Did such issues exist with the SFFT install?

    (They really should have had ACEers hit this thing hard with various loads before opening.)

  1. I was at the park today hoping to ride THE JOKER. I was even picked up from school, and I missed a very important test.


    Seems like common sense but maybe you shouldn't have skipped school and missed a "very important test"??

    The ride will be there for quite some time. With plenty of opportunities to ride. </parent mode>


    All trains are being set to the Medium Spin setting to attempt to avoid the issue in the future. (There were Low/Med/High trains)

    The ride variation (# spins) will be limited until they have time to address the high setting issue.


    Friday (5/27) is School Safety Patrol day...so I would expect the crowds to be large during the day but most won't have season passes.

  2. Yes I understand there are many reasons for having the pass that you can't see/aren't aware of.

    Just seemed like more effort than just walking on the ride at this time. So be it..


    Many with those passes tend to go to the real exit on El Toro...not the ADA ramp.

    Then are immediately told by the ops to walk over to the other side.

    Seems the ADA ramp is not marked clearly nor communicated correctly. (Maybe its on the paper??)

  3. It amazes me that people still use these passes when there are no lines anywhere in the park.

    Last Friday a group could have just walked on El Toro (no line) but had to go around to the wrong exit and try to user their pass.

    By the time they made it to the real exit for El Toro they could have been on and off the ride.

    Saw the same thing at Nitro...I'm fine if its a valid reason but many still will abuse this privledge.

    Where there is a will there is a way....


    Same thing with FlashPass....check the lines before making a purchase.

    Sometimes I've seen the line for FlashPass is longer than the line for rides.

  4. There was discussion on Facebook about chiller "Duel" vs "Dual" and for some reason this came into my mind:

    Some of the members here probably remember the good old drug influenced Saturday morning shows of the 70's.


    "Far Out Space Nuts - I said Lunch not Launch"

    If you have never seen a Sid and Marty Krofft show then start searching...you are in for a treat!


    I didn't realize Sid and Marty eventually opened a theme park and actually did character designs for Six Flags Georgia.


    The World of Sid and Marty Krofft


  5. Off ride videos just don't make you appreciate this ride..It was truly a "Flying carpet".

    This is one ride I wish would rise from the dead.

    1001 Nacht @ Knoebels is probably the closest we will ever get.

  6. Maybe not the first but probably the most complex.

    I can only imagine the programming that went into the three at Great Adventure...not a bad view from anywhere.

    It actually looks better from further away..


    Should you wish to build your own...this guy did it in 2012.


    Ahh the possibilities this brings to mind...

  7. That Christmas tree is worth anyone making at least one visit. I'd love to see the technology behind the tree.

    The rest of the lights are ok as long as you don't look up. They really need to add more in the tree branches as everything just stops.

    I think thee park will do ok as long as mother nature doesn't throw any curve balls. It was much better than I expected.

    I'm still smelling evergreen on my jacket...I suppose that's better than ginger bread.

  8. Looks like I have one to try on Halloween...or next year. Bane looks worthy of a visit...only allowing small groups of 2-3 is a huge +.

    It's hard to tell if some of these are going to suck....as that is quite easy to do (just have props or too many teen age scare actors ).

    Stay away from both Casola Farms (A and C) haunted attractions...Thumbs down...they are just taking your $.

    I also never tried the one right outside the exit of Six Flags....Dracula's Domain??


    And as much as I love El Toro....I'm never going to wait 2-3 hours for a single ride.

    The biggest fear at FrightFest is the rowdy crowds...just not worth it.

  9. I decided this was the year to try many Halloween Attractions and have had very busy Friday/Saturday nights.

    Maybe I went a bit overboard..FrightFest does not compare to any of these for many reasons.


    Hotel of Horror - Salorsburg PA <-- Actors are A++ with insane stories and located in an old creepy hotel in the Poconos.

    Halls of Horror - Palmerton, PA <-- This place is insane you can get covered in blood and you will get touched and maybe locked in a cage. (Not for kids)

    Fields of Screams - Lancaster, PA <-- Hay Ride is awesome here. Entire wagon even goes through a vortex tunnel!

    Dark Carnival - Bayville, NJ <-- Not high end but they do a good job keep groups really small to keep it exciting

    Reapers Revenge - Scranton, PA <-- I think this is my favorite so far this year amazing

    Pennhurst Asylum - Spring Hill, PA <-- Getting too big for its own good but simply nuts

    Nightmare at Gravity Hill - Jackson, NJ <-- If Great Adventure is too crowded definitely give this one a go

    Haunted Scarehouse, Warton, NJ <-- I though this was going to be an old house. It was in a ware house..just ok.

    Camp Evans Base of Horror <-- The just don't know how to do crowd control here. Conga line = no good


    I think PA laws must be different as they can and do touch you and this adds so much to the experience.

    I would never want to see them even attempt that at FrightFest...it just wouldn't work with that crowd and actors would get hurt.

    I'll never spend $ for FrightFest again...too many great options elsewhere.

    People just go to FrightFest so they really don't have to try hard or change things much each year.


    Of all the Haunts I've gone to I would do Hotel of Horror, Halls of Horror and Reapers Revenge again in a second...

    They are all relatively close to each other...so all could be done in a 1-2 night trip.


    What is wrong with people in PA?? ( And I mean that in a good way...Keep it up!! )

    I don't think people realize the number of high quality haunts that are available within a 2 hour drive.

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  10. By the way, the Great Lake Grandstand site will be naturally landscaped and offer wonderful views of the lake. Even today with the piles of rubble still there, the view of the water from the surrounding areas is already a great improvement.

    This is the best part that isn't in the announcement!

    I was afraid they were not seeing the value of the lake front walk.

    So Total Mayhem is being placed where the arena was with one of the drops facing the lake? Hard to tell from images.

    Not my kind of ride but it is a good addition to the park.


    Hopefully SFNE Superman gets its old trains back without the speakers. Let's see if it gets #1 again.

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