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Posts posted by jdc12192

  1. Honestly, my concern lies with the "Evac" system in general. When Ms. Siebeneicher specifies a "rope" to safely remove passengers, what exactly does this entail? I am curious to the actual procedure.


    I believe when the boats/rafts go into the reservoir, they use the rope to throw to the boats and pull them to the edge and they have to climb out that way.

  2. Is it worth going to the theme park tomorrow? It's going to be hotter than the 4th. How were the crowds on the 4th?


    Park wise the 4th wasn't so bad, highest count i heard was 9,000 something but not positive on that. Fireworks on the other hand was CROWDED.

  3. Not quite sure if i can but ill try! Just not 100% positive so don't quote me! lol


    1st looks like Kenobi .

    2nd looks like Anoki or Dichali, don't know the difference between them yet.

    3rd ^Same as above

    Last photo looks like Kenobi again.


    But like i said, not positive. Its easier to tell in person then photos.

  4. I am glad the new show finally debuted! I saw it today and it was really enjoyable. Hats off to the trainers (who are a mix from Great Adventure and Discovery Kingdom) for having such a fine show right out of the gate on opening day!


    I am working on a photo trip report... stay tuned!


    Glad you enjoyed it and also thought they did well for the first show back! All the trainers are the usual GADV trainers but 2(or so) of them went to DK for about 10days/2 weeks to form a relationship with the newbies before they came to Gadv.




  5. Yay for the news being out hahaha. Knew for a while but welcome new additions Ella and Kenobi! The show(as of right now,don't know if it'll change later on) is still a "how we train these behaviors" show and feel it may be that way for a while because Ella and Kenobi weren't in shows where they came from and were just exhibit animals so they're not used to the show environment yet.


    Also incase there is any confusions, Anoki and Dichali are still there.


    Oh and happy birthday Ella and Dichali! Today we celebrated their birthdays :) happybday.gif

  6. ^A lot of improvement is needed! I think the whole family appeal ruined the atmosphere of FF. I say tone down family appeal and turn the scare factory up!


    If what i heard is true, don't think you'll be disappointed.


    This was also on the FF makeup artist/company fb page when they posted the event

    Hey, gang! The first of many Fright Fest auditions here at Six Flags Great Adventure is coming up in just a few short weeks! Why are we starting so early? Because we are giving all of Fright Fest a big makeover this year and we need more zombies, psycho clowns and other crazy performers than ever before. Come try out and show ME your best zombie!


    Feel like improvements are underway ;)

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