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Posts posted by IgetAround

  1. In any enthusiasts eyes, two separate rides for all reasons mentioned above. To any normal person, it was one ride. One entrance, one name, one ride. I personally say it is one ride as well. Yes, it most certainly two separate rides now, but it was presented as one ride when it opened, just like chiller, rolling thunder, and so on. When the ride opened, it would be advertised in the fashion of "come ride our new ride (Not rideS) Lightnin Loops" just the same as Chiller or rolling thunder, it was marketed as a new "Ride", or new "Coaster". It wasn't plural and that's why I feel it should be considered one ride, at least during it's time a our park.

  2. Nope that would be all the cars we had then. All red at the time the ride was removed. I would hope they spend the extra money and get the 2 extra cars, the capacity of the ride really needs it. But if both sides are open, unlike at our park the majority of the time, the capacity will be much better.

  3. At the time of the ride's removal at our park the train running on the Robin side (Red side) had 5 cars. Each car had silver circles in the center of the cars. On the blue Batman side, there were 3 red cars for the train on the track. They each had black circles in the center of the cars. It was rumored that one of the cars from the Robin train was going to be added to the Batman train, making two 4-car trains. Sadly this never happened before the ride was removed. So in total at the end of things, The Chiller had 8 functioning cars.When the ride opened it had 10 functioning cars (Two five car trains) The ride always ran 5 car trains, BUT it was planned at the end of the last season to run two 4 car trains. When the ride opened it had and ran two five car trains. In 2006 two cars were damaged in an incident and put permanently out of service. The trains had a lot of changes so it's all a bit confusing. The ride can and did (although only in tests) run with a four car train though. However it seems like all the cars are at your park, 8 red cars. You may be confused with maybe pictures of a blue train on the chiller's tracks. That is in reality the red train now (the one with silver circles) It was painted red for the last season of operation.

  4. Althought I can't say 100 percent for certain, I would say with confidence they will be using the banked hills. The pieces for the rolls have long since been scrapped and to bring the rolls back would require fabrication of new support and track sections. It just doesn't seem worth the effort when the park could build the ride as it came and not have to worry about altering the pieces.

  5. The closest hotels I know of are in East Windsor (Days Inn, Hampton, Holiday Inn, Quality Inn) And even those are a bit of a drive from the park. A hotel located on park property or very close to it would do extremely well, and personally I still can't understand why one has not been built any closer yet. Normally around large theme parks like ours there is a plethora of hotels surrounding it, but not in this case.

  6. Sorry to double post but a thought just occurred to me; does anyone think it might be possible they are just restoring / refurbishing the ride? I was looking into the history of the park and it appears they have done this twice in the past. As in, brought a coaster onto the property, fixed it up, then sold it again. And given the status of the park, I find it hard to believe they would have adequate funding to run the ride. It's a small park with coasters no where near being on this level. If a park like Great Adventure could not keep up with the costs of such a ride, I'd imagine a smaller park might have lots more trouble with it.

  7. Obviously for me, Chiller. Had it been running correctly, I feel it really is the park's greatest loss. The guests have also noticed this major removal the most, and it is still often talked about within the park. GASM is not missed by the public, however I do miss it. I'd much rather have GASM then the Green Lantern. Freefall is also on my list. I loved that ride, very fast, very intense, and loved how you ended up looking at the sky.

  8. Yes, but perhaps not so shiny parts! I am curious what color, if any, they repaint the ride. The blue portions actually appear to still look in decent shape paint wise, however the red sections (if you want to call it red anymore!) obviously need some paint asap!

  9. Houdini has a very large, concrete underground basement. It's used by maintenance workers to service and inspect parts of the drum. There is a large underground area as mentioned under the tea cups, which serves a similar purpose and allows workers to inspect parts of the ride. I believe the parachutes might have one as well, I can't remember for sure but I think there is one underneath them involving cables and counter weights. I wouldn't really say Chiller had any underground sections. The area under the station was under the tracks, yes, but it was not underground. The only part of the ride underground is the Batman side queue tunnel that went under the tracks. The rest remains above ground. All the others I can think of have already been mentioned.

  10. I have an intricate Chiller collection growing, and I am always looking to expand it. Willing to trade other park collectibles, or pay cash. Looking for shot glasses, ride pins, shirts, hats, ride pieces, paint chips, anything. I have a big collection of other Six Flags things including ride wheels and buttons, let me know!

  11. I am personally THRILLED to see that this ride will be rising again. I thought it was going to rot in that field forever. I used to operate this coaster back in it's final seasons, I was quite close to it. I believe the problems can be fixed, but it will be tough. An entire team of six flags engineers couldn't figure it out, but granted they probably had a limited budget to work with... and add that to all the modifications they did to the ride in the prior off season it would not have been wise to invest more into it. I heard they are bringing in an outside company to do some modifications, not Premier. I expect they will modify the trains, purchase new LIMs, weld up the track some, paint it, and look into rewiring and reprogramming/updating the computer system. I wish it all the best of luck in its new home, I'll be visiting Brazil shortly after its opening...

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