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Posts posted by southview2

  1. And there is another possible tie-in with The Dark Knight movie. The Terminator:Salvation preview debut's with the Dark Knight. It all seems to fit together quite nicely, as they are both Warner Bros. movies.




    I dont remember where I read it but I have heard of terminator attractions on their way..Anyone else hear anything similer?

  2. We have seen the Parachutes open each time we visited so far this year, but I have to imagine it can be costly to operate them as they get older and older. I hope they don't go either, but if a drop tower were on the horizon to replace them I think I would be satisfied. My guess still remains that Fantasy Fling is fulfilling its final season in the park.



    I have seen them operate it 1 time this year. I have been to the park 3 times in the past week and working as well and everyday its closed. I dont know why, it could be staffing, which I doubt because I know they are cutting all of our hours because we have to many employees. Im not saying it will go, this is just a speculation. I dont want it to go, I think it would be nice with new paint and maybe Six Flags written on it like SFOT.


    EDIT: A quick sum of every ride I think is on its way out.




    -Fantasy Fling

    -buccanear-wishful thinking. (my opinion it needs to be torn down and replaced by a better, newer one.)

    -Fly me to the moon, BRING BACK SPONGEBOB!

  3. orange markings are popping up on trees over at HH. :idee:



    EDIT: I have a good feeling that 2 trees in the park are coming down right next to Big Wheel, they are kind of leaning toward it and they have big white bands wrapped around them.

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