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Posts posted by YoungPup

  1. There are two trains of thought when it comes to major additions being on the cheaper side.


    One line if thinking is that with less money invested initially (and the public seeing said investment as very large), the park can quickly invest more in additional "major" rides as they didn't pour that money into the first investment.


    Another line of thinking goes that being that the public still sees the initial investment as a major one (comparable in scale to Nitro, El Toro), the park can market that investment similarly to a $20+ million ride without needing (or wanting to) invest further in the following year(s) as the public reacts to this $7 million ride comparably to a $20 million ride.



    Six Flags follows the latter train of thought, as we've seen repeatedly. Take from that what you will.

    Judging by the average line for The Joker, I don't think people are comparing it to Nitro/El Toro.

  2. So I finally made it to the park today to check out Joker. Was disappointed to see a max height of 6'5. I'm 6'6. I'm assuming it's leg length to prevent kicking another rider. Does anyone here think I can make a case to pair me up with shorter riders so I can get on? Who can I ask? The entry member said nope.

    It's definitely a leg thing, me and my brother are both about 6' and our legs aren't too far away from each other when we're in the station.

  3. That's true but then again we have no facts that a coaster will be coming in the coming years. I don't think flays will take that spot but I wouldn't be surprised if they or a JL did

    Honestly, I trust Railer. He was right about The Joker, and I think he'll be right about the T-Rex (fingers crossed it'll be named Batman V Superman)

  4. Glad they added some more Vegetarian/Vegan options, but there are some thing that they could easily turn vegan, but don't. Like the flatbread's at Go Fresh Cafe, a couple of them have chicken on them, and they could easily switch that out with the Gardein Chicken Tenders, but when we asked, they said no. Same thing with the wraps. And with the burritos, if you get it vegetarian, you really just lose out on the meat, they don't add anything extra like guac (like Chipotle) or cheese sauce.


    On the flip side, dispatchers are confrontational if someone whips out a cell phone.

    And when I take out my phone in the queue for TDK



    Doesn't surprise me, the park probably tells it's security to be non confrontational and avoid fights with guests.

    What's the point of security then?

  6. So I was at the park a few days ago, and a woman was vaping right next to me, so I found security (amazed there was actually security where I was, because there's usually none to be found. Side note, there were 3 or 4 security guards at that one place, which doesn't make any sense) told him, and then walked off but watched to see if he said anything....and he didn't. He walked, looked at her, and then kept walking.

  7. I vote T:DK. The dispatch procedure means built-in time to get everyone set up with the headsets, plus they have the space to distribute the headsets in the indoor queue, and the theming to set up a potential story.

    The Dark Knight wouldn't work, the cars dispatch too fast.


    And having it on Superman wouldn't make any sense because you're facing down the entire ride, what are you going to be looking at?.


    Nitro would be a pretty good ride to have it on, but Skull Mountain is another really good choice because there isn't much theming inside.

  8. Well, we really do need a Water attraction on the Movietown side of the Park. Kingdom has Splashwater, BBNP has the Water Tower, and Frontier has the Flume. Kids have nothing to cool down with near the Seaport, and they really need. Especially with how hot we are going to be getting real soon, and espescially in the year's to come.

    What about Congo Rapids?

  9. Park is dead today. I just had my first ever marathon on a coaster, 13 rides on El Toro. Didn't have to go around through the queue, just kept switching seats for a few ride. My ass is kicked haha

    Are you still there? How are the crowds now?

  10. Went on the green side for the first time, and I honestly like the purple side better. I ended up in the superman position a lot, and was held upside down a few times too. Flipping is fine, but since the harness hurts my shoulders/collar bone, being in a superman position/being held upside down doesn't feel too good.

  11. I am not a fan of Wal mart either, some locations are much worse than others.


    If you guys really want to hear some urine stories about HH, read some of the reports on TripAdvisor. Apparently the perimeter fence near the cabanas reeks of urine. That is why most water parks have restrooms next to their wave pools. The most common complaint against HH on TripAdvisor are the slow lines and people only getting on 3 slides all day.

    "Uhh, the lines were long. 0/5 stars"

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