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Posts posted by KK456

  1. Those rides have capacity issues, and are made by Intamin. Two things Six Flags has been staying away from in recent years.


    Six Flags did install Batman at SFFT, and the superloops. Also, I don't think they've stopped working with Intamin, as Lex Luthor and Zumanjaro were recent Intamin installations. A coaster from them is not in the works, but they haven't necessarily eliminated them like Cedar Fair seems to have.

  2. ^I agree. Even though we did get GL in 2011 (if you want to count that), we've had a bit of a long stretch without any new coasters (actually, this ties our record, set in the 70's I believe?). Not that I'm complaining, as in those years we've got some great additions to the park. But I feel this is definitely the year we get a coaster; I haven't been really been mad at all with our recent additions at all, but I will be a bit disappointed if we don't get one this year. In my opinion, it's time for a new experience at Great Adventure.

  3. ^^^If your season pass & parking is on the same paper, you just walk in, and they will give you a card with just a barcode. It will have no picture ID, because now to get in you scan your card and your finger via biometrics. This basically eliminates the need for processing, so you can get right to the rides!


    ^I think that's a great idea, replacing the exit pass with free use of a flash pass. The situation on Monday would have been a lot less ugly! :lol2:


    The blue paper is a handicap pass.


    Interesting... There were a LOT of people using it though. Enough to fill a station, and there were people of all ages. There were some disabled people though, as I did see one or two people using a cane, but they were the only people who were visibly disabled I saw.

  5. That's definitely true. A lot of time one (for lack of a better word) stupid person decides to do something insane and ruin it for everyone. That's unfortunately how most people get hurt on rides. If that ever happens they could add a net, or they might even have to stop the trains from dueling.

  6. This also happened to me on Kingda Ka on Monday. It was ridiculous. I also heard people were boarding the skyride from the exit too. By any chance, did you see these people give the operator a blue sheet of paper? I know now that it probably wasn't an exit pass so...

  7. ...I'll just embed the photos I guess...






    I thought about it, and realized that it is actually really early for track fabrication. I got a picture of F325 track before it was announced, but that was only a month or two before it was announced. This? This is really early. Most likely for some overseas park. I only think this because steel is diffucult to move and store, so I don't think they would keep it until August right? (Also, anyone else see that green track in the background?)

  8. ^Wow. This is very interesting! The track spine looks bigger than usual which means it is most likely a hyper or a giga! The ties are not curved so an invert or flyer is out of the question. It could be wingrider track though. It is a bit early though, and this could be going to any park. But still, even though the text I write looks calmly written, I can't contain my excitement! Let the speculation begin! A B&M in Old Country? Seems very possible now.


    EDIT: I just realized, is a clone of X-Flight in the works?

  9. ^*Wicked Cyclone


    I don't know if you noticed, but back in the 2000's we got everything we asked for. I heard people were screaming for a woodie, and we got the world's best, for example. Following that we had a period of lows without coasters, but with necessary park improvements and we definitely improved our flat game. I know for certain that we will get a coaster this year (heck, if we don't, that will break our all time record for longest time without a coaster) but the question is what is realistic enough to build? If we go to this question, we can get a clearer idea of what's coming our way. Right now the only possibilities seem to be a custom RMC, which if we know Six Flags will have to break at least 1 record, or a Premier of some sort.


    A B&M wingrider doesn't seem possible any longer for a multitude of reasons, and I don't think it would be the greatest fit at the park. That brings you to question #2; what is the best fit for the park? This can sometimes conflict with question #1 as sometimes parks don't build the best rides for their park, and an example of this would be El Diablo in many people's eyes (depending on your opinion). A wingrider wouldn't really work as we have enough standard B&M loopers, and unless we get a launched wingrider like Thunderbird (which would change the circumstances entirely) there isn't much a wingrider can do that a regular looper can't. If we do get a wingrider I hope we get one similar to Thunderbird, focusing on quick directional changes instead of multiple inversions; I feel Holiday World truly took advantage of the wingrider seating. A loop on a wingrider is no different than one on a floorless for example. But an S-hill on the two would be entirely different on each. The emphasis on wingriders should be banking not inversions, but no park has figured that out yet, and I don't think Gadv would take full advantage of the different heartline. Something like Maverick or iSpeed, both launched Intamin Blitzes would be a great fit for the park as it adds another launch and one that isn't so extreme as Kingda Ka, but with fast paced inversions and banked turns. Another relatively good fit would be a giga of some sort for reasons I stated above, but you as you take a look at these rides you begin to see why they won't be coming to our park in 2016.


    Question #3 would be what do you want for the park, but this will almost always conflict with #s 1 and 2 and won't be feasible unless you think with the first 2 questions in mind. I could get all detailed into this but I don't want to type too much :D . But the concept is clear. We will almost certainly get more of a Question 1 type coaster than Question 2 or 3.

  10. Are they still sending two kingda ka trains for every zumanjaro ride?

    From what I saw, no. They were running Kingda Ka normally for the most part and I only saw it stop for Zumanjaro once all day. They would launch it even if Zumanjaro was up, but it was only in sync once.

  11. Goliath is kinda short and really overrated in my opinion. But any RMC is fine


    110% Agree. Goliath is ridiculously short and is much overhyped. If we do get a custom RMC, i'd like something more like outlaw run. I do think Goliath's I305 support structure is really cool though!


    As for a giga in Old Country, financially it is impossible, but it's fun to dream. I think an I305 style giga (the best kind, anyway) could easily fit into old country, and I think it's actually a great idea to put another world class ride in that side of the park. It seems like 80% of the popular rides are on the left side of the park, like El Toro, Bizarro, Kingda Ka, Superman, Green Lantern, and on the other side of the park there are only Batman and Nitro. A new extreme attraction would restore the balance, plus radically change the skyline. Plus, it would make Gadv one of the 2 parks with coasters in every height category. It's incredibly unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to dream!

  12. So I went to the park today, since on Monday I accomplished nearly nothing at the park with the insane crowds, and it was a complete 180 from the bad experience I had on Monday.


    The crowds were non-existent at the start, then slowly it began to populate, but not too much. Almost every ride was a walk-on, and the longest wait I encountered was 15 minutes (no lie). I got to ride every coaster plus Zumanjaro and Skyscreamer, so all in all it was a great trip. It was drizzling and freezing cold though, but I say it was worth it.


    Im going to just list all the information as I'm too tired to type a whole story-line :lol2:


    Nitro was closed for almost the whole day, and was testing just as long. It opened at around 3PM, and I got to ride in the front row after waiting 10 minutes. Unfortunately, the reports of Nitro being noticeably slower because of the new wheels not breaking in were true; the train crawled over the airtime hills and the experience just wasn't as good as usual. Hopefully by next time the wheels will have broken in!


    I practically walked on to Batman and it was intense as usual. I rode it and every other ride in the front row, so that was a plus.


    Bizarro was so empty that if you wanted to ride again, the operator said to just find a row nobody is waiting for! I was in a hurry so I only rode once.


    Green Lantern for some reason was much smoother and enjoyable than usual. It was also a walk on, and at first they were running 1 train but they later decided to bring out the second as crowds grew.


    The same applied with Superman. I was actually in line when they brought out the second train, so there was a major delay. The staff were inefficient, taking forever to load each train. I think I waited much longer than I should have to ride honestly.


    When I walked into the Golden Kingdom, I was astonished; Kingda Ka was a walk-on. We ran to the station and within 5 minutes we were on, despite a couple people being in front of us. People caught on though, and crowds grew. Even then, they were running 2 trains with extraordinary efficiency. It only broke down once all day, and it had nothing to do with the ride itself (An airgate came loose so they had to drill it back in). Again the launches were very powerful, with no trains coming anywhere near a rollback. I rode twice, both in front. When I left, I noticed something very interesting. They actually ran Kingda Ka and Zumanjaro simultaneously! It was only one time, but it was really cool to see.


    I thought they would resume testing on El Diablo, but I didn't see any. Then I saw that they were installing the flames onto the ride. It looks a lot better personally.


    Zumanjaro was also a walk-on and I waited 2 minutes. I had never been on it during the day, so it was a bit new to me. It was incredible as usual.


    El Toro was very unreliable. It seemed to break down every time we got in line, and get repaired whenever we got in line for another ride. It was really frustrating, but at the end of the day I got my ride. They were running only 1 train, so despite the not-so-crowded station, it was a bit of a long wait compared to the others.


    I decided to go on Skyscreamer for the second time because I had some spare time. It's a nice experience, and I'm glad they added it to the park in 2012. I also went on the Skyride a couple of times and I definitely saw the trailer and the markers that everyone is speculating about, although the path to Old Kingdom itself was closed today.


    I went home at around 4:30 as I was tired and there was nothing left to ride (I didn't feel like riding twice). Honestly, that experience was a completely different and better experience than the last time I went. I suspect it wasn't crowded because of the weather and the fact that it was the mid-end of the week, but I'm not complaining. I'm glad I went today!

  13. Why is the path in old country reopened? I havent gone this season yet but if i remember from past seasons, there's nothing over there. You walk all the way around and the 1st thing open is dark knight and food places across from it (next to batman). Looking at that picture makes me realize how much space there actually is and how much potential this part of the park has.


    I saw the area from pretty much every ride with a long enough view (Zumanjaro, Skyskreamer, Skyride, and Nitro) and I can most certainly agree. There is a lot of space to work with in this part of the park

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