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Posts posted by Zash

  1. I don't mind Har, all in fun. It's just a shame with our really great past, and what Great Adventure has done over the Year's by always being the Innovator, and a leader in "Cutting Edge" Coaster's and Rides. From all the way back to the only "Supersidewinder" ever made, to the the 1st Interlocking Loop's on "Lightning Loop's", and then, at the time they were added, the top Coaster's of the year's when they debuted with our "Big 3" Ka, Nitro, and Toro. Yeah, a "JL" is newer, but they are even what, 4-5 year's old now? You know in a year or two they will let it go to crap and half the stuff won't work anymore. I mean they think new themeing on a Dark Ride is a cheap light effect you can buy at Spencer's to add to the break run of the TDK, when the ride used to have really awesome 3-D Hologram Effects. And oh, yeah, now there will be 2 Subway "jump scares" on rides right next to each other. But nah, that won't seem repetative at all, and take all "the scare" out of em'. And now it will be two "Hall Of Justices" seperated by a Box in a section that should be a "Gotham City" more than anything. And now a big ugly mostly empty Building will continue to rot on The Boardwalk for prob another decade while they make us look at it by taking a long walk thru the Games to get to around the Park, while they miss the opportunity of all the revinue a "new" anything over there would of made. They would rather inconvienice Guest's, than make Money in a Games section like how in the past the Park always did, and should, and is proven to be successful. It's a stupid move for many different valid reason's.

    This exactly. I don't mind if there are off years. I don't mind if our additions are sometimes smaller. But we haven't gotten an original coaster of the same caliber as our Big 3 since 2006. For one of the biggest Six Flags parks, 12 years is too long to not have a new rollercoaster that isn't a clone.


    The part about upkeep is key here. JL looks great on paper, but people forget how SF works. Things break, malfunction, and they are never fixed. After ten years, JL is just going to be some random ride in the corner of the park that is basically abandoned.


    Why the ride is not being put in the old warehouse building is beyond me. There is literally no positive in creating a new building. Not only would they profit more by putting it on the Boardwalk, it makes the park prettier without having two gigantic boxes next to each other. There's a reason Disney is ahead in the business. They don't just arbitrarily create buildings. Each building has a purpose and fits in. SF just makes boxes.


    Quite honestly really disappointed in the recent trends of SF. Until things start looking up, Hershey and Dorney will be getting my money. The park just isn't the same anymore.

  2. Baisically I said that SFOG now, with the Park's Rep stating that the addition SFOG is getting, is NOT a "1st of it's kind", and it is very "cutting edge" or "high tech" ( i forget what the exact phrase used was) with those comment's, SFOG is most likely getting a "JL" and with MM the other prime canidate for "JL", Great Adventure IS NOT GETTING A JL IN 2017. Like i have been saying for a couple month's now, and now were getting some vague confirmation of that, that will only get stronger as time passes. And the T-Rex is over the development Phase, it has been in development for well over a year in May of this year. In May of 2016 Six Flag's sent out the T-Rex animation, if they put that out in May of last year, it had to have been pretty far along at that point for them to have an animation of it. And if they made the 1st Full SIze piece of Track for it back in November of last year, by this point they are well into production. That's why i want some RMC Plant pics, i am alomost certain there is T-Rex Track being stacked up in that Yard somewhere.

    I completely agree with the fact that we aren't getting JL this year, but do you think it's possible that SFOG is getting a clone of the Joker? It's not new, but the flipping and 4D element are very cutting edge. Maybe that'll be special for their 50th anniversary?

  3. With the exception of Chiller, Old Country was a flat ride area. I would enjoy a good flat package filling that area in. Someone mentioned an Enterprise, That would be awesome. I know flats aren't high thrill but I think flats would be perfect.

    Everyone keeps calling for more shows. To have a new loud coaster in that area would take away form any shows in the theater.

    That's what I'm thinking. Flat rides would bring me back as well. I'm a huge Disney fan and their dark rides are miles better than what I've seen of JL. I wouldn't bother with a crappy dark ride.


    Flats would be cool, especially a HUSS frisbee.


    EDIT: Adding flats in Old Country would be a good way to revive that area and pave the way for a new coaster in the future

  4. Okay, I'm seen all videos about Six Flags 2017 future rides at YouTube, there's too many people predicting JL dark ride is coming to our park well as SFMM too next year. Some people predicting other rides coming to other parks next year like RMC Cyclone for SFOG and 4D Free Fly Coaster for SFOT.

    Just cause everyone predicts it doesn't mean it's happening.


    A TREX would actually bring me back to SFGAdv. A JL dark ride would not.

  5. We have two more months left until SF announces new rides next year at SF parks, next month is August so we will figure it out when our park will get new ride next year like JL dark ride or not. And we still have no clues from Six Flags about this new ride next year, anyone?

    Why are you so obsessed with JL dark rides?

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    But why? I'm so waiting for this? Why? Why? 2017 is whatever we will ever get? Who? Justice League or Flat Rides or Coaster? Whatever we will ever get for 2017 project. My predict is 2018 project like JL dark ride. If JL dark ride was planned for 2018. Fine! I will leave alone with these losers like you. Rumors always right for 2017/2018 for Justice League dark ride. Some is right, some is wrong. I'm waiting for two more years to want JL dark ride...

    It's obvious that we aren't getting JL in 2017. I don't know why you're so adamant about this; just because you want it doesn't mean it'll happen. There are clearly two other perfect parks for it next year and SF has only brought JL to two parks a year. 2018, and in my opinion ever more likely in 2019, are much more likely.


    I believe that this year is either going to be a T-REX or the flat package. The year after is going to be whatever we didn't get in 2017.


    Wherever the T-REX is going, it most definitely is a SF park. They're the ones who said the days of $20M coasters are over, and the T-REX is being marketed as a cheap option for coasters.

    • Like 1

    But why? I'm so waiting for this? Why? Why? 2017 is whatever we will ever get? Who? Justice League or Flat Rides or Coaster? Whatever we will ever get for 2017 project. My predict is 2018 project like JL dark ride. If JL dark ride was planned for 2018. Fine! I will leave alone with these losers like you. Rumors always right for 2017/2018 for Justice League dark ride. Some is right, some is wrong. I'm waiting for two more years to want JL dark ride...

    It's obvious that we aren't getting JL in 2017. I don't know why you're so adamant about this; just because you want it doesn't mean it'll happen. There are clearly two other perfect parks for it next year and SF has only brought JL to two parks a year. 2018, and in my opinion ever more likely in 2019, are much more likely.


    I believe that this year is either going to be a T-REX or the flat package. The year after is going to be whatever we didn't get in 2017.


    Wherever the T-REX is going, it most definitely is a SF park. They're the ones who said the days of $20M coasters are over, and the T-REX is being marketed as a cheap option for coasters.

  8. In an interview with the CEO of Six Flags, they talked about the international packs they're acquiring. What was worth noting is that they mentioned Great Adventure becoming a destination park... I think big things are coming to our park in the next couple parks. It started with the Joker and now it can only get better from here.

  9. I'd personally like to see a black and white color scheme, similar to Full Throttle at SFMM. Our park already has way too many cool colors (green, blue, and purple). Both Superman and Batman are yellow. As guests walk into the park, they're greeted by Superman's red track, so I'm not entirely too sure we need more of that either. Black is the only color our park lacks (only features on Batman, an already compact and small in stature coaster).

  10. I'd say that is also a bold statement but you should realize that this has been the only instance where we were excited about a disappointment and were upset by the addition. Since we have no clue what we are getting 2017, everything is an open book. If a certain rumor starts, I'll glad that I will be here to see why that rumor is likely to come true.


    Right now, this thread is talking only about the dueler and the dark right, which doesn't make too much sense. Sure, the park sent out a survey about the dueler but that doesn't mean they're going to go through with it. Most fans wanted the 10-inversion free-spin, but that doesn't mean they got it. Most fans want the dueler, but that doesn't mean we'll get it. Sure, it'd be cool, but with how cheap Six Flags has been these past few years (sans Zu), I don't know if its going to happen.


    The dark ride is much more probable and probably what we will end up getting in 2017.

  11. I'm certainly hoping for a the Dueler in 2017, but that is somewhat of a bold prediction. A Justice League Dark Ride would seem to be a more realistic fit, but as Railer said, Fitzgerald's #1 Priority is no dead areas in the park. I honestly am excited to see what 2017 entails.


    I get SF is trying to save money, but what was the last custom-coaster they built (that wasn't something like Total Mayhem) or an RMC transformation? I'm talking a coaster like Bizzaro or Nitro that has a drop and loops and all that stuff. I honestly don't see them investing the time or money into a dueler for any year. With how SF operates, they'll probably just throw some flats in OC and call it a day (which is why I'm done purchasing season passes).



    Here's my prediction for what will happen in 2017: we're all going to talk and talk about a dueler and the JL dark ride (just like how we talked about free-spins, wing-riders, and a giga this year). By mid-august, most of us will have our own ideas as to what the park is getting and most of them will probably be disappointed (like GAdv receiving a free-spin). A few days later, we'll get our hopes up about some good news about the disappointment (similar to how we thought we were getting the 10 inversion model from S&S). 2017 is just going to be a repeat of this year, except the focus will most likely be on the dueler. We'll get all excited about it near the end, and then we'll come to the realization that we're just going to get a JL dark ride. Which isn't as amazing as you all think (it's good for SF standards, but I don't think because SF management is lazy and cheap that we can cut them some slack. There's no excuse for dirtier areas, lackluster themeing in potentially amazing areas of the park (Golden Kingdom, Plaza), and ride teams that are getting slower and slower at loading trains. No thank you. People keep saying that we didn't get the short end of the stick this year. To be fair, the stick wasn't that long to begin with.


    EDIT: typo

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