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Everything posted by AK456

  1. It must suck to have your birthday gift surprise spoiled!!!
  2. I don't think TDK is a candidate for VR at all and I highly doubt skull mountain will get it since they tested it on nitro, it seems like that's what SF will go with. Either that or bizarro which is a better fit for VR
  3. Eldiablo is "just a carnival ride" and yet I can't stop riding it...I wonder why...
  4. I definately think batman and nitro will most likely get repainted for this new addition in 2017
  5. Reminds me of Eldiablo, some people hate it but many, especially the GP love it. I for sure do
  6. Are you mad they didn't listen to you, the mighty railer?
  7. Hell come running back when we get something big dw
  8. Anyone notice the size of the space between eltoro and bizarro..?
  9. Lol I love how happy you are that were getting a jl
  10. If MM gets the dive coaster they're rumored to get then gadv will be do much more likely to get the Trex. I don't see MM going with a Trex when there watching closely on 2016s biggest hit (probably) valraven.
  11. Definately true but GA doesn't get enough credit...
  12. Yeah, MM will always be spoiled and stuff which sucks a lot!! But we don't need to be 100% unique to be a great park
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