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PTR: May 9, 2009


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People: Me

My friends Eli, Trevon, and Dorian

Their friends whose names escape me at the moment


Rides: El Toro 1x

Nitro 1x

B:TR 2x

S:UF 2x


Dark Knight 1x

Runaway Train 1x

Blackbeard 1x

Big Wheel 1x

Fling 1x

Twister 1x

Dare Devil Dive 1x

Buccaneer 1x

Carousel 1x


TR: I went with half the school on Renaissance Day for the 3rd year in a row. Unlike the last two times, my friends Eli & Trevon brought their female friends who I never met before. I have nothing against them personally, but they were just SO DANG SLOW AND STUPID! Every time I walked over to a ride, they were distracted by a Boardwalk game or something stupid. So that really cheesed my off, but not as much as the fact that Ka was closed the whole day due to "technaical difficulty" :cursing: . Besides those two setbacks it was a really good day! The weather was really nice and everything!


Our first stop was Nitro, which was about a 5 minute wait considering the guys took forever to put their stuff in the ride locker. After Nitro -and a quick hello to Sue who just got off the train we were getting on- we headed over to Batman, which was about a 10 minute wait in the hot, cramped queue. The front row was definately worth it, and went by like that. Then we went on Dark Knight, which to everyone's surprise, didn't have a 1 hour+ wait. After a ride on Blackbeard, Buccaneer, and the improved Big Wheel. We had our awesome lunch at the Picnic Grove :Eat: .


After lunch, we spilt up into two sections. Trevon and a few of his friends went on the east side of the park, and me, Eli and the idiots went to the West. Because they were so slow and stupid, the only rides I was able to get with them was two rides on GASM and one- by myself- on RMT. I eventually found Trey's group and hung out with them for a little while on another B:TR ride. Then I reunited with Eli's group because we had reservations for Dare Devil Dive, unfortunately, we couldn't ride it in time for our pre-scheduled dinner, so we had to postpone. Since we had a little time left, we rode the Carousel for the heck of it. Then I had a quick dinner at Papa John's and a quicker ride on Fling, my favorite flat in the park. I met up with both groups at DDD and myself, Eli, and a girl named Jasmine were ready to ride it. Riding this was definately the highlight of the day, but since it's a crapload of money, I don't see myself riding it again in the future.


After a quick ride on Twister (which has a noticeably shorter ride length for some reason :( ), we headed over to El Toro, which was about a 30-minute wait with two trains running. Toro was the other highlight of the day. With only an hour left until we had to leave, we went over to S:UF which only had a 5-minute wait. I got to ride a second time since I accidentally got on the train before my friends, so I found an empty single seat and got really lucky :thumbup1: . After a solo trip to the Main Street Market to get a couple of new shirts, we reunited at the fountain and got ready to leave. I also noticed that the Big Wheel's lights were functioning, but I unfortunately wasn't able to get photos since it was time to leave.


Overall: 5 out of 6 Flags. As I've mentioned before, Despite the two major downsides, the day really went well for me. Last years' trip with the school was much, much better in my opinion. I'll post the pics when I have time.



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It sounds like you had a good time despite your "anchors"!!!


:D I love the lines:


I have nothing against them personally, but they were just SO DANG SLOW AND STUPID!


Trevon and a few of his friends went on the east side of the park, and me, Eli and the idiots went to the West. Because they were so slow and stupid, the only rides I was able to get with them was two rides on GASM and one- by myself- on RMT.




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We're finally here!



Looks good as new!



Mr. Six just doing his job



Bugs & Daffy seem excited



OMG opened gate!!



Our first stop



Money shot



Batman's missing his pants...embarissing..






I love this thing :)



New outdoor show



I really need a camera with a better zoom feature



Awesome view



The remains



If only we knew what was happening inside...



Ninja shot



Just two guys chillin'



Impressive, most impressive






Nitro's train got stuck at midday



Was this shower-thing here before, or am I just oblivious?



Kewl train shot



Flying over sunset



Time to say goodbye, Mr. Wabbit



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