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New residents debut in Fort Independence


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Yay for the news being out hahaha. Knew for a while but welcome new additions Ella and Kenobi! The show(as of right now,don't know if it'll change later on) is still a "how we train these behaviors" show and feel it may be that way for a while because Ella and Kenobi weren't in shows where they came from and were just exhibit animals so they're not used to the show environment yet.


Also incase there is any confusions, Anoki and Dichali are still there.


Oh and happy birthday Ella and Dichali! Today we celebrated their birthdays :) happybday.gif

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On June 3, my brother saw them transporting sea lions in a box in a truck from the area behind the Sea Port to Fort Independence beside Blackbeard. I was in another section of the park at the time, I was dissapointed that I missed it. I guess these are the sea lions that they were moving. I am still sad that there is no dolphins, but I am looking forward to the new animals in the new show.

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Yay for the news being out hahaha.


I am glad the new show finally debuted! I saw it today and it was really enjoyable. Hats off to the trainers (who are a mix from Great Adventure and Discovery Kingdom) for having such a fine show right out of the gate on opening day!


I am working on a photo trip report... stay tuned!

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I am glad the new show finally debuted! I saw it today and it was really enjoyable. Hats off to the trainers (who are a mix from Great Adventure and Discovery Kingdom) for having such a fine show right out of the gate on opening day!


I am working on a photo trip report... stay tuned!


Glad you enjoyed it and also thought they did well for the first show back! All the trainers are the usual GADV trainers but 2(or so) of them went to DK for about 10days/2 weeks to form a relationship with the newbies before they came to Gadv.




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Not quite sure if i can but ill try! Just not 100% positive so don't quote me! lol


1st looks like Kenobi .

2nd looks like Anoki or Dichali, don't know the difference between them yet.

3rd ^Same as above

Last photo looks like Kenobi again.


But like i said, not positive. Its easier to tell in person then photos.

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  • 1 year later...

We have one male and 3 girls, plenty of opportunity to expand! The only ones related are anoki and dichali who are half sisters. Just a matter if they choose to or not, they're very temperamental during rut/mating season. But just like humans also depends on if they along with their bodies are ready and matured enough.

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