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Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom - NOW OPEN!


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With all due respect for your age, Busch/Sea World parks are not destination parks any more than Six Flags parks may be. And Busch literally started as actual gardens at their brewery's. Time, creativity, and excellent planning to ensure a very positive guest experience is what made the two remaining themers into the well attended, quality theme parks they are today. Personally, given that they're no longer BEC parks, I believe you can already see the beginning of their decline relative to their attention for detail and park upkeep.


There is no reason that given GAs market and size that it can't beat 1978's attendance of 3 million people consistently in the 21st century, yet it does not.

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Im not saying there arent things that need serious work because there definitly are! But getting on here and bashing the park about not being a destination park...ie not doing things the busch way...which btw how is that going ever since they went public? Or about getting rid of rolling thunder. These things are done there over with! Am i upset rolling thunder will not be around OF COARSE but I had my final rides on her and like every ride out there I know theres an eventual inevitable expiration date. And unfortunately rolling thunder's is up.


In fact we want to play busch comparissons how many people caused an uproar at the closure of bbw? Id contest a much more iconic ride than rolling thunder mind you. Not to mention it was replaced with a drop tower that was not built immediately on the same land...its actually quite a similar scenario!


There were some but mostly people came to understand and we can be upset WITH the park that its time to bid farewell to an old favorite.


Busch is a destination park. When your a destination you only build a few scattered out to appeal to a much larger population. When your regional you build a lot more to appeal to a more immediate area.



And when great adventure opened it WAS meant to be a destination park that was warner leroy's vision. Unfortunately that did not pan out. We are a regional park now our goal is to appeal to our immediate area. Bgw's goal is to appeal to everything on the east coast north of georgia...thats not our goal.


Lets push for more dark rides more shows and other things we need that CAN be done lets not harp on things we simply can't do right now

Edited by JJ2K
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I'm going to attribute it to your age, but the term destination park in the industry means the park is the destination for their vacation or trip. Orlando is not the destination, WDW is the destination. It's a resort. People don't usually view Anaheim as their destination, Disneyland is their destination. A regional park is one that draws most of its attendance from a given region largely because marketing efforts are limited to that region. Williamsburg is the destination for a variety of vacation reasons, but that doesn't make Busch a destination park. People vacation in Hershey PA, but that doesn't make HersheyPark a destination park Look at Universal Studios Florida versus Hollywood. Universal Studios in Florida may be a destination park, but the Hollywood park is definitely a regional park.

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Dude its how the company plans their business model.


Busch's/blackstone's model is that they have a few parks that need to appeal to a bigger population. Thats the same model as disney and universal.


The regional model is you build a bunch that appeal to a smaller population.


Once again youve scooted the issue to reaffirm something I said and were saying the exact same thing.


This type of business model is not limited to theme parks either. You have restaurants that do the same. Applebees and tgi fridays have regional business models while cheesecake factory and pf changs have destination models. Same can be said for grocery stores. Shop rite is regional while wegmans is destination.


When i say regional or destination im talking about the business model. And what your business model is determines how you run things. Six flags will run things more like cedar fair does because they both have regional models. Disney, universal and blackstone (busch) will run things similarly because they have a destination model. Now obviously universal and disney will be more extreme with it because their goal extends beyond the populational parameters of the united states. But make no mistake about it blackstone is right there underneath them in that respect their the lower rung destination model park. We're the higher rung regional model park

Edited by JJ2K
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Dude its how the company plans their business model.


Busch's/blackstone's model is that they have a few parks that need to appeal to a bigger population. Thats the same model as disney and universal.


The regional model is you build a bunch that appeal to a smaller population.





Exactly. They do so well because they appeal to a bigger population. Great Adventure is near NYC, one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. The park is an easy day trip, but people do not go because it is not worth the trip. They can't just send the teenagers and leave the rest of the family behind, and the adults do not want to go because it is an ugly, tacky, roller coaster mecca that they do not enjoy.


Even just considering the population that lives near the park, it should be the most visited park in the country. It is not because families stay away. To say that the park has to stay this way is rediculous. There is no reason it needs to be so tacky and ugly. It costs just as much to paint a ride flourescent lime green as it does to paint it sky blue. It costs as much to give a ride a superhero theme as it does to give it a theme that matches the park. These decisions have nothing to do with money or whether the park is regional or a destination. They are just the result of bad decisions made by people who apparently know nothing about theme parks.


Great Adventure would be a destination if it was worth the trip, and there is nothing stopping it from being so except bad decisions.

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He's not saying it has to stay that way. He wants them to up their theming and provide a more well-rounded experience. What he's saying is that he understands their decisions from a business philosophy standpoint(SF's philosophy of running regional parks with a set budget they have to follow, and a set demographic)

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well i dont know about you guys but i dont go to amusement parks and make sure eery park section has spot on themeing. there is a reason why i dont o to disney! maybe be grateful that we have a coaster like kingda ka be gateful of the great lineup of coasters and rides we have.

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It's still nice to have nice theming, even if you don't go for that, a lot of people do. I just think that if they are gonna put in an African themed ride, make sure it is in an African themed section, which it isn't. It just doesn't look good to mix themes, it just won't work.

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Dude its how the company plans their business model.


Busch's/blackstone's model is that they have a few parks that need to appeal to a bigger population. Thats the same model as disney and universal.


The regional model is you build a bunch that appeal to a smaller population.


Once again youve scooted the issue to reaffirm something I said and were saying the exact same thing.


This type of business model is not limited to theme parks either. You have restaurants that do the same. Applebees and tgi fridays have regional business models while cheesecake factory and pf changs have destination models. Same can be said for grocery stores. Shop rite is regional while wegmans is destination.


When i say regional or destination im talking about the business model. And what your business model is determines how you run things. Six flags will run things more like cedar fair does because they both have regional models. Disney, universal and blackstone (busch) will run things similarly because they have a destination model. Now obviously universal and disney will be more extreme with it because their goal extends beyond the populational parameters of the united states. But make no mistake about it blackstone is right there underneath them in that respect their the lower rung destination model park. We're the higher rung regional model park

I give up!

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It's still nice to have nice theming, even if you don't go for that, a lot of people do. I just think that if they are gonna put in an African themed ride, make sure it is in an African themed section, which it isn't. It just doesn't look good to mix themes, it just won't work.

the golden kingdom is basically an african themed section.

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As a fan of sfga i was excited when the rumors of a drop tower became reality, but the news of the planned removal rolling thunder quickly killed the euphoria, it was like a punch in the gut. It made no sense - why get rid of a landmark, my kids love it, I still enjoy it, rode it at least 200 times. The park should be building on its iconic attractions (eg themimg, adding flat rides) not kill them. What ticks me off is that (speculation on my part) is that sf had this planned for a long time and decided to bury the bad news in a major announcement for the park, minimizing public outcry. Very sly marketing move. They can build drop tower without removing rt, there is ton of space, I think this is bs.


Ok, so adding a world class thrill ride is kinda cool, but where is the transitional ride replacement? My family is not going to go to sfga because of a 400 ft drop, quite frankly it frightens them. We want an more transitional rides that we can all enjoy.


So, reading other comments, it sounds like 'dont worry, the park will be better in 2015'. Did not see a press release for that, clearly the release mentioned it needed to make room for the drop ride(even though as I stated earlier I think it bs)


The other thing mentioned is that supposedly attendance will go up for the teenagers and young adult thrill seekers. One problem though, for those of you that actually keep tabs in the economy, the teenage unemployment is at record low levels for 4 years in a row (Google it) - I dont see how the jobless are going increase park revenue. Not to mention many recent college graduates are getting part time work, so there us an oversupply of new grads with less disposable income.


The reality is the expendable cash comes from families that want to pay for an overall experience (theming,food, rides, entertainment,shopping). I would say the minority of folks get kicks by dropping 400 ft from the sky. Disney, universal, even in jersey places like jenkinsons in pt pleasant and morey's piers in wildwood give an overall experience that families pay for ( pt pleasant rides are non thrill) And these places are doing quite well.


After this announcement I really feel that sfga is

1) abandoning history (dumping rt) 2) abandoning families(not replacing rt with transitional ride)

3) has no vision for themimg


The only thing that would change my mind for 3) is if great adventure became great animal adventure and get rid of all wb characters/theming. But that is not going to happen.


Bottom line, families have the cash to sustain the thrill rides, not the other way around, if the total experience is there. Getting rid of rt, and on top of that not replacing with a transitional ride, is a step in the wrong direction, the numbers for the teens/ young adults will not go up, there will be issues couples years time


I still think sfga is a great amusement park (not a theme park) around the corner. Hope for the best.

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the golden kingdom is basically an african themed section.

Ok, I agree a little bit. However, considering Kingda Ka is themed as a Bengal Tiger, and they will be placing an African ride on it, that doesn't make sense, since tigers are not African. Splashwater Oasis is a jungle themed area for kids, but the safari discoveries, which has been closed, can be fore of an African type of theme. Point is, Kingda Ka is not African themed, therefore, you should not put an African themed ride on it, that is mixing themes.

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Can't really agree with that though, I've always thought of Kingda Ka being African themed. I've never felt it was solely themed after tigers. I think there are far worse themeing clashes throughout the park than the tower being placed on Ka and it's theme.

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As a fan of sfga i was excited when the rumors of a drop tower became reality, but the news of the planned removal rolling thunder quickly killed the euphoria, it was like a punch in the gut. It made no sense - why get rid of a landmark, my kids love it, I still enjoy it, rode it at least 200 times. The park should be building on its iconic attractions (eg themimg, adding flat rides) not kill them. What ticks me off is that (speculation on my part) is that sf had this planned for a long time and decided to bury the bad news in a major announcement for the park, minimizing public outcry. Very sly marketing move. They can build drop tower without removing rt, there is ton of space, I think this is bs.


Ok, so adding a world class thrill ride is kinda cool, but where is the transitional ride replacement? My family is not going to go to sfga because of a 400 ft drop, quite frankly it frightens them. We want an more transitional rides that we can all enjoy.


So, reading other comments, it sounds like 'dont worry, the park will be better in 2015'. Did not see a press release for that, clearly the release mentioned it needed to make room for the drop ride(even though as I stated earlier I think it bs)


The other thing mentioned is that supposedly attendance will go up for the teenagers and young adult thrill seekers. One problem though, for those of you that actually keep tabs in the economy, the teenage unemployment is at record low levels for 4 years in a row (Google it) - I dont see how the jobless are going increase park revenue. Not to mention many recent college graduates are getting part time work, so there us an oversupply of new grads with less disposable income.


The reality is the expendable cash comes from families that want to pay for an overall experience (theming,food, rides, entertainment,shopping). I would say the minority of folks get kicks by dropping 400 ft from the sky. Disney, universal, even in jersey places like jenkinsons in pt pleasant and morey's piers in wildwood give an overall experience that families pay for ( pt pleasant rides are non thrill) And these places are doing quite well.


After this announcement I really feel that sfga is

1) abandoning history (dumping rt) 2) abandoning families(not replacing rt with transitional ride)

3) has no vision for themimg


The only thing that would change my mind for 3) is if great adventure became great animal adventure and get rid of all wb characters/theming. But that is not going to happen.


Bottom line, families have the cash to sustain the thrill rides, not the other way around, if the total experience is there. Getting rid of rt, and on top of that not replacing with a transitional ride, is a step in the wrong direction, the numbers for the teens/ young adults will not go up, there will be issues couples years time


I still think sfga is a great amusement park (not a theme park) around the corner. Hope for the best.

well i am a teen and i disagree. When i think of amusment rides i think of thrills. But then again i am a teen not a parent so right there i see your point

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Holy crap people! The Golden Kingdom is NOT Africa, it"s ASIA! We really need to fix our school system.


Golden Kingdom and Frontier Adventures were the only real themed areas in the park. Now they are destroying what little theming that is left. The budget excuse is rediculous. It cost just as much to give the drop tower an African theme as it would to give it an Asian or Western theme.


Rides being given inappropriate themes has nothing to do with budget, just bad choices. Noone expects Great Adventure to be Disney, but it does not have to be tacky and ugly. They CAN have theming, without additional cost. Just give the rides appropriate themes to begin with, it wouldn't cost any more than the themes they do give them.

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Holy crap people! The Golden Kingdom is NOT Africa, it"s ASIA! We really need to fix our school system.


Golden Kingdom and Frontier Adventures were the only real themed areas in the park. Now they are destroying what little theming that is left. The budget excuse is rediculous. It cost just as much to give the drop tower an African theme as it would to give it an Asian or Western theme.


Rides being given inappropriate themes has nothing to do with budget, just bad choices. Noone expects Great Adventure to be Disney, but it does not have to be tacky and ugly. They CAN have theming, without additional cost. Just give the rides appropriate themes to begin with, it wouldn't cost any more than the themes they do give them.

Thank you for understanding that it is not Africa! I didn't understand why people told me that the Golden Kingdom was Africa, like I said, Kingda ka is a Bengal Tiger theme, which is Asian.

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Holy crap people! The Golden Kingdom is NOT Africa, it"s ASIA.

The Golden Kingdom was "revamped" in 2011 to a more general Safari theme with the addition of Safari Discoveries, thus making an African-themed ride fit in the section. While I'm not a fan of it, the facts are the facts.

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The Golden Kingdom was "revamped" in 2011 to a more general Safari theme with the addition of Safari Discoveries, thus making an African-themed ride fit in the section. While I'm not a fan of it, the facts are the facts.

Although Safari Discoveries has been closed this year, so it was pretty much back to an Asian theme. Anyway, enough of this, the point we are all trying to make is that the theming of the park is not the greatest, and Zumanjaro does not fit well being placed on Kingda Ka.

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You know, you have said that so many times, we get the point. Its a good thing, but were just trying to give ideas and explain how the park could be even better! I know the ride is gonna be awesome. Or will it? How do we know something won't go wrong and we don't get it? What if it isn't so great after all? Slim chance, yes, but possible.

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Sounding like a damn broken record. I've seen you post this on multiple threads. Yes people do care. I grew up going GA and i am sure i would be old by your teenage standards. I have mixed feelings about the removal/addition. I do feel that ga has nonchalantly taken out icons from the park. Who ever said the Teepee and the Conestoga Wagon, I am with ya. While they werent rides they made the park unique and contributed to the over all feel of the park. Its a shame that RT has had its expiration, but i understand the cost for up keep (which to me i think they should have invested in but whatever) I totally agree the theming sucks. The park does feel slightly.. trashy? I dont know if thats the word i am looking for but... Its an all over experience that is lacking. I think they rake you over the coals from the time you drive through the gates. Its a really expensive day there, (food, parking, up charge rides, etc) i live with in 22 minutes from the park and have my whole life. We are pass holders and continue to renew them because i want my kids to grow up with fond memories of the park as i did. On the same token my family and i will drive to Knoebels(4hrs away) in a heart beat cause the whole feel of the park and its totally different. Not that i am comparing them, mind you. Apples and potato chips. I am excited to check out the drop tower though no one else in my family will(kids are too small for the big ones yet) which was why RT was a great intermediate ride for familes. I have read alot of good points being brought up here about management, bad choices and whatnot. I do agree with alot of them but my post is already getting into rambling territory, so i wont get into it. But as a fan of GA for the past 34 years, yes I care.

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A lot of people DO care. It's not just about rides. This is what Six Flags keeps saying they understand, but keep proving they do not. A park has to have more than rides. It has to have dining, shows, and atmosphere. The lack of these things is why Great Adventure is so far behind other parks in attendance even though it is the largest theme park in the country built near the largest city in the country.


Adults hate the park because it is a loud, obnoxious, tacky, ugly place with very little for them to do. Until Six Flags starts to care, they will never realize the business they should be doing.

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A lot of people DO care. It's not just about rides. This is what Six Flags keeps saying they understand, but keep proving they do not. A park has to have more than rides. It has to have dining, shows, and atmosphere. The lack of these things is why Great Adventure is so far behind other parks in attendance even though it is the largest theme park in the country built near the largest city in the country.


Adults hate the park because it is a loud, obnoxious, tacky, ugly place with very little for them to do. Until Six Flags starts to care, they will never realize the business they should be doing.


Pretty sure Great Adventure has shows, dining, and atmosphere. Is it lacking? I could agree the shows may be lacking, but not much else. Let's remember the main reason people go to amusement parks... for the rides! Adding a new major ride is the best way to boost attendance, along with good advertising. Let's face it, a new drop tower will bring in many more guests than... a new dolphin show.

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