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Speed Coastring at Great Adfenture 6/16


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Well I went to the park on my way back to the office from a meeting in Delaware.


The park was nearly empty with the bad weather. Well I assume it was bad. It was bad form Doer Delaware up to mile marker 40 in the New Jersey Turn Pike. 20 miles form exit 7A.


There were a few busses but it didn't mean much to the ride lines. All of the lines I got on were practically walk ons.


I parked the car at about 1:50. Its amazing how badly people park. There were a few cars that pulled half way into the spot in front of the one they were trying to park in. It was like driving through an obstacle course, zigging and zagging my way to a spot. Its terrible but with the lot so empty it was manageable.


Now to the speed costering, I had an hour to an hour and a half to ride as many coastersas I could before I would feel like I need to leave and get moving for the office. My targets, in order, were Nitro, Batman, Skull Mountain, The Joker, Bizarro, Superman, Green Lantern, car ride to the office. I don't know why I left out the Dark Knight. I didn't think of it until I typed this report.


I walked to Nitro and was on by 2:10. There was only a one train wait and as always it was a great ride to start the day. There was a line at the photo booth but since part of the fun in going to GA after my meeting in Delaware is to have the ride photos with me in my shirt and tie, I waited and walked away form there at about 2:20.


I went around the bend to Batman. Batman had another 1 train wait so I was on and off of there by 2:30. Batman had some smooth operations today. As one train pulled in the other was departing.


At this point I was feeling good about my speed coastering 7 coasters in 90 minutes but hit my first roadblock when I found Skull Mountain was closed. No big deal. 6 coasters in 90 minutes is still good.


I left Skull Mountain and walked to The Joker. I waked right up and was sent to the green side for a 1 train wait. I like The Joker, its short but I like it anyway. I was on the Joker by 2:40 but this fun ride is where my goal was derailed. I think I only flipped completely around 2X but including those 2 flips, I was up side down around 4 times. At the end of my ride all of the trains were stacked up because the restraints for the lead train were stuck. I didn't get off until just about 3:00.


Because of the delay at The Joker I was going to have to modify my plan and cut out Bizarro. Now I would just go for Superman and Green Lantern and make it a 5 coaster day so I walked to the Boardwalk.


Looking at Superman, as I walked along the Boardwalk I notice that it was a long time between departures. I assumed that Superman was running 1 train so I went to Green Lantern first.


Got on Green Lantern with a one train wait.. At the top of the lift I noticed there was a line for Superman and there WAS only one train running. It seems like Superman has been running with one train a lot lately.


Because Superman had a line and one train I had to alter my plan again. I started walking into the Boardwak and considered the time it would take to get to Buzarro using either of the 2 routs I could use. It was already about 3:20 now so I had to call it quits and walk to the car.


If I didn't have to go back to work I would have hit every coaster, probably multiple times. It was a perfect day for the park if you're a pass holder.


Today might have been my best chance to ride those 7 in that short time but I only got the 4 coasters in. I fell well short of my goal but it was a good time. I Went back to my office and laughed about my diversion to the park.


Well thinking about it, I now have a baseline. Next time I have an opportunity to do another speed coaster round I will have to shoot for more than 4. :-)

Edited by scott
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