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April 12, 2017


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Hey all!
Just here to give my first trip report of the year!

My party got to the park at around 11:00 ready to hit some rides. It was me, my sister, and we both brought a friend. We start off where we always do, at El Toro. The ride wasn't quite open yet as it was testing but we figured it would be open after a few laps. We got our locker and got in the forming line. The line opened a few seconds later and it took us a while to get into the line because of the security guards enforcing the new policy with no bags and stuff like that. Once we got past the security guards, it was a one train wait and we ended up being able to go for a re-ride in the first two rows of the back car. Then we kept our stuff in the lockers and headed over to Bizarro getting another one train wait. After seeing how packed it was the day before, the place was empty. Afterwards, we went on the mine train, going on the front row because it had the shortest line. Then we walked back to El Toro to pick up our stuff. After getting my wallet we got the all season photo pass and headed to kingda ka. My friend didn't want to ride so we gave her our stuff and entered the line reassuring the three security guards that there was nothing in our pockets. The switch back links were not being used so it appeared to be a long line, but ended up only being around twenty minutes. I took the last row, which ended up being a tad bit bumpy but nothing to be upset about. Then we rode the Twister which in my opinion is one of the best flat rides in the park and then Green Lantern as Superman was closed. In contrast, in my opinion, Green lantern is the worst roller coaster at the park. I just cannot deal with longer stand-up coasters. My legs feel like they are going to fall off.


We then headed out for lunch I was the only one with a dining pass so I got my cheese steak which was tasty but very dry and ate in the parking lot. We headed back in with no lines at security and went to the Sky Screamer. This was the longest wait of the day- around twenty five minutes. We played Heads-Up to pass the time. We went to the Joker next with about a ten minute line and got the Green Side. This ride is so unpredictable and I love it. I prefer to be facing the tents rather than facing skull Mountain as there are more flips on the top layer and I enjoy the front flips more than the back flips. Then we went to Skull Mountain with a fifteen minute wait for the back row (obviously). Afterwards we headed for Nitro which had a station wait (which was incredible considering we waited fifteen minutes for Skull Mountain). Then we went to Batman with a station wait and then the Dark Knight which we had to wait for two preshows, so like 15 minutes in total. I find it funny that even after the off-season I still have the press conference memorized. Then we went on Deja Vu and Nitro once more. We got ritas as a snack and headed out around 5 PM so we could go to Red Robin on the way home (which is cheaper and tastier than the park burgers)


If anyone wants to know anything that I may have left out in the trip report, please let me know!

Until next trip! ( I plan to be back at least once before Memorial Day weekend)

Keep riding!

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Nice report, I was considering going yesterday but the crowds from Tuesday scared me away since I thought it would be bad yesterday as well.


Was Skull Mountain running 2 trains? I skipped it on opening weekend because of the line with 1 train running.

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