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Posts posted by ericthewanderer

  1. The Texas and Georgia parks have some legal stipulation that SF uses part of the budget to maintain things like landscaping and themeing-why can't the company implement that chain-wide?I myself am an enthusiast of not just coasters but parks in general:tall,fast multi-loopers and woodies get my attention,but having a varied selection of rides is a HUGE asset in keeping my interest,as well as having other seemingly inconsequential amenities like trees,shows,a pot-hole free parking lot....

  2. ^ Maybe! Sure is possible.


    Warner's original plans for Great Adventure included numerous skyrides. Maybe he had planned to purchase both Freedomlands and the NYWF's skyrides in their entirety to use in the park as seperate attractions.

    Didn't Warner intend to have his multiple parks connect with each other via various skyrides/monorails/paddleboats?I think it was shown in his original design.....

  3. I think Great Adv. (and SF as a whole)should develop a partnership(s) with the various performing arts schools/colleges in Philadelphia & NYC.The principals & teachers could be hired during the summer as choreographers/bandleaders/etc and the students who completed X-amount of credits would earn a spot in their chosen area.

    At the very least Great Adv. should take some pointers from SFA-SFA recently won a Golden Ticket award for Best Stunt Show :Wow: !!

  4. Hope all those welds hold up. I am sure this has all been well planned and engineered but am I the only one who feels a little , let's say "sketchy" , about all this extra pieces just being welded to the existing tower. It's one thing if this was all made originally as one piece/ ride But to me this is just a giant after thought that someone decided to slap on to an already existing structure , for let's face it, convenience. " hey let's add a giant drop tower to the park" "yeah we can just slap it on to ka with some weld and added supports". I don't know. To me it lacks originality. The drop tower going in at bush gardens tamp is way more impressive in my opp.

    What are you worried about?It's being done by INTAMIN-not TOGO or Vekoma :rolllaf: !!!!!Just remember -Inatmin COULD have attached it to the parachute tower instead!!

  5. But it is close to classic, so it is still not acceptable, and many people including me consider it a classic. It is old enough (i think) to be a classic.

    RT-as well as most coasters from the 70's-should be considered a MODERN classic,meaning it was built in the 70's during the "renaissance era" started by KI's Racer,yet still had hallmarks of the "old school" rides(airtime hills,skid brakes,LAPBARS ONLY).

  6. Well said. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks theming and atmosphere are important. It's also crazy that after many past failures trying to cater soley to teenagers and failing miserably, they just never learn. The only parks that are successful are those that attract families, and Six Flags does everything possible to drive them away.

    I concur!!!Themeing and atmosphere ARE important-EVEN IF THEY ARE CATERING TO THE TEEN/YOUNG ADULT MARKET.Cleanliness and courtesy maybe vital to families,but even high school kids won't tolerate or respect the "world's tallest/fastest/loopiest/etc"ride if they're paying $20 or more to park in a pothole-filled lot and others are cutting in line.
  7. I know that things change over the years,and even Disney is willing to demolish classic rides(ex:Snow White),but I agree with Silvermom05:I feel like Great Adv. & myself have lost a friend.

    Just hours ago I noticed that HALF THE RIDES I rode less than 15 years ago ARE NOW GONE:Viper,Chiller(which I count as 2 rides),GASM,SMFF,and now RT-as well as Poland Springs Plunge,Movietown Water Effect,Space Shuttle....is "out with the old,in with the newer,taller,faster" always the best way to go?

  8. Although I like the idea of using Kingda Ka's structure for the new drop tower,do they really need to take down Rolling Thunder?The article says that RT has "dwindling popularity";first of all,didn't they say the same thing about Medusa,hence the rethemeing?And what if in another 10+ years KK and it's Siamese twin drop ride obtain "dwindling popularity"?I know coasters cost serious money to maintain and operate,but first it was GASM and now RT-basically coasters that turned Great Adv. into a coaster mecca.

    P.S.-Is Great Adv. willing to replace RT with an Intamin version of the triple racer that was at Port Arthur,Texas?


    SFA is less than an hour away from the DC ghettos and it is still the only park that someone tried to break into my car! MS-13 is known to operate in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. So being that close to DC I don't blame the county being concerned about gangs. I would not want to be walking though that parking lot during the daylight let alone after midnight.

    It's unfortunate you had that happen at my home park,but remember-most parks near major cities(unfortunately) attract some bad people;even family-centered parks like Disneyland and KBF have had gang incidents.Hopefully we all could work together to prevent further travesties.

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