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Everything posted by coastercrazy

  1. I don't care what the park employees wear, they could be wearing their underwear on their head for all I care. As long as they dont push the restraints on Nitro down to far, and they let me reride, I dont care.
  2. HH needs new rides badly. Our waterpark is so lame compared to the one at SFNE.
  3. I would like to see a rattlesnake exibit in Frontier Adventures. That would be something new and interesting. The tigers in the Golden Kingdom bored me to death. All they did was sit around.
  4. The property GA was built on is huge, and there are many undeveloped areas. Where will the next park expansion take place? There are a lot of options. Behind the northern star arena, the area formerly occupied by koala canyon, and the hydro plume, Congo Rapids' island, behind TDK. Where do you think the next expansion will take place?
  5. nice screenname, its very creative

  6. I give up, there will never be a good themed ride or section in GA.
  7. I knew nothing about this ride before the spotlight. It was tied with Ultra Twister for ride that I knew the least about. I know Ultra Twister was made by Togo, I also know it was on the site now occupied by El Toro but thats it.
  8. Congo Rapids is a boreing ride. There are no waterfalls, geysers, wave machines, mist, tunnels or theming, plus the rafts always follow the exact same path because of those awful wooden walls. I'm sure the ride was much better when it opened, but now they need to give it a huge redo, or remove it. Blizzard River at Six Flags New England is a much better ride. There are two tunnels, the themeing is great, and there are countless waterfalls. Unlike Congo Rapids the ride is more wild, plus there is MIST!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I really like that idea. It would be great to see it happen.
  10. Hi, my name is Andrew. I am a complete rollercoaster nut, and I always will be. I was going on this site every day to check for updates, and eventualy I decided to join.
  11. Good riddence wiggles, go find some other park, we dont want your fruit salad that your always singing about. Thank god, Wiggles World will be no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SF is doing something right for a change.
  12. Saddly, I think we are only getting Green Lantern(Chang) next year but I could be wrong.
  13. I don't think its being replaced at this very moment, but I do think its only got a few seasons left. P.S. We are not speaking, we are typing.
  14. how does Green Lantern have anything to do with a boardwalk? It's themed to a boardwalk now, not an air force base. they should just change the name to Superhero Town or something like that, because to two main attractions in that area will be Green Lantern, and Superman Ultimate Flight.
  15. I never realized there was a covered area, I thought it was all outdoor. Now that I know this, it makes me even sadder to think about how such a great themed area is blocked off from the public. Have you ever noticed that the better themed a ride or area is, the more likely it is for it to close...................Why the (BEEEP) did they close Old Country.....
  16. Its too bad ErUPtion may be one the chopping block. The ride is great, plus its only FIVE dollers to get on. That's much better than DDD's admission price of $40 per person.
  17. We already have a spanish themed area, Plaza Del Carneval
  18. What new themed areas would you like to see at Great Adventure in the future? I think Bugs Bunny National Park should get a space theme.
  19. Planes, Trains and Automobiles ipod touch or ipad
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