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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. This makes me can't wait to ride SkyScreamer next weekend at Fiesta Texas for it's opening!
  2. They look the same to me! SkyScreamer @ Six Flags St. Louis construction; https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.497414226915.269710.9556621915&type=3 But Love the Pictures BTW!
  3. Construction Pictures at Fiesta Texas!! More Here! Why the hell would they paint it black??? Maybe its Batman the SkyScreamer!
  4. Well this year was three coasters... Iron Wolf, Deja Vu, and Pandemonium. So if the rumors are true than that only be four coasters. So I don't think it will hurt that much!
  5. Lets say that Batwing, Bizarro, Flashback, and Poltergeist were all was removed for the 2013 season! And if I would have to choose the park they go to then here is my list! Batwing moves to SFOT for the first flying coaster in Texas! Bizzaro moves to SFStL for the first floorless coaster in the Mid-West! Flashback moves to SFA, so that they will have a new coaster and have it located in TwoFace spot so no empty spots! Poltergeist moves to SFMM in Log Jammers spot. The reason is that people say premier was in the park and Poltergeist is a Premier Coaster and people say that SFMM will be getting a launch coaster and here you go! Another reason is that fans will be happy for another coaster and other fans in the world will be happy that the park didn't get another brand new coaster like always! lol
  6. Here are the list of parks that removed their coaster for the ride rotation! KEY: CONFIRMED RUMORED Six Flags Discovery Kingdom = Pandemonium Six Flags Magic Mountain = Deja Vu Six Flags Over Georgia Six Flags Great America = Iron Wolf Six Flags America = Batwing Six Flags New England = Flashback Six Flags St. Louis Six Flags Great Adventure = Bizzaro Six Flags Great Escape Six Flags Fiesta Texas = Poltergiest Six Flags Over Texas Six Flags La Ronde Six Flags Mexico Since I am a Fiesta Texas fan, but if the rumors are true than I believe that Poltergeist will be leaving (if it was chosen)! Six Flags New England might remove Flashback for the rotation, maybe Batwing at SFA, and I don't know about the others!
  7. Fright Fest is back at Six Flags and scarier than ever! Visit if you dare. Want a Preview?
  8. Hey, Im new here, but you can find me on other theme parks sites ( mainly on Amusement Park Authority as Jp ), but here is my output on the theme.. The gravel represents outer space and the loop represents the sun and everybody knowns what the corkscrews represents. I guessed that because in the movie doesn't Green Lantern flys in outer space to get to his planet..??
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