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Everything posted by southview2

  1. So where is the april 3rd, today, update?
  2. Where are the medusa pics and xplioatorium. .
  3. Im going to SFOG this saturday! I plan of taking pics of our old scrambler and monster mansion, and coasters of course, anything in particular you guys would like a picture of?
  4. I wish I could go, I've always wanted to. But living in nc is a slight restriction, lol. I dont mind waiting till june.
  5. Over at theme park review..Second block with pictures is where its at. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewt...76&start=40 At the opening of TDK at six flags mexico, The executive vice president of entertainment and marketing said , In a few months, six flags will unveil ALL new attractions to rise at every six flags park for the 50th anniversary. They will begin in 2010 and end in 2011. . So, what I get out of that is the new attractions will be announced soon and construction will take a while.
  6. Down here in NC we had tornados friday night, I was on the highway and was very fortunate cause about twenty mintues after I got off my exit a tornado came through and flattened everything. Trees, signs, power lines. .everythingggg. But I lived far enough away to just get enough wind to blow our fence out. . And some trees down the road. . .
  7. ^ lol, I really just want to believe it, just kinda, cant.
  8. Lmao! You guys are halarious. But I have one emoticon for the tunnel. they cant be serious.
  9. Ok. Thanks. And about GAonline, I couldnt either but now I can.
  10. I just purchased no limits and it hasnt shown up on my screen yet, does it take a certain amount of time? And is it hard cause im hopeing its not to difficult, Im sure ill get it but I have heard its really hard to learn.
  11. ^LOL! I agree! Except I took one tuesday for the sake of it.
  12. The park opened May 3, 1975. So that cant be it.
  13. Is she the one who sang HORRIBLY at the inauguration?
  14. I hope its soon, I hate how it gets all quiet then alot happens then quiet again. . .
  15. This speculation is pretty much if not over, near over.
  16. The thing is I am hoping the announcements are soon considering opening day is next weekend! =]
  17. Over at GAonline there is an update from the lake showing the wheels frame is completed minus the lighting and cars.It looks GREAT!
  18. Wow, that was actually really sad to watch, I loved the slowed down flying wave part.
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