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Everything posted by Password121

  1. Railer, if you're saying you don't spend any money on the park anyway (which is BS because you said you get passes every second year now), why do you care what they do with their money? Why are you trying to make the park lose out on potential new capital? I'm seriously concerned for you why you're investing your time into this that will go absolutely nowhere and as you say has no effect on you. It's a little scary, to be blunt.
  2. If anyone wants to check it out, here is my most recent trip report posted on Theme Park Review. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=72161
  3. You're better off with Fast Lane. It might be possible but you'll be way less stressed and can actually enjoy your time not baking in line all day if you just get it. If budget's not a major issue you're not going to be thinking about that $100 compared to the amazing time you had with friends and family not wasted in lines.
  4. ^Great Adventure already has two of those, which is two more than 95% of parks. Not saying I'm against new custom coasters, but it is a Six Flags park. Better to keep the expectations in check and be pleasantly surprised.
  5. So Railer... those sources still "accurate"? Im not trying to start anything but it's funny how everybody was convinced he was right that it was a T-Rex. Those who know, don't speak.
  6. I feel like no matter what information (or lack of) comes out we don't make any progress with speculation. It's all just "I think I want this" and when evidence suggests otherwise it's entirely disregarded. I'm just going to stay out of it to wait and see.
  7. I know we're all excited and spewing ideas randomly is fun but I don't think you have any idea what kind of budget Six Flags parks are limited to. The only parks that could afford an expansion anywhere near this would be Cedar Point and Carowinds as part of their $50 million plan. Great Adventure's budget is microscopic compared to those two.
  8. On Monday morning a buddy of mine and I are heading out on our long awaited road trip. Kennywood Monday, Kings Island Tuesday + Wednesday morning, Cedar Point Wednesday night through Saturday morning. Been looking forward to this week for months on end!
  9. I don't want to get into a rant about Coaster Studios but there's been a handful of copyright infringement issues, breaking park rules, not crediting sources and claiming them as his own, reporting rumor as fact saying his "inside sources confirmed..." and it was entirely false, then taking down said video immediately after being proven wrong and not saying anything about how he published misinformation and disregards the video entirely. He gets a lot of credit, and therefore subscribers, and therefore money, from things that aren't his. Anyhow, back on topic. The main reasoning I don't see a Justice League ride in '17 is that every single year after a SF park has gotten a "major" addition (including RMC coasters, Free Spins, or dark rides) the last five years, they've followed up with a "minor" addition (flat rides, waterpark product, etc). That includes Magic Mountain, and that includes Great America.
  10. Until you do a cost/benefit analysis nobody here knows which is actually less expensive short and long term. And removing go-karts is a common trend in parks these days, so I wouldn't use that as a deterrent.
  11. There are two trains of thought when it comes to major additions being on the cheaper side. One line if thinking is that with less money invested initially (and the public seeing said investment as very large), the park can quickly invest more in additional "major" rides as they didn't pour that money into the first investment. Another line of thinking goes that being that the public still sees the initial investment as a major one (comparable in scale to Nitro, El Toro), the park can market that investment similarly to a $20+ million ride without needing (or wanting to) invest further in the following year(s) as the public reacts to this $7 million ride comparably to a $20 million ride. Six Flags follows the latter train of thought, as we've seen repeatedly. Take from that what you will.
  12. Just to update, my relay placed 8th at states (top 8 medal), which is a huge improvement over not making it out of regionals last year. As for myself, I ended the season with a best time of 2:01. While I'm disappointed I missed my goal, putting everything I have into one thing that I love was so much more rewarding for me than just a time, and I think we can all relate to that in one way or another. I was feeling pretty down about myself after being cut from my school's baseball team my sophomore year, and running cross country and track not only gave me something to do, but more importantly something to be proud of. I get a little sad each time I pass my school's track and I'm definitely going to miss the everyday routine and mindset of it, but this sport gave me more than just a competition for a few years. I truly love the sport now and intend to keep running (at least as a hobby) beyond high school and college. It's a shame Purdue is division 1, but engineering will take up more than enough time.
  13. Hit 2:02 on my open 800m race last weekend... trying to get under 2:00 by or at states in early June. Come a long way and put a heck of a lot of work and pain into getting to this point. Now just to get over the hump. It feels good to be proud of something you put your heart into (not sure if anybody knows track here haha).
  14. It's impossible to make it taller without redoing the entire ride. The transition upwards is engineered to be traversed within a few mph of its top speed. The launch track is only long enough to bring the trains to its top speed. The pullout is too sharp for anything faster, just like the transition upwards. The spiral is too tight faster than 128 mph at launch. The brakes are only capable of stopping from a certain speed, so much faster and it would have to be redone. There are infinite factors that would make it so that essentially only the station can be reused. I don't think people realize how much engineering work goes into the design of roller coasters.
  15. It has nothing to do with how good the best coasters are or what the overall attendance is. Being a destination park implies that people travel to the park from across the country/internationally. Sure, there are some enthusiasts that stop at the park for a day from other parts of the US, but 99% of their attendance is within the surrounding region. The only American amusement park in this category is Cedar Point, and that's greatly because of its location and accommodations, not just its superior ride collection.
  16. ^No, there's only four SF parks with a Justice League clone, so it's no coincidence that neither park has one.
  17. Anyone have any idea if you have to purchase bring a friend tickets to Kings Dominion online or if you can at the park for passholders like at GA? We're going tomorrow and the site is ridiculously vague. It's too late to call the park. There's a processing fee to buy online but I'm worried you can't purchase at the park.
  18. ^There's a reason there are problems with their whales? I don't mean to call you out but that's complete BS. If you seriously believe SeaWorld's whales are not in good hands and suffer because of the world class treatment they receive with these amazing people that care about these whales more than anything you're seriously missing the mark.
  19. ^We're driving from home to Kennywood in the morning and then from Kennywood to the hotel in Colombus, Onio that night, so we'll be at the park from early afternoon until evening. I'm not sure we'll be there much after the sun sets for night rides, but we definitely plan on riding the unique attractions (dark rides, all the coasters and a few flat rides). It'll be quite a long day with almost eight hours combined of driving but it's a nice way to split up the driving on the way to Kings Isoand and ultimately Cedar Point.
  20. ^I've been to Cedar Point and have been trying to find a way to get back and I've always wanted to do Kings Island, but Kennywood should be really interesting for me because I've never been to a more traditional American amusement park. Phantom's Revenge looks like it's worth the $29 discounted admission I found alone.
  21. Officially booked my Kennywood/Kings Island/Cedar Point trip for July 11-16! Super excited about it, but I'll be missing a platinum pass holder Beast night ert by two days at Kings Island. It'll be a blast anyways.
  22. You're holding Great Adventure to some gold standard that no park outside of Disney or Universal could even imagine approaching. Six Flags is a business, and the sole purpose of a business is to make money. They're doing what they need to do and unfortunately it's not 1974 anymore. The park hasn't been as you're expecting for decades.
  23. ^^The problem is that Great Adventure has had so many different teams of management with entirely different ideas of what to do with the park that Great Adventure, as it is today, is a mash-up of everything that went into it over the last 42 years. Great Adventure management today is doing the best they can with the situation and park they have, and I'm sure of that. They have to follow SF guidelines in terms of budget, theme, food, etc. that they don't often have the liberty to do exactly what one person wants that probably won't turn a profit. That's why Premier is out of the picture--they had the cohesive theme ideals that you're talking about and a fantastic vision for the park, but it's not profitable or sustainable. I guarantee you that moving the safari and retheming Nitro would be outrageously costly and wouldn't be justified in any way. As for comparing the park to Cedar Point, what do you expect? The park isn't just plopping down coasters left and right, this is actually the longest in park history between two coasters. Since the last one they've added multiple family rides (like the safari) and made the park a heck of a lot better over the last five years in many aspects. Finally, how does Cedar Point's history have to do with them being able to do what they do in terms of attractions? They have a very similar formula to Great Adventure with a slightly larger budget. Yes, they're a resort destination and have been building coasters for longer (so therefore retain a lot of the history in the older coasters) but as a whole they've removed a lot of what makes them "special" in many people's eyes. If you don't think Cedar Point is a park filled to the brim with steel machines everywhere you look wherever they can fit then I don't know what else to tell you. Bottom line is--yes, Great Adventure has issues. I agree completely. I dislike the comic book themes all over the place. Do you know how many themed areas Cedar Point has? One. It's executed well, I agree. The rest of the park, however, has no theme at all and you're left with rides with a castle theme next to two rides with bird themes. In the end, though, what do you expect Great Adventure to do? Spend their entire budget for a year (likely more) on renaming rides and retheming them? The park isn't Disney or Universal and hasn't tried to be since 1974.
  24. I may have misheard. What I heard is that Panda Express is still in for this season, with Chop Six likely for 2017 but it's individual contracts with each park, not SF as a whole. So we'll see... but you're right it's not confirmed. My mistake.
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