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Everything posted by THRASHERS35

  1. I would like to see the original premier skyrocket http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYwMjgxMTU3Ng==
  2. OK. Thanks. It seems as though all of the B&Ms besides bizarro have restrictions for short casts. I guess they let him go at batman.
  3. I just got back from the park and one of my friends broke his thumb a few weeks ago. His cast only went a little bit past his wrist. I found it to be weird he was able to go on some rides, but not all Able to ride El Toro Skyscreamer Bizzaro Batman RMT KK Not able to ride Nitro Superman GL I found it odd he went on Kingda Ka and El Toro, but not Nitro. In the front of some rides it said that if you have one fully functional hand you can ride but didn't see anything on some others. Does anyone know What the actual policy is for casts?
  4. I remember going to hurricane harbor on the 4th a few years back. It was also right around the time they introduced the flash pass there and we did 3 rides in 3 hours and left


    I went that day, and went right to El Toro there were about 10 people in front of us, and it toke 1.5 hours, got second ride of the day in the front. then added a train
  6. A friend tracker would be nice so you can meet up
  7. The only problem with the green or blue cups is they get stolen. 1 got stolen on one day and our other 3 were stolen together on the side of El Toro
  8. check out this link typo but it could be a possibility for the very top read description. https://www.sixflags.com/greatadventure/newsroom/may-14-2016 that kind of seems like a free-spin, but I'm not sure.
  9. Yesterday we went up for a trip to hurricane harbor and it was closed so we pulled up to the theme park toll plaza and we were told it was closed for not enough employees, and the theme park was understaffed and the staff they had were extremely rude. I just got back from a 3 day trip to Hershey park and they are much nicer.
  10. I went on Kong at Morey's Piers and it is a lot more fun than it looks.
  11. my problem with that is it looks kind of basic we need something special
  12. I think that it would be awesome to get this. It is not a perfect design but the idea is good.
  13. Just from the look of the track and the color scheme I wouldn't be surprised if the track from the b&m plant is wing coaster for us and it would be called "Jersey Devil". I'm not saying i'm positive of that just a possibility
  14. I was at the park yesterday evening and the ride op was cracking jokes for us to and they made a big deal of my Wicked Cyclone shirt I was wearing which btw is amazing
  15. I went on 6/23 and they jammed 6 people in one log
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