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Everything posted by warnerleroy

  1. BBQ's NJ getting a Disney park or a Sea World
  2. San Diego Bring back Guega Lake or Sea World Ohio
  3. This may be the wrong place for this topic, but maybe GAH history should have like complete coverage of the Golden Carousels like ABC does for the Oscars. And another thing, did anybody win a Carousel that's part of GAH?
  4. YES!!!!!! Disney should, attendance could easily be over 20000000 becuase of the closer proximity to NY and Philadelphia.(Hint, hint Disney) Six flags is Awesome, but Disney is Awesomer! I like Six Flags, but I choose theming over thrills 85% of the time, and although it's off topic, I just love how the company is founded and run. Hopefully one day there will be a topic here"Disney talks about building NJ park"
  5. Atleast the Cyclone and Wonder Wheel are safe form demo, there part of the condos plans. I always like Deno's better than Astroland, and now you can see why, because they run the park as a family heirloom, not just a business, and losing the park would mean a lot because of huge sentimentel value, no matter how much money is in.
  6. Interesting, I wonder if others like this are located right below our nose!
  7. open later Keep the park the way it is, or make it a resort
  8. Maybe they should have a family fun night at Hurrican Harbor!
  9. I rally hope we can someday get a spotlight on the backstage areas! I can dream, can't I
  10. This sucks! Conry island is dying another slow death,"Hey kids, wanna go to Coney Island, go to the beach and stare at the 200 foot condos or would you rather go to the amusement park that used to stand there". I hope the same never happens to Great adventure
  11. Thanks! Is this the repeat of the 9 years? I wonder if anything will come to the park ,or next year is only for H.H. I have a feeling well be learning soon.
  12. Come together Walt Disney's original idea for Epcot, or the current Epcot
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