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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. That's great, being the only rider on Nitro must have been really cool. I think the fewest riders on any Nitro train I have been on is 6 or 7 riders (although I have gotten zen rides on other coasters in the park).
  2. Some sports teams last year went cashless at their stadiums and I think it worked well for them. I prefer using my credit card for all purchases because I get rewards back. It will also hopefully help lines move along faster.
  3. In the picture of Spiderman riding on the bumper cars, it looks like Disney characters are on the top border of the ride structure and now years later, it’s both of their competitors in the park, DC and Looney Tunes.
  4. Just when you think their policies and rules can’t get worse especially considering the main audience for this park is families with kids : ” Can I bring my own food into Nickelodeon Universe? Food is not currently allowed inside Nickelodeon Universe under COVID-19 guidelines. Please also note that due to these guidelines, food is also unavailable for purchase in the parks at this time. ” That is in addition to no re-entry allowed once someone leaves the park.
  5. I was near Knoebels again at the beginning of the month and decided to give the park another chance this year hoping the threat of rain and school already in session would keep crowds low. I got there around 4:50 and they were closing at 6:00 with maybe a couple hundred cars in the lot at the most. I started with $10 book of tickets discounted to $9 since it was a weekday. The Flyers had no one riding and I had a solo ride. Twister also had no one in the station so I got the front row. I almost had another solo ride until 2 other people entered the station. StratosFear was my first drop tower ride this year. For a smaller drop tower, it's fun and I forgot that unlike Zumanjaro and S&S Towers, there is no pause at the top before you drop. I got another $10 book of tickets since there were no lines. Phoenix also had an empty station. The air time on this coaster is amazing. Giant Flume was next, with thankfully no one at the coin operated sprayers. I like the layout of this flume with 2 drops and how it goes into the woods. After another Twister ride, I went to Whipper and had about 5 minutes before closing. I decided to try the Motor Boats since they usually have a long line with the low capacity. It goes right under Kozmo's Kurves and a relaxing ride to finish the day. This was a better visit than the trip last month because of so few people in the park. Ride Count: Twister, 2x Phoenix, 1x Flyers, 1x Giant Flume, 1x StratosFear, 1x Motor Boats, 1x Whipper, 1x The park is going to have a new Christmas event this year. Flying Turns is still being refurbished.
  6. It’s good to see more Raptor coasters being built. I like the theme they chose.
  7. Great Pictures I like the coaster logo pillows as prizes. I rarely play games at any park because I don’t need a stuffed animal. Coaster themed prizes would get me to try the games more often.
  8. It could be a glitch or mistake but Justice League might be open, Queue Times is showing a 15 minute wait for it now https://queue-times.com/parks/37/queue_times If it is open, that will be good to have another indoor ride running for the event.
  9. This was always my favorite store to go to when I would visit the park in the 90s. There was a great selection of merchandise.
  10. It looks like today might be the most crowded day of the season so far. Green Lantern, Nitro and Wonder Woman all are showing a 2 hour and 10 minute wait, even the Big Wheel is showing a 70 minute wait.
  11. Thank you, I liked the way the old entrance looked but hope this will be better with crowds. A tea cup ride is a good idea. Hopefully the staffing issues will be better in the fall and winter. I remember last year during those times, so many rides were closed. Thank you, rule enforcement could have been better but it wasn't bad enough where I would feel uncomfortable visiting again this year.
  12. I wasn't sure if I was going to get any new coaster credits this year and really wanted to try Candymonium. Before daily operations ended, I decided to go to Hersheypark and if I didn't like what I saw, leave after a few rides. The new entrance looks great and should help with the crowds the park gets at opening. I got there at 3:00 and there was no wait to get in but in past years, it could take 15 minutes to enter the park even with low crowds. There are now metal detectors where you can leave your phone and keys in your pocket. I went to Candymonium first. The app had a 45 minute wait posted and the sign at the entrance was 30 minutes. Both were wrong and it was only a 2 train wait. 2 out of 3 trains were running with all rows in use but they did not put separate groups in the same row. Rows were being assigned but requests were taken for the front and last rows. I have been looking forward to this coaster ever since it was announced. B&M Hypers are one of my favorite coaster designs and I had high expectations for this ride. There is a screen in the back of the station that shows the ride operators which seats are locked similar to Twisted Timbers at Kings Dominion. Unlike Nitro, this coaster has seatbelts but they didn't seem to impact the air time too much. The layout was good with a hammerhead like Nitro and some highly banked turns. Unfortunately, there were 2 trims, one after the hammerhead and one before the helix that goes around the Hershey Kisses fountain. It didn't ruin the ride but you could definitely feel the slow down, more in the front of the train. It is my new favorite coaster in the park and is a top 10 steel coaster for me but before riding it, I expected it to be in my top 5 like Nitro (#2) and Diamondback (#3) but I prefer both of those coasters to Candymonium. I got 4 rides and like Nitro, I thought the last row was the best. Comet was next. The middle row of each car was closed off. I prefer Knoebel's method of keeping every row open and then allowing groups to ride in the rows without any spacing but then keep an empty row between groups. This is still my favorite wooden coaster at the park. The Triple Towers were closed so I went to Trailblazer. It was the same as Comet with the middle row of each car closed. Frontier Flyers had a 1 cycle wait, which was surprising even with the low crowds. Fahrenheit was the only ride where there was poor distancing in line and every row was being loaded. I thought the rows were too close together for every row to be in use. The ride operator in the station was not allowing requests for a specific row but I asked for the front because of the seating arrangements and he did allow me to wait for the front. Unlike past years, the rattling in the cobra roll wasn't too bad. Wild Mouse was a literal walk on. I was able to ride the whip this year without a problem. The last time I was at the park and the ride was open, I was told no single riders were allowed. I e-mailed the park and the e-mail stated the ride operators were wrong and they would be notified that single riders can ride the whip. Lightning Racer had both sides running with 2 trains on each side. Every other row was closed off. I was glad to see both sides running since it loses some of the fun when the trains aren't racing. After another ride on Wild Mouse, I went to Great Bear. It was good to ride a B&M invert again and was smooth as usual. I went back to Comet for another ride and was going to finish the trip at Candymonium but everyone else heading towards the exit had the same idea and it was a posted 45 minute wait with a lot of the switchbacks in the queue in use. I did not like the new exit setup. Instead of going through an exit gate, you have to exit through a large store. This caused everyone to have to go through a few sets of doors where you couldn't distance. The store was very crowded and the line to check out at the registers went right past the exit doors. I feel given the current situation, they should allow you to bypass the store and exit through the other gates. Mask usage was better than Knoebels but still more people were not wearing their masks properly or at all than I would have liked to have seen. People kept their masks on the rides more than at Knoebels but some still lowered or removed them on the rides. Overall, it was a fun visit to the park and I am glad I got to ride Candymonium. Ride Count: Candymonium, 4x Comet, 2x Great Bear, 1x Trailblazer, 1x Frontier Flyers, 1x Fahrenheit, 1x Wild Mouse, 2x Whip, 1x Lightning Racer Lightning, 1x Lightning Racer Thunder, 1x New entrance gate The carousel's new location right at the park entrance.
  13. I'm surprised they aren't hiring someone already with the company.
  14. Hopefully the amount sanitizers being empty or not working when I was there was just an off day and it normally isn't like that. Thank you. I agree, it would have been more enjoyable if people were following the rules. I expected some people to not distance or wear the masks right but it was more people than I would have thought not following the policies.
  15. I wasn't too far from Knoebels yesterday and decided to go to the park for a short visit. There are no temperature checks and there is a security guard at the main entrance checking to see if everyone is wearing a mask but once inside the park, no one was enforcing it. There were many people walking around or sitting at a bench (not eating or drinking) with the mask only covering their mouth or no mask at all. On the coasters, the trains wouldn't be dispatched until everyone had a mask on but as soon as the train left the station, some people lowered or removed them. There were a lot of hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the park but most were empty. I tried to use 6 or 7 of them and only 1 actually had sanitizer in it. Twister was first. Like last year, the coaster was mostly smooth with no jackhammering in the double helix compared to a few years ago. I really like the layout for Twister with the lift hill section broken up into 2 parts and a good first drop. The Flyers had a great ride cycle, probably 3 - 4 times what Cedar Creek Flyer's ride time is. These are the best flying scooters I have tried and so easy to snap, even if you aren't trying to snap it still happens. Phoenix got a new queue with some switchbacks to the line doesn't go past the entrance except on crowded days. Unlike Twister, there was no distancing in this line. I tried to avoid others as much as I could and thankfully it was only a 3 train wait. On both coasters, a row was kept empty between groups. I got row 10 and 1 row in front of me was empty and the 2 last rows were also empty. The air time is amazing on this coaster, I was getting lifted out of the seat on practically every hill with no seatbelt and just buzz bars. The last ride I went to was The Whip, this is another ride that has a better ride cycle than the similar version at Dorney. Impulse was closed with work being done on the lift hill and trains. Hopefully it opens soon. Flying Turns was closed and I think is closed for the season. Some other flat rides were closed as well. The Crystal Pool was where most of the crowds were with temperatures around 95 degrees. It felt great to be back at park again and able to ride coasters again but am unsure if I am going to visit Knoebels again this year.
  16. Could the pool be used as an anchor similar to some portable coasters like Laser and Python? https://rcdb.com/240.htm#p=5355 https://rcdb.com/682.htm#p=17750
  17. Wildwater Kingdom isn't opening this year. There is also no Haunt and no family friendly Halloween event like at the Ohio parks this year. The last day of the season is Labor Day.
  18. I hope you get power back soon (if you haven't already gotten it back).
  19. If I saw pictures of those hats and masks without already knowing it was at park, I would have thought that was a costume shop or Halloween store.
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