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Everything posted by ChrisChavan

  1. Green Eggs and Ham. Lemon or Peach Iced Tea?
  2. I'm so mad I couldn't go to Six Flags America on Sunday.
  3. Go deaf. I can deal without hearing, even though it would be a complete tragedy. I'd rather see than hear though. To be completely honest, Eric, the Anticuchos taste like steak! When you think about it, heart is a muscle, as is a choice cut of beef you order out. The only difference is that heart is a bit tougher. Oh, and 3 lbs of it only cost me about $2.85. I think I found a cheap alternative to steak! Anyway... Carpet or Hardwood?
  4. Laying on the sand. Here's a tough one, and neither is not an option: Anticuchos (Grilled, marinated Beef Heart) or Tripe (cow stomach lining) Stew?
  5. I'm not a noob to forums. With that said, I need to state another thing - I'm not sure this is being posted in the right thread... BUT The Spider of Doom is now on the lawn of Northern Star Arena...
  6. They misspelled Angel AristonE's last name.
  7. ^Yeah I was working that day. I remember looking out the door of Daily Planet at Superman at around noon, all was well, sun was shining... then after I came back from my break, about a half hour later I looked out the door because I heard a loud rumble, and the sky was BLACK. Within five minutes the sky just opened up and it POURED for a good four hours straight, lightning and all. My store was flooded beyond belief. It was insane.
  8. Halloween. Exorcist wasn't as scary. Mouse or Rat?
  9. To be quite honest, it was DELICIOUS. I would eat it again in a heart beat. It tasted exactly like a mix of chicken and meatloaf. And I did some research, and it is one of the healthiest foods you can find. It's PACKED with minerals and vitamins. It also helps prevent Emphysema for all you smokers (myself included) out there! Research.
  10. Backward! Comfortable yet ugly, or Uncomfortable yet fashionable?
  11. This is exactly my point. I am on your side! Like I mentioned earlier, a little something, even nothing but general upkeep wouldn't disappoint me! I just strongly believe that GP would be extremely let down, thus hurting the park. Trust me when I say I'm on your side! I don't want a new major coaster for at LEAST another two years! I just think that GP will freak out when they realize we got a 'crappy' new coaster this year (even though I LOVE it), and that we aren't putting anything in for the next few seasons.
  12. Batman the Ride in 2005. We waited 33 minutes exactly for it. I remember being SO nervous, but as we careened through the course, I remember thinking "Woah. This is so cool." Then I rode Nitro for the first time and re-rode 3 times! =]
  13. ^ That's partially my point. See, I wasn't trying to say that we need thrill rides. Personally, I WANT Bumper Cars or flat rides of the sort to be our next attraction. All I was saying was that the majority of attendance is GP, who want big crazy rides. Families come first, however, if the park caters solely to the families for a prolonged amount of time, the major attendance from GP will drop due to the lack of new 'big crazy rides'.
  14. My experience in both of the trails was somewhat ruined by a group of obnoxious people in front of us. I feel as if they should let individual groups into the trails every 30 seconds or so. This way the trails are more of a 'personal' experience.
  15. I had a terrible ride on Skully the other day. Unfortunate, too, considering how well it's been running this year (aside from the fact that the waterfall has been turned off). I rode a typical back row ride, and upon dropping, I heard no moan. It was at the bottom of the first drop that I realized the speaker is shot! (Either that or someone lowered the volume quite a bit!) Absolutely no strobes, barely any music, and the light shining on the pumpkin in the helix was so dim I couldn't see it. I re-rode, thinking maybe it was just my ride, but no, the second ride was the same way. Skully needs some TLC to bring it back to life, IMHO.
  16. As long as Upper Management gets their heads screwed on straight and the economy finally stabilizes, I think we have a very bright future at the park. Unfortunately though, you need to understand that times are changing and the park will never be the same way as it once was. I very much understand the beauty of the park in the 80's. Trust me. It's just that business wise, people of this day and age aren't going to visit a park that's themed to look like a fantasy world (With the exception of Disney, only because Disney is a Universal icon and will ALWAYS be popular). Great Adventure is part of the Six Flags chain, and as much as I hate to say it, Six Flags will ALWAYS be referred to as a 'Thrill Park'. Six Flags can NEVER be family oriented. There are too many big rides to make it feel like a family park. Adding family rides will only make new guests less happy, because they are expecting more out of the company. As far as I'm concerned, business wise, the park MUST get with the times and begin adding attractions people WANT. It saddens me to think that people wouldn't be happy with Bumper Cars as our new attraction for an upcoming season, however you all have to agree with me here when I say times have changed, and people want current, up-to-date thrill out of Six Flags.
  17. Phone Myrtle Beach Pavillion or Casino Pier, NJ?
  18. ^Trust me, we are constantly changing in there, as you probably know! We are currently finishing up working on our 'Costume Corner'. Expect some webbing, signage, and dimmed lights! The store is turning itself around!
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