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Photo Trip Report- September 19, 2009


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I just posted a bunch of new photo to the gallery-- check them all out here!


Here are a few highlights--


The GITP garbage cans have been removed in most of the park, except where it looks like they'll line the aWAKEning procession:



Some structures are up along with parts of the fence for the terror trail:



Big Wheel is closed for the Dead Man's Party stage to go up:



The flame columns are up along Dream Street (I guess it should become Nightmare Street for Fright Fest!):



With the weather getting chilly, hoodies are in all the shops and hot drinks are being advertised:



Rolling Thunder is still racing:



The new colors of the Parachute include a blue base. The painters lift is sitting next to the tower, with all the railings and seats covered:



Don't forget the encore performance of SNL:



It's really good to see the Parachutes getting TLC:


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Im wondering if Houdini is going to have a different theme?


I was wondering the same thing. I mean, obviously it will still be about Houdini but in a dream world there'd be new audio tracks and maybe, just maybe, costumed actors to run the ride like when it first opened. THAT would be AMAZING.


I also wonder about the effects. With all the trouble they always were, hopefully they've fixed them all over this long period and we'll see working keys, candelabras, crystal ball, and more!!

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While I am glad to see the parachutes are being repainted I do not like the new color scheme. Guess I am just used to it being white. I hate it when the weather starts to turn cooler but we usually still get a few mild days in Oct and even Nov sometimes, the last grasp of nice weather before it craps out.

Edited by The Master
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