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Photo Trip Report: July 10th, 2014 - The Zu Queue


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Great pictures, I'm glad that the single rider line sign has the details of how it works so hopefully people understand how it works unlike sometimes at Green Lantern.

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For the first time yesterday I had an awful first half of the Safari Off Road Adventure. Our guide was good but the driver seemed like he was determined to set a record for getting to Camp Aventura in the least amount of time. He never stopped (or even slowed down) so guests could see the animals up close. With the exception of the road leading into the Americas section he never ventured off the paved road and barely slowed down even around the gates. It was almost as if he had to hit the restrooms at the Camp. The poor guide struggled to get her dialogue in because we were whizzing by everything so fast. At first, I had not planned on getting off at the camp but decided to exit there just so I could get on a different truck and enjoy the second half. I felt sorry for anyone who was experiencing it for the first time because they surely missed a lot of what makes SORA such a nice attraction. This was definitely not the norm as the drivers and guides have always provided for a great trip in the past.

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