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8/2 TR Lake Compounce (Countdown to Connecticut Part 2)


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At 2:20 pm, after reliving some of my youth at Quassy Amusement Park, it was time to make the short trip to Lake Compounce, which is about 20-30 minutes away. This will be my first ever visit to Lake Compounce. On my way to the second park of the day, I hit a small traffic jam on Interstate 84 in Waterbury, I think to myself, not a problem, we have a plenty of time. It just took an extra 10 minutes. Lake Compounce is located right across the street from ESPN in Bristol. It is about a mile or so away to the entrance. During registration, the packet included a meal ticket as well as a free parking ticket for Lake Compounce.


From the parking lot to the main entrance, you have to walk a little bit and through a tunnel. Right at the main plaza, you stare at the Wildcat roller coaster. Since this was my first time here, I decided to walk around and get a feel for the place. My first ride at Lake Compounce was the Wildcat, a wooden roller coaster (similar to Rolling Thunder, but it was only a single track). The ride itself was good, but rough. A few minutes later, I go over to the other side of the park and check that side out, my second ride of the day was the Zoomerang, a boomerang-style coaster. You go backwards up the lift hill, and then forward. After going forward, they take you up another lift hill, and this time around, you go backwards. It was the first boomerang coaster I have been on in a long time.


Now, it was time to tackle one of El Toro's biggest competitors before dinner, the Boulder Dash. I have heard a lot of good reviews about this coaster. I experienced the back row for my first ever ride, the ride attendant, asked me which is my favorite? I say El Toro, she said by the time I get done, you will have a completely different answer. Boy, was I right, Boulder Dash is the best wooden coaster I have been on, even though I love El Toro, I think this has it beat. So, it was time to have dinner, which was a big buffet in a private picnic area. We shared the area with 10 other groups that were at the park. Since it was such a long walk from the picnic area to the park, there is a trolley that takes you back to the park. So, me and my fellow coaster enthusiasts decide to take the trolley. Neat little ride.


It was now around 7:00, I went on the Wildcat for the second time with my coaster crew for the day. In my opinion, the second ride is so much better than the first. With some time to kill, we decide that were going to take a little break for a while. We went into the gift shop and relaxed for a bit on the bench. Night was beginning to fall, so we decide that we were going to experience Thunder and Lightning, a giant screaming swing. This was my first time on a screaming swing ride. It reminds me a little of Twister, but it doesn't twist, but it gets higher and higher as you go up in the air.


What would be a night without a ride on Boulder Dash? The answer is I really don't know. After Thunder and Lightning, we go over and this time, we decided to experience the front row on Boulder Dash. We want to get both perspectives. In my opinion, I think the front row on Boulder Dash is better, because it really feels like it moves faster and you know what to expect. This is totally mind-blowing at night. So, why not do it again? Is that even a question? After the third time on the coaster, My coaster friends for the day decided to take a little break before the nighttime ERT after the park closes. For me, I ride two more times before the Exclusive Ride Time to make it five times before ERT. Since we had a small group, our ERT is going to be epic.


Because there was a small crowd before the park closing and our ERT, ERT was pushed back 15 minutes, but I was at the front of the line, the ACE regional rep and I were chatting with the "security" guard, and we were telling her about ACE and some of our members, we had one person from England and another who rode a thousand coasters. The American Coaster Enthusiasts are not only Americans, we have 5,000 members all over the world. It was the moment, that we have all waited for, night ERT on Boulder Dash.


As I said before, I was first in line, so I got the front row and I sat with the ACE regional rep, Rus. Since the regional rep was on the train, it was meant to be for a double ride to begin the ERT. What a way to start the nighttime ERT!!! Since the train overshot, they had some issues with the restraints, I said, why not a triple ride? Can this get any better? So it wasn't meant to be, no problem, I just get back on line, and took the first available row. I stayed on that row for 5 consecutive rides without having to leave the train. I asked the ride attendant the time, it was 10:55, I say this is going to be my last ride because I have to leave by 11. I rode Boulder Dash 12 times, including 7 times during the ERT.


Before I close my trip report, I just want to say on behalf of the American Coaster Enthusiasts, we just want to say that all the employees from Quassy to Lake Compounce were all enthusiastic and welcoming, especially the crew at Boulder Dash, who had the most energy I've ever seen. We love you guys very much and really appreciate for all you do each day, Thank You for having us at your parks for the day and night. We would love for you to join ACE, you would be a welcoming addition to our team.

Edited by bgr861509
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During the ERT, I found out El Toro was a hybrid coaster, and it is the best hybrid coaster I've ever been on. I really enjoyed Boulder Dash though, and it is one of the best wooden coasters I've been on. You should definitely experience it one day, it really is that good, especially in the dark. That is another coaster to add to the bucket list. I still love El Toro though.

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