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Six Flags Great Adventure Celebrates Birth of Two Sea Lion Pups


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Six Flags Great Adventure Celebrates Birth of Two Sea Lion Pups

JACKSON, NJ — August 3, 2015 — Six Flags Great Adventure’s animal care team is celebrating the birth of two playful, female California sea lion pups to two first-time moms at the world’s largest theme park.


Piper, born June 5, and Ridley, born June 18, are both high-spirited and full of energy, according to Jessica Peranteau, senior supervisor of animal training.


Piper shares a birthday with her father Kenobi. Along with her lively spirit, Piper is very playful and she seems to enjoy blowing bubbles into the water, Peranteau said. Mother Dichali does an excellent job making sure Piper does not get herself into any trouble.


“She has no qualms about sassing the trainers or her mother through vocalizations. She is exploring her independence at an early age,” Peranteau said.


Ridley is the smallest sea lion pup born at Six Flags Great Adventure, weighing in at 15 lbs. She is very energetic, and her mother Ella lets Ridley have her fun, Peranteau noted.


She is named after the endangered Ridley sea turtle species, because of her unique flipper movements. The pup tends to move her fore flippers side-to-side rather than up-and-down, which reminds her trainers of a sea turtle’s walk.


Sea lion pups are not competent swimmers when born. According to Peranteau, Ridley’s swimming proficiency makes her unique. “She finds sliding down the hill on our stage especially rewarding and fun,” Peranteau added.

Piper and Ridley are expected to reach 110 to 220 lbs. when full grown. Guests can see the pups and their mothers at the park’s SeaFari Theater in The Golden Kingdom section of the theme park. Guests can also visit California sea lion Anoki and her year-old pup Magoo, the first sea lion born at the theme park, plus six adorable and mischievous Asian small-clawed otters.


For more information on Six Flags Great Adventure’s extensive animal collection, visit www.sixflags.com/greatadventure


Source: Six Flags Great Adventure







Piper & Dichali:











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I first said they all left, then it was corrected quickly here when i posted the only pics of him leaving in his Crate and everyone "chimed in". Screamscape said they all left after we figured out it was only "Kenobi" that left. I also said back in May that the Monday after the Firework's we would have a fence across the back of the park, but i was wrong. The fence 1st went up a few days earlier around "Aqua". I'm already calling 2017 if the "dueler" don't show up anywhere this year after the announcements. I'm almost positive that ride was designed with our Park's "geography", and that's why the land was surveyed by the Water Tower for footer placement's in the design phase of it. They did that for something, they would not pay a crew to survey for nothing. And i know the "dueler" won't go to Magic Mountain, it's too similar to "Twisted Colussus". It's basically a launced, Steel version of it. We'll know in a month, it will go by quick.

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The artice does not state it, but "Kinobe" is the Father of the Pups. And it's another thing i posted months ago that came to be. Time always tell's.

Yes, and a thing many others knew about but simply didn't post about to try and get the news out to prove a point, which to this day I'm not sure what it is or if I'll ever understand it. It's not fun when people spoil anything they can and is also kinda a slap in the face to the park. Some things are better left unsaid until the time is right.

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I'm already calling 2017 if the "dueler" don't show up anywhere this year after the announcements. I'm almost positive that ride was designed with our Park's "geography", and that's why the land was surveyed by the Water Tower for footer placement's in the design phase of it. They did that for something, they would not pay a crew to survey for nothing. And i know the "dueler" won't go to Magic Mountain, it's too similar to "Twisted Colussus". It's basically a launced, Steel version of it. We'll know in a month, it will go by quick.


If I had to guess, this 08/03/2015 planning board entry is related to the markings you saw near the water tower/water facilities.


Courtesy Review – Block: 3101; Lots: 11, 28, 31 & 32 – Existing Wells and Proposed Water Treatment Plant at Six Flags Great Adventure.

Eligible: Dolan, Kern, Longo, Russo, DiStefano Miller, Flemming, Burke, Haring, Hudak

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