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Everything posted by GAcoaster

  1. From the album: Employee Photos

    Wonder what questions were asked?
  2. Just wait, I'm going to add a FEW (emphasis on few) more, and try to organize them better. You can always save yourself from buying a canoe and wait until winter: Just make sure the ice fishermen are there first so you know the ice is thick enough!
  3. There are web crawlers from Google on here all the time. That way if someone is Googling something we're talking about, they'll find the site. Only Harry and I can see when they're here (which is pretty much all the time). It's fun to watch the Googlebot go through all the topics and pictures.
  4. I'm listening to satanic death metal... ...not really.
  5. I always remember seeing the cable stop as a thunderstorm would blow in. Periodically you'd look up and hear the announcement coming over the loudspeakers to "remain seated, the ride will be re-starting momentarily".
  6. I think I'll have a glass of wine before bed...
  7. Wow...I wonder if that came from Opryland?
  8. Welcome Rob! And, Western Cables do rule! I worked one shift catching cars at Dream Street and that was enough for me... That was hard work!
  9. Up, up & away in my beautiful balloon Whatever happened to the 5th Dimension?
  10. I want to do a combo Pretty Monster/Monster Spin/Spinnaker spotlight! It's always amazed me the park has installed the same ride 3 times, and they were all different rides. I wish they'd get another...
  11. In putting the spotlight together, it jogged my memory of just how immersive the experience was from start to finish. I remember thinking the actual movie didn't live up to the rest of the theme elements though.
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