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  1. They usually open log flume from memorial day to Labor day but it opened with the park this year.
  2. The Park was moderately busy today. A lot of people were already in the park ad at the rope drop before we arrived, but very few people were at the gate when we were checking in. After getting into the park, we made our way towards the rope drop by the boardwalk so we could hit up Green Lantern as the first ride of the day. The rope drop at the boardwalk had a huge crowd but a load of them went towards Kingda Ka. We were able to be on the third train of the day in the front row! But on our way, we saw some more sprinklers watering gravel. (I know how much everyone loves that.. Not.) Sorry for the bad pic, I had to keep moving. After our ride on Green Lantern, we made our way to Superman, where there was no line. We walked up to the station and sat in the Second row. After Superman, We wanted to see how the wait looked for Kingda Ka. The line was about an hour long so we decided to skip it and move onto El Toro. El Toro had my Kind of Line! THe queue line was a Ghost Town, So we were really lucky there. El Toro's statin looked crowded from the front, but as we moved toward the back, it too was a Ghost Town. The GP needs to use their noggins and look at the back of the station before they decide that the front of the station is the place where they should be. Also, El Toro is a much better ride in the back, BY FAR. After a couple of rounds on El Toro, we decided that since Rolling Thunder had no wait we would ride that. Both sides were open today and were racing! You guys weren't kidding when you called it Rolling Dumpster. It was pretty rough and the noise it makes when riding is like finger nails on a blackboard. We did get a chance to see The trains from Scream Machine in the infield and yes, one of the trains still had that awful Axe Wrap on it. After Rolling Dumpster, we decided to eat at La Cocina, one of my favorite places to eat in the park. I got what I usually order, the Nachos Grande. They weren't as good as they've been. The chips were stale which sort of ruined it. After Lunch, we decided to take it easy and go on Tango, which is my first time going on since it re-opened. Does The face freak anyone else out? It creeps me out.. After walking through Plaza de Carnival, I noticed the what a wonderful job the park has done with the Landscaping this season, it truly is awesome! Afterward, we made our way over to Bizarro. But on our way, I took this picture. I just can't walk by this spot without taking one. Also, The Skyway was running both sides today! After our ride on Bizarro, We noticed Runaway Mine Train was closed. A little disappointing, but it was no big deal. So, we made our way to the other side of the park, but on our way, I stopped and noticed this. The Park really needs to get rid of this stupid paintball building. I never see anyone there, Including Employees and it just blocks Dream Street. Can they just remove it? At this point, I forgot my extra Camera battery at home so it died. Anyways, We made our way along the Great Lake path and stopped at Black Beard's Lost treasure Train. It was a lot rougher then I remembered, but it still was a very fun ride. Then, my group and I went on Tornado, another first after it's transformation, and it was a lot of fun and in Great shape for it's age. Later after Tornado, we went to Skull Mountain which had the second Longest wait of the day at 45 minutes. It was pretty good, but also, a lot more rough than I remembered it to be. Next, we were disappointed to find Nitro and Batman to have a 40 minute wait so we skipped it and wen't to the Dark Knight. It was my first time riding it, for i've read all of the reviews saying it's awful, but it had no wait, so what the heck, we wen't on. It really was not that bad, It was a Wild Mouse but themed pretty well for a Six Flags ride. So after we wen't on Dark Knight, We snuck over by the Old Chiller Station. I have to say that it looks pretty good for a Station that hasn't been touched in 4 years. Later, we wen't back to Kingda Ka to find the wait reduced to about 20 minutes so we hoped on and had a fun last ride of the day in Second Row (My personal favorite row on Kingda ka.) Slingshot looked awesome Completely finished and it shouldn't be too far from it's opening date. Overall, it was an awesome day!
  3. Alright. Stop. I'm bursting your bubble. Chiller is NOT ever going to see the light of Day In Six Flags Great Adventure EVER again. The station is there because Under Mark Shapiro, there was supposed to be a dual tracked family roller coaster going in there but plans changed and were never revitalized. The Observatory is still there because it was used as Professor Keeney's Exploratorium in '09. That whole building was renovated and there is no way that track can go through that building without a huge down-grade from what it currently is. The Sign for the ride has been taken down and is in a back stage area. Al of the old things go back there. Heck, half of the ride signs from "The War on Lines" are in there and a lot of ride vehicles. There is absolutely no way that you saw the Batman train from the Chiller because it was painted red in 2006 so that Six Flags could still run chiller without it being closed waiting for train replacements. It was painted because something went wrong with the red train so they used the black one because it was working and not being used because The Batman side hasn't run in avery long time. They Carefully dismantled Chiller so they could sell it, which they did to a park in Europe but they abandoned the project due to the high amount of maintenance and refurbishment the Chiller would need. In conclusion, Batman and Robin: The Chiller will NEVER return to Six Flags Great Adventure.
  4. Over at Gadv.com they think that the back end of the boardwalk or the former location of Edward's air force base could become The Dc Comics Universe. They could re-theme twister to some superhero name (perhaps the bullet Dodger.. maybe not).. The Parachute Tower as the Justice League Watchtower,,, Turn the simulator theater into a sally interactive Dark Ride add Faux Building Facades to the building next to the Simulator theater. Paint comic strips on the super man bubble re-theme the Great American Road Race to Something like The Joker's Get away Cars or something like that.. I thought that would make more sense then movie town because movie town is all batman stuff. Perhaps combine old country and Movie town to become Gotham City?
  5. It's just meant to be that way! CHiller can't come back, nor will it ever!
  6. Nope! ^ not going to happen... If they were... they would have kept the footers but those are gone and it has a new owner that has no clue what to do with it so.. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  7. The General Public is not in charge of Six Flags therefore they don't get the final decision on the rides..... Also, All of the rides have been locked down! Six Flags would have Ordered the StarFlyer when they were getting the slingshot about a year ago. So the Star Flyer is one of the things we are getting.. You also need to think about the fact that John Fitzgerald said that we will be getting flats next year at the Green Lantern Construction Tour... that was after they decided to get a StarFlyer so people saying we are just going to get a StarFlyer need to rethink their logic..
  8. I voted For The 300 Foot Star Flyer. Great Adventure Currently has all of those flats. It would not make a dent in their operating budget by putting all of them back into service so i'd rather have an extra 100 feet on the star flyer with all of those flats in operating. That is also no where near what the flat package I had in mind is! I thought this was a Joke for a minute. Seriously? Marketing old rides that have been closed as new ones again... cliche. Thanks Six Flags, That's the worst idea of a flat package I have EVER heard.
  9. Thanks for the advice I'll give them send one of them a buzz.
  10. Does anyone know how I can change my Display Name? I'm tired of seeing my name every time I post something.
  11. Well, I guess That Orlando Thrill park will not see the light of day after all.. Here's a link to the article by the Orlando Sentinel:
  12. I hope for a Chance-Morgan Unicoaster, Our Scrambler back from Georgia, a Starflyer, maybe a breakdance and if there is enough money, a Huss Giant Frisbee. That is very ambitious but they would all make great additions.
  13. Do you think it's possible that we get the flat package with The Star Flyer leading the pack?
  14. Is it the Bugs Bunny Topiary when you come from the parking lot into the plaza before the ticket booths and security?
  15. I think Green Lantern is better than _____Bizarro__________________ but not as good as ________El Toro/Kingda Ka____________________. My Personal Rankings: El Toro Nitro Kingda Ka (second Row) Green Lantern Batman: The Ride Superman Bizarro Skull Runaway Mine Train Rolling Thunder Black Beard's Lost Treasure Train The Dark Knight Road Runner Railway
  16. From the lift of Nitro, you can still see the Great American Scream Machine signs in the backstage area!
  17. Media day was a load of fun! I still have my yellow wrist band on! There was absolutely no wait for the ride and the theming has really come together!
  18. ^ I hope they go in some time soon. And today is the Last day of the media day contest on Facebook. I know i'm trying to win even though I already have a pass! This gives me an excuse to go!
  19. actually they have another ramp and stairs on the other side of the station
  20. I just realized this, where are they going to put the third train? I know Chang had two trains, and we got one from Riddler's in CA.
  21. Six Flags always has something up their sleeve.
  22. Green Lantern's trains went on the track today!
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