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Everything posted by DoctorLantern1

  1. The Dark Knight Rises. Live or artificial Christmas Tree.
  2. King of the Hill. Christmas or Birthdays?
  3. Yes. This would be perfect. Old Country was my favorite part of the park when I was a kid, and it would be fantastic to see it reopened.
  4. Themed music should be a requirement for theme parks. I remember when Hersheypark used to have themed music at the entrance, but they replaced it with crappy pop for 2007 for some reason.
  5. I'd like to add weeaboos in general to that one. Animation is great, but why should the country of origin be an indicator of quality? And why do they try to justify crap like Love Hina and Lucky Star when there are much better American works like the DCAU and Pixar's Up?
  6. Please don't be rude when you disagree with me; I know some of these are really popular, and I'm not saying that all of them are bad (I thought most of them were, though). Avatar The Iron Man movies A New Hope Anything with Seth Rogen The Graduate Anything by Don Bluth Also, Goodfellas. It's not a bad movie, it just felt dull and lifeless compared to other dramas I've seen.
  7. I know that you haven't been here in over a year, but seeing it's both of our 20th birthdays today I figured I'd just stop by to say Happy Birthday and to wish you well. Your fellow New Englander, Patrick

  8. You have a point with that, but wouldn't a wider variety of coasters be more enjoyable and more financially practical than multiples of the same style?
  9. But if it was western style it wouldn't fit with Old Country's Bavarian village theme. Also, I don't see any point in removing either of those coasters, which are still good working coasters, in exchange for something that similar to Nitro. It should be something the park doesn't already have.
  10. Personally, I hate it when people assume something animated is for kids. I was watching Under the Red Hood with a friend, and with all the blood and violence in it I would not let a child sit through it.
  11. Hello, I'm Patrick. I last went to the park around '96 but I'm going to be in the area next week and will definitely make at least one visit. I only wish that the Chiller was still there, it looked fun technical issues aside. Yeah, the weather wasn't exactly cooperative when I was down there, so I didn't get to go. Hopefully I'll get to try again in August.
  12. I'd like to see more themed section spotlights like Old Country and Frontier Adventures.
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