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Everything posted by Ogolo

  1. There are definitely some new bumps on El Toro's turn around today that were not there earlier in the year. Hopefully they can fix that.
  2. I though the RT maintenance building would make a good Blood Shed. (Especially since this trip report shows are doing work on it.) One of the best old haunts was behind the Great Arena in some maintenance area...very dark back there. (No chance of that ever coming back)
  3. If the are fireworks are still done by Pyrotecnico it should be worth the visit. Hopefully this isn't the last of the fireworks on the lake.
  4. I suppose no lake front terror trail this year. The UFO / Men in Black themed one was one of my favorites last year.
  5. An overcast day with showers can be your best friend = less crowded park. Just as you are indicating people tend to stay away and want the best weather day. Realize this is the first week public schools are out in NJ/NY so crowds may increase...I think PA is already out. Don't waste money on a FlashPass unless you have to. Check the lines first..and you can always go back and get one if needed. Also stay late...lines can disappear after dinner time.
  6. I believe they slowed it down because it was doing some bad things to El Toro's first drop structure. I doubt you will see it come back and obviously makes little difference to quality the rest of the ride. Be glad they scheduled major maintenance instead of waiting for something to break.
  7. Looks like it is El Toro's turn for some major maintenance. There was a very large cranes nearby. They were getting ready to replace the upper pulley. There were also some rather large weights on flat bed trucks. I'd say expect it to be down for a bit.
  8. El Toro is a great chiropractor. (Season pass as a medical expense? Hmmm..)
  9. I've heard the same...and other than the Safari I don't think they want to be taking care of any more animals. Fort Independence needs some major work...just like RT it is probably cheaper to tear it down. I also used to love the water ski and stunt shows on the lakefront. One of my favorite quite areas of the park.
  10. Well we all know where Parallax is now. Short Video on company that made the El Diabo statue You can actually see it being worked on in the video.
  11. Looks real nice.. Hopefully it wasn't built by the same company that did Parallax.
  12. CAD was dead. Seems people don't like the cold...except on opening weekend?? Not a wait anywhere...and everything was open. Kudos to the park for keeping the park open!
  13. Yes but they are still responsible and not an excuse. (And that is probably the reason it hasn't been fixed.)
  14. Nice bug in the https://mypass.sixflags.comweb site. If you happen to have Family Members on your pass and you remove all of them... The next time you go in a choose Manage Family the Unblock Access section now shows hundreds-thousands of names. Probably every Six Flags pass holder if you wait long enough. You would think this would limit access to your previously removed Family Members. Nice coding skills Six Flags! I tried explaining to the web site support but got nowhere.
  15. Not surprised...Most NJ schools have off this upcoming week (often know as Jersey week down at Disney).
  16. So do you get two laps on one ride? One lap on each side.. That could make timing for the racing very difficult.
  17. Wondering why Friday Oct 31 is 11:59pm instead of 12:00am?
  18. Missed you in Total Darkness on Saturday....the new addition was a bit of a surprise. I enjoyed the new Crop Circles trail more than I expected...the end is just spectacular if you get the two actors at the same time.
  19. Lets say you could see Parallax was made out of foam...it did look like it could be saved (depending on how long they leave it out there). At first I thought it was something from FrightFest. Maybe next Saturday for Total darkness (I knew yesterday was going to be a crowded mess)...this time of year I usually only attempt Friday night visits.
  20. $35 pass ends today but you have to trade in your "FREE" ticket. So don't forget to get that if you want the pass. Hopefully they limit the number of these they sell (event at $40) or I fear it won't be any benefit. No single trail tickets this year. I also saw Parallax in the Junk Yard while on Nitro. -Ken
  21. Yes..It was pretty bad and the animal shelter may have been warmer. I believe it was the second year of the event in the theater by chiller. Many had to go out to their cars to try warm up.
  22. Perfect weather for an empty park! Almost like 2 years ago when most of the storms missed us until ERT was half way through.
  23. I thought Ka had to be closed by 11PM in order for all the maintenance checks to be completed before opening the next day.
  24. Nothing like the Boulder Dash lift hill. Hopefully you hit up the Sky Ride too.
  25. Probably the same woman I ran into last Friday....there was no explaining that it was allowed with her and she probably would have tackled us. After my friend was denied the early entry I went through and then passed my season pass to my friend and he went to a different guard. No pictures so they can't say a thing.
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