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Everything posted by batmanrobinchiller

  1. ^This is amazing! I CANNOT WAIT! I'M SO EXCITED! Just a couple more weeks.
  2. Was it the boat in Seaport that was used in the ride that is now Safari Tours?
  3. I can't wait for the newly themed areas, as well as, the re-themed Terror Trails of the Demented Forest and The Asylum. Something tells me that Shipwreck Cove will include pirates of some sort! I'm so excited for this year!!
  4. Been on GreatAventureHistory for over a year! :D

    1. gasmspiritblue


      Yay ill be here for 2 years in January, i had a old account, that was made in 09, so 3 years i guess! ROB FACE :P

  5. I can't wait to see the redesigned area! Frontier Adventures will be brought back to life!
  6. It really depends on how tall you are. A lot of taller people come off the ride with some pain while the smaller folks don't usually experience this. I'm tall, so I come off the ride with a bit of pain in my legs. Gl also gives me a headache sometimes. The weather is a big factor when riding.
  7. The Boardwalk Section. If you really want to get technical, section 240.
  8. I work the ride. I must admit, it is uncomfortable if you don't position yourself right. You have to stand up completely straight with your feet all the way back. Hope you enjoy your ride!
  9. I'm definitely going to this, this year. I've never been to Universal in October. I'd like to see the hype for myself.
  10. I rode this the other day with Shelby (skullmountain) lol.
  11. I love riding this ride! lol It brings back a lot of memories. I love the pic with B:TR and the Chiller!
  12. I was working tonight and saw the fireworks. It literally lasted 5 minutes. lol
  13. I would love to zip line over the lions or tigers! I wonder how they are going to do it with all the trees in the way? I mean that's how the animals get shade. I don't think they'd want to harm the animals.
  14. I'm glad we're getting this new water slide! It will definitely bring in more guests to HH. I've personally never tried this type of slide before. I must try it, unless it has a 200 lbs limit too.
  15. Of course SFMM is getting it's 18th coaster. I'm so excited for Full Throttle! Premier Rides is really stepping up their game again. I fell in love with the company ever since they've created roller coaters like Mr. Freeze and Chiller. Im really looking forward to the 2013 season.
  16. This is going to a great revamp of the safari! The new entrance to this off road tour will definitely bring a lot of attendance to Bizarro which is a double wammy!
  17. I'd like to see this happen. It would seem to cause more traffic than the original path? *As a side note, they have already put out Awakening Showtimes (Not in the pamphlets, but on those big wooden posts).
  18. I've been there about 3 times this year. It's not like its going anywhere, so I'm not that upset. I'm actually looking forward to the new way they introduce the safari.
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