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Posts posted by IBOK

  1. Turtles. And they were cute.


    To be clear, we were in the designated area in the corner next to ET. Briefly left to check them out. Not a single person but us were on that back corridor and because we are very considerate I checked before I pushed the button. Just so happened security came around the corner from ET and saw us.

  2. Haven't been to the park in a few weeks. Went yesterday and found Some ride dispatchers are now explaining NJ law and penalties regarding phones and loose articles. Nitro announcements were loud and pretty obnoxious in my opinion. I get the idea behind it but found it rather annoying. Did this stem from the injury on El Toro a few weeks ago?


    Some here will be glad to hear that my wife and I were busted smoking an e cig along the river path next to El Toro outside the designated area. Security was polite but also explained NJ law and that the park will prosecute if caught again. He then hung out with us for a little while talking about the season. Was a nice experience. Lol.

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  3. Frisbee would be great in free falls old spot. Then a modern Enterprise in its old spot, something cool in autobahns spot, a filler kiddie ride or 2 in between movie/OC somewhere, relaunch a show in the stunt arena and showcase, perhaps some games/ snack stops and then bam...old country is alive and well.


    Done deal!


    They should have hired me for president.

  4. My brand new 2017 pass is in hand making me now 38yrswithaGApass!

    Now 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 consecutive years with a Great Adventure Season Pass

    and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 consecutive years with a Hurricane Harbor Pass!


    That's impressive! About how many visits a year do you log? We're there any seasons that you were uninterested with and only got the pass because of of the consecutive run?

  5. No need for ads! I appreciate your kind suggestions but having the site and having people share whatever photos and memories they have with us makes it all worth it.

    Not sure if this was already asked of you a million times but with all the information you have for GA, what stories, events, news, or whatever sticks out the most for you? Perhaps surprising fun facts, surprises, disappointments, and old secrets that isn't well known to the rest of us. Care to share?

  6. Last year really was a sensational time for HITP. I'm looking forward to FF but getting excited for HITP. In a weird way it made the holiday season fun in an otherwise stressful period of time. Also, really looking forward to next year. Got a feeling a lot is coming to OC/MT areas. Wonder how they will integrate that area in should it get revived. Hope the budget increases a bit.

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