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Posts posted by DantheWoman

  1. I think of Kiss from a Rose by Seal since I was singing that on my second time on Batman. Completely forgot the lyrics but I was singing to myself and I swear I sounded like Seal at least to myself.


    Also, Fun for Me by Moloko played in the Batman & Robin queue as well as the song that comes right afterwards in the movie, Moaner by Underworld.

  2. OK, OK, I'm basing it on the Adult Swim Toonami and on their event "Countdown." The coaster is gonna be a rethemed, better version of The Chiller because Countdown sucked just like the Batman & Robin movie. 


    TOM and Sara: Nebula; black and purple/red colors. LSM launch. Dueling. Reference to the original coaster by having the Bat Credit Card in the queue.

  3. They should bring Viper back, make it less rough and more smooth, and replace Green Lantern with it. This time, the ride will have a storyline. A sentient robot (unnamed as of now) that's known for his expertise in defending his home spaceship has been infected by a virus (also sentient), and you have to save him. I don't know what Viper would have to do with anything, maybe it's the name of the ship in the story, your ship in the ride, the name of the virus, or the name of the robot himself. But it'd be fun, and hey, a Dive Loop gets replaced by another Dive Loop. ;) 


    Oh, and also bring back the Chiller and keep the B&R theming. Even have a reference to the Bat Credit Card in the queue.

  4. On 10/21/2015 at 9:29 PM, Viper26 said:

    Get that Road Runner Railroad garbage outta here!!!!


    And yeah, SFGAm should've gotten the Sky Screamer too last year.



    I want the RMT out because hey I don't really care for it. I know it's SFGAdv's first coaster and all, but that title actually went to Big Fury too, and I'm more of a DC fangirl who likes roller coasters.

  5. Because we need it.


    Maybe a Looping Starship themed to TOM, something to do with Sara, and a Mondial Shake themed to Swayzak. Of course Swayzak is also gonna be a DC character (yes I took him and when I join DC like I want to some day he's going to be in my comics heck I have a whole layout for him which involves reformation and joining the Green Lantern Corps) so yeah there's that


    Anything else? Maybe a launched coaster?

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