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Posts posted by Mike13

  1. I never trust the long forcasts,they always seem to turn out the opposite lol.And I will most likely big working that day,don't know where yet but once I find out I'll tell you guys and you can all come by and say hi :batman:

  2. Awww =(,I remember riding that in 2005 for Fright Fest when I didn't really like big rollercoasters yet and was still riding flats like this ride.I remember like it was yesterday,me and my friend went through the Que thinking it was Viper and when we exited after riding (We loved that ride it was soooo good I thought) and when we exited and we said wow that was Viper!?Some guy was like No that's not viper that was Rodeo Stampede lol.Ahhh I miss this ride so much after watching that POV.

  3. ^Yeah I agree,we don't need a big Dive Machine,financially it doesn't make sense to add one right now and it makes no sense to add one when they could get a Euro-Fighter that can be just as fun and intense as a B&M and a Euro-Fighter could fit easier into places than a big B&M that needs alot of room,plus they would save atleast 7 or 8 million by choosing a Euro-Fighter over a Dive Machine.But there is alot they could do with Movie Town and the Old Country area,retheme it and re-open it in 2011 with some flats or a new coaster in there and bring life back over there.Oh and did you guys ask if they are going to add/look into adding some flats to the park in the future,or you didn't ask about future projects?

  4. Yeah I go on it if theres not a long line or if the lines for coasters are too long me and my friends will go on,but otherwise I won't go on cause it hurts toooooo much and is really unconfortable on some areas :pinch:

  5. I'm guessing we will be getting a coaster in 2011 since she said

    Regardless of the outcome of those discussions, guests will only see a better, stronger, more improved product and plans are already underway to celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2011 in a big, big way!


    I'm excited to see whats to come for our park!

  6. I honestly would not expect to see Cedar Fair with all there debt as well.They have almost as much as Six Flags in terms of debt wise after buying out Paramount parks,now they have to sell off parks to gain some extra money.Busch is completely out of it since they don't even know what there doing with themselfs at this point.Then theres Parc who does not have the money to buy or probably even afford to operate the park since it's such a BIG park.Also Parques Reunidos also owns kind of small parks I believe but maybe they could buy up the park.Merlin is another who I think could be one of the best bets to buy GA.Some people say the company who owns Universal (Blackstone Group) that won't happen.We are on nowhere close to there level of thememing on there standards.It would take probably 2,3 years to redo our park to make it like Universal Orlando or Hollywood,hey I wouldn't mind a Mummy ride close to home though :drool5: .That's my insight :rant:

  7. And if you don't believe that article,someone my mom works with,the guy she works with ran into somebody high up (don't want to say any names)and they talked about things and how (he/her went to school with his wife and stuff)then he asked if they are concerned for there job and they said "Trust me,we'll be fine"So that's coming from someone high up at Great Adventure,so one way or another I can guarentee we will see GA live on if Six went under.But SFGA,SFGAm,SFOT,SFFT,and SFOG would be safe for time being.If it got really bad I don't know who would go.

  8. I don't want to get off topic or anything and I was going to make a new topic for this but if Six Flags does go under who do you see buying Great Adventure if anyone would buy it?I could see Merlin Entertainment,although I have never been to one of there parks Alton Towers and Thorpe Park look like well rounded parks with coasters/flats,and look to be well ran.


    I don't want to get off topic or anything and I was going to make a new topic for this but if Six Flags does go under who do you see buying Great Adventure if anyone would buy it?I could see Merlin Entertainment,although I have never been to one of there parks Alton Towers and Thorpe Park look like well rounded parks with coasters/flats,and look to be well ran.

  9. I think a interactive shooter kind of ride like Men In Black at Universal would be a HUGE success at our park,don't know if the Chiller station could fit that unless it is a REALLY short shooter ride.If they did build the ride they could theme it towards Batman and shooting his villains like The Joker,Scarecrow,Two-Face and so on and it would be really popular for awhile,not just a year or two like The Dark Knight Coaster.Only problem is a Sally ride like that is gonna cost ALOT of money,that Six Flags doesn't have that type of money.

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