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Looping Starship / Space Shuttle


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Hey everyone!


I´m a guy from Sweden who loved the Space Shuttle we had at Liseberg in Gothemburg. I sadly noticed that GADV has dismantled their Space Shuttle now :angry:



What happened to it? is it in storage? Does anybody have pictures of it being dismantled? I´m working on a Looping Starship & Space Shuttle book and i would love to collect all the facts from you guys when it comes to GADV´s Space shuttle.



I hope you can help me out!


Greetings from Sweden


Robert - The Looping Starship fan!

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The Looping Starship was cut apart and either sold for scrap or disposed of in Spring of 2008. Here are some photos:







I am sure you already saw it, but below is our link to the Looping Starship Spotlight. If you have any questions about the ride let us know and we will see if we can answer those for you. Good luck with the book Robert!



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Please don´t tell me that they scrapped it??? :Z7: I so hate it when they scrap these awesome and beautyful rides. I totally hate it!!!


First of all, i would like to thank you for your kindness and your way to welcome a new person here :wub:


I have read that spotlight at least 40 times. It´s an awesome spotlight. I really love this site! It´s so well done and it´s so interesting to read the spotlights. As you probably understand, i found the Looping Starship spotlight the best.


The Intamin LSS and SS´es are, in my opinion, the most awesome looking flat ride ever made and the ride experience is by far the best i´ve ever had. Our Space Shuttle (themed to be a passenger jet plane), Aerovarvet, made it´s debut for the 1989 season and kept on flying until the 2002 season. They rebuilt it. The took away the aeroplane body, the counterwight and just let it swung from side to side, like a pirate ship. I´ve never been so dissapointed as i where that day when i came to the park and saw this. My research about the ride began and i got more and more passionated the further i came. I gladly share you some pictures of our "Aerovarvet" if you want to, just let me know.



Now i´m up to writing a book together with a complete register covering all the Looping Starships and Space Shuttles that has ever been made, including pictures and movies of every each one of them!



I really do would like to ask you several questions about your beautyful ride.


First of all, i wonder if i´m allowed to use your pictures for the book? Ofcourse i will include gah in the list of sources. I wonder if it would be possible to use the pictures without the gah logo? Is there any chance of getting the original copy of the movie in high resolution?


This book is only for my own use and passion of these rides. It won´t be anything i will sell etc or earn money on. It´s just a way for me to show my passion for them. ofcourse i will gladly share my book and register with you guys!


Now for some questions that i will include in my book.


1: How did people in the Park react on Looping Starship in 1985? Where they frightened? Did everyone in the park talk about the new awesome ride? 29years, do you have pictures of the ride being assembled? I would LOVE to see that!


2: Did the park always run the same program during all the years? Did it always loop twice?


3: Where there long queues for the ride?


4: I´ve seen on a picture during a restoration in the spotlight that the restraints where painted in orange. I found this REALLY awesome together with the Space Shuttle theme. It seems like they never used those restraints? Where they brand new replacement restraints or was it just some kind of cover used dring the restoration?


5: Can you tell me more about what year they restored it and what they did during the restoration?


6: Do you have more pictures and movies of the ride?



I´ll start with these questions and keep new ones coming (i´ve got tons of them). Once again, thank you for your kindness :)



Intamin Space Shuttle´s For ever!



Edited by Aerovarvet
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We can get you the answers to those questions. There is also another video HERE in our Spotlight Extras album of the Looping Starship at its original location in the park. We also have an on-ride video that gives you a good idea of the excitement of the crowd and the riders which we haven't posted yet. It is from the early 80s when cameras were still allowed. We will be back with you soon.



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29yrs, what´s your real name?


-your real name - I AM SO EXCITED! !!!


Thank you so much!!!


My name is Harry and we are am happy to help!


Like I mentioned, we will get together some answers to your questions shortly but just wanted to note that ride was extremely popular when it premiered. As a state of the art attraction in 1985 lines were long and watching the ride while waiting in the queue was almost as entertaining as the ride itself. Crowds use to gather around the ride and wait for that huge ship to make it over the top for the first time.


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Chiller: Sorry for not expressing myself better. The "book" will consist of a timeline with facts and pictures and even sometimes stories and other things, covering all the lss and ss that has ever been made. Besides that, a catalogue system consisting of pictures and movieclips on almost everyone will be included. So maybe i sould say a Looping Starship / Space Shuttle CD :)



Harry: I recognise those words from the one we had in Sweden. MAJOR success!!! I can´t wait for the rest to come.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Speaking of the Space Shuttle - Did you guys happen to notice on your tour if the ride platform and queue line have been dismantled yet?





I was there this past Thursday and the ride platform is still there like a grave marker.

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  • 1 month later...

Robert, sorry for the delay. Here are some of the answers to your questions.


1: How did people in the Park react on Looping Starship in 1985? Where they frightened? Did everyone in the park talk about the new awesome ride? 29years, do you have pictures of the ride being assembled? I would LOVE to see that!


Guests loved the Looping Starship in 1985 when the ride debuted. As a state of the art attraction and the first to be added in the region, it was a totally new experience for most Great Adventure guests. We received the Buccaneer (swing ship ride) just four seasons earlier so this was a major improvement for thrill seekers. The ride remained popular throughout the entire season and was a big draw to that area of the park for many years to come. The ride was relocated for the 1997 season so Batman and Robin The Chiller could be added and the ride never really had the same following once it was moved. Part of the problem was that the ride was placed at the very end of the Boardwalk section (a dead-end of the park) and there were other attractions (roller coasters) that attracted all the attention so ridership on the Space Shuttle suffered.


We do have one photo of the ride being assembled that we will be made public in the upcoming months.


2: Did the park always run the same program during all the years? Did it always loop twice?


The ride always ran the same program and the number of loops actually depended upon the distribution and amount of weight of the passengers. It always looped at least twice but sometimes more.


3: Where there long queues for the ride?


Long lines existed for probably the first five years and then started to trail off. Like I mentioned above, once relocated long queues for the ride were uncommon.


4: I´ve seen on a picture during a restoration in the spotlight that the restraints where painted in orange. I found this REALLY awesome together with the Space Shuttle theme. It seems like they never used those restraints? Where they brand new replacement restraints or was it just some kind of cover used during the restoration?


The restraints were orange around 1994 but ultimately were replaced with black ones again. During the late 1980s to mid 90s any ride that featured neck harnesses had orange restraints that were easy to see.


5: Can you tell me more about what year they restored it and what they did during the restoration?


The ride was restored around 2003/2004. All safety restraints were stripped from the ride and the safety mechanisms and equipment were replaced and upgraded.


6: Do you have more pictures and movies of the ride?


We do have a couple of other unique shots and variations of the shots already on the Spotlight. Like I already once mentioned we also have an on-ride video of the ride taken while it was at its original location. We are in the process of updating some of our Spotlights so you may see a few of these soon.


I hope that helps!


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