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Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom - NOW OPEN!


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Ka reopened today but what do i know...

No I mean when 2013 season ends, and Zumanjaro construction begins, Kingda Ka won't be open because of the new ride in the beginning of the 2014 season. Because it probably won't be open until may or june

Edited by sixflagsdude101
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My two cents on this debacle... First, once again, it appears that Six Flags doesn't comprehend the concepts of strategic planning, maintaining any sort of theme (original or movie based) in its "theme parks," or concept of marketing each park for all that the park has to offer each season. Instead, they (very short mindedly) add a new mega ride (rollercoaster or other) with the hope that their single new attraction will both drive additional attendance as well as repeat visitors from prior seasons. And, they expect this to happen while making each park more and more like the dirty, unorganized, amusement parks pre-Disneyland, with little concern for the family unit (using any definition of "family" that can be conjured up) OR the fact that teenage theme park attendance is on the decline AND the fact that "family unit" per cap theme park spending is nearly double that of per cap spending by teens.


Now Great Adventure is losing another "great" in Great Adventure. Why can other Six Flags parks (let's consider SFOT) retract their older coasters and still manage to enjoy improved attendance? Why do both SFOT and SFOG manage to hold on to a good portion of the charm (and, in the case of SFOG, their forest) that they have had from the very beginning? I hate to say it, but I have to believe that it's a result of both of those parks only being managed by Six Flags rather than owned 100% by Six Flags. The owners of those parks (The Texas and Georgia partnerships) still have a good deal of say when it comes to capital spending, maintenance, and planning.


It's wonderful that GA is getting this drop tower, but it's pathetic that it's doing so, once again, at the expense of theming, an incredible classic coaster (one of the very few that are actually two) that does need, and deserves, a major rehab, and and any concept of long range continuity in planning.

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I don't understand why you don't care about Rolling Thunder! That was the only ride that was big for kids who are past the kid coaster (RMT, TDK, SM), but not quite ready for the big ones (ET, Nitro, ect.) So now what will they ride? Nothing. And that means they wont have a good time.

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My two cents on this debacle... First, once again, it appears that Six Flags doesn't comprehend the concepts of strategic planning, maintaining any sort of theme (original or movie based) in its "theme parks," or concept of marketing each park for all that the park has to offer each season. Instead, they (very short mindedly) add a new mega ride (rollercoaster or other) with the hope that their single new attraction will both drive additional attendance as well as repeat visitors from prior seasons. And, they expect this to happen while making each park more and more like the dirty, unorganized, amusement parks pre-Disneyland, with little concern for the family unit (using any definition of "family" that can be conjured up) OR the fact that teenage theme park attendance is on the decline AND the fact that "family unit" per cap theme park spending is nearly double that of per cap spending by teens.


Now Great Adventure is losing another "great" in Great Adventure. Why can other Six Flags parks (let's consider SFOT) retract their older coasters and still manage to enjoy improved attendance? Why do both SFOT and SFOG manage to hold on to a good portion of the charm (and, in the case of SFOG, their forest) that they have had from the very beginning? I hate to say it, but I have to believe that it's a result of both of those parks only being managed by Six Flags rather than owned 100% by Six Flags. The owners of those parks (The Texas and Georgia partnerships) still have a good deal of say when it comes to capital spending, maintenance, and planning.


It's wonderful that GA is getting this drop tower, but it's pathetic that it's doing so, once again, at the expense of theming, an incredible classic coaster (one of the very few that are actually two) that does need, and deserves, a major rehab, and and any concept of long range continuity in planning.


Well said. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks theming and atmosphere are important. It's also crazy that after many past failures trying to cater soley to teenagers and failing miserably, they just never learn. The only parks that are successful are those that attract families, and Six Flags does everything possible to drive them away.

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Ikik maybe a family coaster in the chiller area and a kickass coaster where rolling thunderis

That would be awesome, but do you really think they would put 2 coasters in the same year? This post belongs more in the 2015 speculation, but in 2015 they should put a major coaster, and 2016 a more family coaster like rolling thunder

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Does the park really need another headliner? I mean look at this:


-Tallest coaster in the world

-Best wooden coaster in the world

-Top Hyper Coaster

-Tallest Drop Tower in the world

-B&M Floorless

-B&M Stand-Up


Those right there are the park's top 6 attractions. One is being added next year. The only park that is in the same echelon is CP. The GP will understand if they take a year off from thrills. What we truly need are thematic updates, shows, a good dark ride, a good water ride, an intermediate coaster(like a GCI) and a few more good flats. That being said, 2015 is probably the year for a new coaster, just based on this management and past history.

Edited by DiveMachine
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No I mean when 2013 season ends, and Zumanjaro construction begins, Kingda Ka won't be open because of the new ride in the beginning of the 2014 season. Because it probably won't be open until may or june

Then why did you quote me saying ka would reopen by monday when you said this...


As a WDI hopeful trust me i completely understand the want gor themeing. But the truth is only so many parks can keep to a strict themeing policy it costs major mulah to be able to do that. Disney, universal and busch lead the way in that area. But regional theme parks (which are what SF parks are) dont have the resources to keep to that strict themeing enterprise. They try as much as they can but if its millions of dollars cheaper to get a pathway to the safari from the frontier than from the golden kingdom...frontier is where its going. You can knock six flags for themeing all you want but in all honesty six flags does a heck of a better themeing job than cedar fair! And both chains get along just fine without keeping to that strict themeing regimen. Great adventure is the most profitable park in the entire sf chain it is going NO WHERE anytime soon nor will the loss of rolling thunder cause it to fall from that pinnacle

Edited by JJ2K
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Does the park really need another headliner? I mean look at this:


-Tallest coaster in the world

-Best wooden coaster in the world

-Top Hyper Coaster

-Tallest Drop Tower in the world

-B&M Floorless

-B&M Stand-Up


Those right there are the park's top 6 attractions. One is being added next year. The only park that is in the same echelon is CP. The GP will understand if they take a year off from thrills. What we truly need are thematic updates, shows, a good dark ride, a good water ride, an intermediate coaster(like a GCI) and a few more good flats. That being said, 2015 is probably the year for a new coaster, just based on this management and past history.


I like this idea of a GCI and not to extreme i mean those coasters can have the tiniest space and fit a lot of twists and turns! And yes I would like to see the return of splash water falls!

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To everyone saying the park doesn't have enough family coasters now that Rolling Thunder is gone:


1. The Dark Knight

2. Skull Mountain

3. Runaway Mine Train

4. Blackbeard's Lost Treasure Train


How many other parks have this kind of a lineup? Look at Dorney, they have two family coasters. Hershey has 3-4 depending on what you consider to be a family coaster. Do you think families just ride roller coasters? They don't. Go to another amusement park and see. You'll notice families go on more flats than they do coasters. Those of you posting that clearly haven't been to that many parks. Once you go to more you will see how good the family coaster selection at Great Adventure is.

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The problem is the park has not had huge increases in attendance. That's why they are basically keeping the ride count the same each season. Add a ride take one away. Add a ride that attracts more people take away one that no one really rides anymore or has high maintenance costs.


Every year the NEW ride has long lines, and the others all taper off. It has always been that way and always will be.

Let's be honest here... Has the park's attendance increased consistently over the past five to eight years? I believe it has not. Instead, mild gains one season are then off-set by flat and, more often, declines the next. When was the last time that GA surpassed 3 million in attendance? The last time it made it into the top ten of U.S. theme parks attended? Quite some time ago.


Also, the newest attraction DOES NOT always have the longest lines and returning rides DO NOT always see declines as a result solely of the new attraction. Some major additions that come to mind include Lightnin' Loops, Hydroflume, Roaring Rapids, The Dark Night, Medusa, Freefall, Sarajevo Bobsleds, and Ultra Twister. For almost ten seasons, The Log Flume was easily the ride with the most number of riders, with Hydroflume never even coming close. I could be wrong, but I believe Log Flume easily beat Roaring Rapids in its first few seasons, with the Flume being almost ten years old at the time.


My point here is that no single attraction will guarantee increased overall attendance and when the target demographic of that new attraction is limited (Megacoasters DO NOT have universal appeal any more than a kiddie ride does), it's that much more difficult to increase annual attendance.

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I'm excited that were finally getting a Drop Tower!!! A huge one none the less. Although its sad to see rolling thunder go, I hope a nice RMC gets put in. If you think about it, the wood on the ride wasn't designed to be built taller or faster, and instead of rehabbing it, use the money to build new family coasters that will bring in more people and be a worthy investment down the road.

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To everyone saying the park doesn't have enough family coasters now that Rolling Thunder is gone:


1. The Dark Knight

2. Skull Mountain

3. Runaway Mine Train

4. Blackbeard's Lost Treasure Train


How many other parks have this kind of a lineup? Look at Dorney, they have two family coasters. Hershey has 3-4 depending on what you consider to be a family coaster. Do you think families just ride roller coasters? They don't. Go to another amusement park and see. You'll notice families go on more flats than they do coasters. Those of you posting that clearly haven't been to that many parks. Once you go to more you will see how good the family coaster selection at Great Adventure is.

This is spot on. I agree 100%

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To everyone saying the park doesn't have enough family coasters now that Rolling Thunder is gone:


1. The Dark Knight

2. Skull Mountain

3. Runaway Mine Train

4. Blackbeard's Lost Treasure Train


How many other parks have this kind of a lineup? Look at Dorney, they have two family coasters. Hershey has 3-4 depending on what you consider to be a family coaster. Do you think families just ride roller coasters? They don't. Go to another amusement park and see. You'll notice families go on more flats than they do coasters. Those of you posting that clearly haven't been to that many parks. Once you go to more you will see how good the family coaster selection at Great Adventure is.


Well, the way I see it, Runaway Mine Train seems to be the only "real" coaster of the four. It feels like a "big" coaster but is for everyone. Rolling Thunder was similar in that it felt like one of the "big rides" instead of a glorified kiddie coaster like Blackbeards. That being said, I don't think Great Adventure needs another coaster that appeals solidly to families, but rather something like a GCI or Gravity Group woodie that would appeal to the mid to upper family demographic as well as thrill seekers.

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Well said. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks theming and atmosphere are important. It's also crazy that after many past failures trying to cater soley to teenagers and failing miserably, they just never learn. The only parks that are successful are those that attract families, and Six Flags does everything possible to drive them away.

I concur!!!Themeing and atmosphere ARE important-EVEN IF THEY ARE CATERING TO THE TEEN/YOUNG ADULT MARKET.Cleanliness and courtesy maybe vital to families,but even high school kids won't tolerate or respect the "world's tallest/fastest/loopiest/etc"ride if they're paying $20 or more to park in a pothole-filled lot and others are cutting in line.
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To everyone saying the park doesn't have enough family coasters now that Rolling Thunder is gone:


1. The Dark Knight

2. Skull Mountain

3. Runaway Mine Train

4. Blackbeard's Lost Treasure Train


How many other parks have this kind of a lineup? Look at Dorney, they have two family coasters. Hershey has 3-4 depending on what you consider to be a family coaster. Do you think families just ride roller coasters? They don't. Go to another amusement park and see. You'll notice families go on more flats than they do coasters. Those of you posting that clearly haven't been to that many parks. Once you go to more you will see how good the family coaster selection at Great Adventure is.

What about the people that are past that, but not ready for a big ride? Rolling Thunder was the ride to go on.

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What about the people that are past that, but not ready for a big ride? Rolling Thunder was the ride to go on.

I don't agree with this. Let's also not forget road runner railway... for the real little ones!


I think Runaway Mine train or Dark Knight are equally as close "transitional" rides... After Rolling Thunder, what's next? Most families lean towards El Toro it seems, even though a lot of other coasters a bit less intense than it. The park will move on without RT. Sad thing is, most people won't miss it one bit. I can't get one of my friends or family members to ride it.

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