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Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom - NOW OPEN!


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If you take a look at Drop Ride Wars episode 2, at 0:55 you can see the plans for the que line. It will not travel under the launch track of Kingda Ka, but around the back. People will exit the ride in between the cars. The line splits up into three well before boarding.

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If you take a look at Drop Ride Wars episode 2, at 0:55 you can see the plans for the que line. It will not travel under the launch track of Kingda Ka, but around the back. People will exit the ride in between the cars. The line splits up into three well before boarding.

Hmm… Interesting, good eye.

Screenshot of 0:55



And the video for anyone who hasn't seen it yet-

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Just saw that, does that mean the queue will go into Rolling Thunder's old spot?


Also I'm glad to see that it looks like there will be no switchbacks in the queue, at least from that picture.

Edited by RC98
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I don't think it will take up much, if at any of RTs spot.. My guess is it will look something like this(excuse my sloppy diagram)

red-option 1

yellow option 2


Have just a side by side entrance/exit path up until about almost at the Ka tower, somewhat near where the launch track ends, then actual queuing etc would start from there. Based on JSbluemen's discovery, from there an employee would probably start grouping for tower 1,2 and 3 to keep the lines even if his theory is right that it splits up into 3(which it looks like) OR it is going to switch back 3 times and at the end of the 3rd switchback have people line up/group for tower 1,2,3.



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That configuration makes it look difficult to expand into RT's footprint in the future, at least from the GK. I hope they leave space for expansion with the queue, otherwise that would be a gaping hole on that side. They'd have to expand off of Frontier Adventures or PdC, which may be more difficult.

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JEBUS. Thats a walk and half. I had a feeling they were going to wrap the line around the back. Thats really the only logical way to do it with KAs launch building right there.


I guess if they expand the park more in the direction the line will be reconfigured.


In my opp i feel like time moves a little fast waiting in line going through a switch back rather then one long stright line. Just me tho.


Hopfully this ride hold the publics attention. I kinda have a feeling it might be a "wow" factore for a few months then die off. Im fine with riding it once and thats it.

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I remember it saying somewhere that there would be theming in the queue line, it's probably easier to theme a straight line queue than one with switchbacks. Look at Disney's queues, many of them only have switchbacks as overflow or don't have them at all.

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Wow 90 mph is fast! Since they're advertising the fact that Ka trains will launch at you, does anyone know if the tower is going to sway like Lex Luthor when the trains launch or did the new supports added to the tower eliminate that?

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I hope there is theming along the path to the tower. From El Toro you can see the direction the path will take and it will definitely be quite a walk.


Side Note: The empty pad next to El Toro's twister section would be nice for a large flat ride. Plaza Del Carnaval could use another ride. I'd like to see a giant frisbee or screaming swing there but realistically an aqua twist would be perfect.

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Guest Moonracker7

Well finally back from a long absence, Seeing the ride on ka is a love/hate situation, but this type of drop tower was made for Strata's, I wonder if Cedar will do the same with there's in the coming years.

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it would be easy at cedar point because there is access to that part of Top Thrill Dragster but since they have a drop ride and the fact that it wouldn't break any records (they love doing that to us and Top Thrill Dragster is smaller), makes me think they won't do that. Was there a sidewalk or two being built where Rolling Thunder used to be? I think i noticed that on Sunday but i took all my pics on Saturday.

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