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Photo Trip Report: April 26th, 2014- Events-O-Plenty!


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Great photos. I had heard last week an employee saying the dining pass is only good until 7:00 for dinner. I'm glad to see a picture of that sign showing it didn't change to 7:00 and is still 7:30.

Edited by Yoshi
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Are those RT trains still in the parking lot?


However the news on the Fort cannons is great! Also it's cool to see that the new restaurant in Boardwalk is full service in a way.


Yes, the trains are still in the parking lot down a little ways from the Green Lanterns station.


As far as the cannons go, that is just something that I think "should" happen. I changed the wording so that is a little clearer!

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You also saw a good sealion show, loved how they did the double bows and brought two out to the slide out area they don't do that often.


It was a great show! I added a six more photos of the sealions that I just realized didn't upload to the report. Here are a few:







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Great photos. I had heard last week an employee saying the dining pass is only good until 7:00 for dinner. I'm glad to see a picture of that sign showing it didn't change to 7:00 and is still 7:30.


Thanks. I was trying to remember, didn't lunch start at noon last year? I don't recall 11:30am, but even better.

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The area of the Golden Kingdom in the photo below looks much better opened up all the way to El Toro. It seems less like a dead-end alley and more like a new section of the park. Tiger Leap Market always seemed jammed in there but now looks better with open access from all sides.



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I'm glad to see that the Log Flume is getting some TLC, I really hope they get the wheel working, It really adds a nice touch to the atmosphere of that section. Also, it looks like the Kingda Ka entrance plaza is going to be much more opened up. That area is always crammed when KK is open.

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On Friday I saw they already started on laying down the pathway to the drop tower. It looks like it will take up the whole middle of Rolling Thunder's old footprint. Personally it looks like another big empty spot in the park which there are too many of.

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On Friday I saw they already started on laying down the pathway to the drop tower. It looks like it will take up the whole middle of Rolling Thunder's old footprint. Personally it looks like another big empty spot in the park which there are too many of.

I saw the pathway when I went on Sunday, it looks like a very long walk. And like you said just another empty spot of the park.

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I saw the pathway when I went on Sunday, it looks like a very long walk. And like you said just another empty spot of the park.

Have to agree, when i knew the path was going in the RT area, i thought they would try to make it take as less room as possible to save for future expansion. It seems to be the exact opposite and they have the paths so spread apart there is no room left from that side of RT.

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