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Rolling Thunder Memorial


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29yrs, just out of curiosity, do they notify you when they have finalized plans before releasing it to the public, or is more during the "concept" stage when the idea is still in development? What I'm wondering is if Six Flags had planned to remove RT for more than the one year in advance you were informed of it.

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^ Thats correct.


^^ Well Railer, it just goes to show you that I can keep a secret !!! I was quoted in the news release for Zumanjaro which I gave several months before that announcement and I got the heads up about RT back in 2012. As I always say, I will share no news before its time!



Oh, I know you can. I can too, I did know about the Book about a yr before you made the announcement. I was asking about the memorial, not the removal. Wondering if that was planned 2012.

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Although I never really liked this ride a lot, I'm still really sad it's gone.

It was the first wooden coaster I ever rode. Since it was already really

old when I rode it, I guess the condition was a lot better earlier.

The trains are still at the park, I went yesterday. I saw them after

coming down the camel hump hill of Kingda Ka. They were on

hard concrete floor, by the steel fencing that surrounded Green

Lantern. They were all faded, the wheels rusted. Aren't they going

to do anything with them other than let them bask in hot sun and

get drenched in the rain?

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  • 1 month later...

based off the fact that the park left that section of track there and that it was neatly cut away from the rest of the demoed ride I would have assumed this to be true. Now we all know what happens most of the time when things are assumed but in this case it seemed quote plausible

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