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2016 and Beyond Speculation at SFGA

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That screen grab is from "Full Throttle's" annoincement video. But the "Total Mayhem" logo look's legit, and that shade of blue is actually used on a 4D Free Fly. The only other Coaster other than a 4D that we could get is a Premier "Superman" Clone. Whatever we are getting fit's in the Grandstand's Footprint.

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I would also prefer the yet unseen, "10 element" 4D. The foorprint is the same as the standard one. And that really goes along with the Logo in that Screen Grab, It will be a round or oval Logo, to fit where the Batman symbol is on the one in Texas. For some reason that logo seems legit to me, the design of it is too good.

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Railer, here are the 10 element version schematics: http://imgur.com/6Ma0LE5



I posted a similar shot from IAAPA on "Great Adventure Insider Updates" on FB. The only schematics out there for the "10 element" are from screengrabs, and they are older version's before they made the lift 90 degrees to "strectch out" the Station to get a couple more Cars on it for capacity. One thing with the que for these is that they have to "split" it somewhere, Guest's load from both sides of the Station, so it will have to have 2 que's.The footprint will be alot wider with all that goes with it.

Edited by Railer
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Nah man, it's real. (EDIT: Sarcasm STRONGLY intended, considering there's no way for me to know that these were real. "Nah it's real" is from a Youtube video from The Janoskians where they were carrying around a fake baby and a guy said "That's fake man" and the guy said "Nah, it's real")

Edited by YoungPup
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That pic is not from any of RMC's site's or Page's. It's funny, Lance from Screamscape and i were talking how people keep sending him all these fake rendering's "anonymously", and how it's "monkey see, monkey do" since the first one popped up this year lol. I'm going to call my friend at Community Affairs in Trenton (Elevator inspections is a part of that, and they do all the Coasters in the State) and see if anything came their way yet. Doubt it has though, i don't even think the Twp has all the detail's yet. It's funny my Wife and kids and I brought her with us on a "freebie" with our passes year's ago, but when we got to the gate, she just pulled out her Work Badge/ID, and got in without it. They can come to the Park anytime un-announced and walk right in. Even funnier thing is, she really don't like any Rides or Coasters and hardly ever goes to any Park's. Prob look at it different when it's your job. But I still only know what i have known from the Union Local, prob won't get anything else before the announcement's are made. Trying though, see what happens.

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There are all kind's of "stupid" out there in the little "Theme Park" world. All over really, look at all the fake Movie Trailers that come down all the time nowadays. I saw 3 diiferent new Spiderman outfits from Civil War already.

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Now the "nah, its real" was deleted. Why not say where you git it from? Oh, that's right, your full of it.

It's still up..? I corrected the multiple periods in it, AND I'm pretty sure there's no major cursing allowed on this site, AND this is theme park talk. Nobody was insulting you, therefore if you don't want to believe a picture, you should just ignore it.

Edited by jdc12192
fixed language.
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Before people start linking pictures, please provide some background info. You can't just post a random picture and claim it's real without any background info/sources.

Yes please youngpup. Please provide a source or where you found it from. Or 'hey came across this on *wherever* ' you can't keep posting photos with no explanation or source and claim it's real. It just makes it look less believable and that you edited them yourself to stir up the rumor mill.

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Yes please youngpup. Please provide a source or where you found it from. Or 'hey came across this' you can't keep posting photos with no explanation or source and claim it's real. It just makes it look less believable and that you edited them yourself to stir up the rumor mill.

Ok, lets say I found them on google, AND I never claimed any of them were real. And I understand you're a moderator, but unless there are rules stating I have to explain where I found a specific picture or link, then there's no way of knowing that. So I will say the same thing that Railer has been saying the entire time, which is "My friend sent them to me"

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Ok, lets say I found them on google, AND I never claimed any of them were real. And I understand you're a moderator, but unless there are rules stating I have to explain where I found a specific picture or link, then there's no way of knowing that. So I will say the same thing that Railer has been saying the entire time, which is "My friend sent them to me"

You're making yourself sound ridiculous. You've honestly lost all credibility from me and probably everyone else on this site.

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It's still up..? I corrected the multiple periods in it, AND I'm pretty sure there's no major cursing allowed on this site, AND this is theme park talk. Nobody was insulting you, therefore if you don't want to believe a picture, you should just ignore it.

I noticed you re-edited your "nah man, it's real" post exactly two minutes before posting this to read close to what it originally said, but when the poster asked you about it... it was no longer present. Why do you feel the need to lie about your posts?

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I'm just deleting all of my pics, but you guys will see :) And also, if they're my pics, then I wouldn't have to credit them to anyone. And if I found a leaked pic inside a Six Flags site, then again, there wouldn't be anything to credit.

Edited by YoungPup
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Ok, lets say I found them on google, AND I never claimed any of them were real. And I understand you're a moderator, but unless there are rules stating I have to explain where I found a specific picture or link, then there's no way of knowing that. So I will say the same thing that Railer has been saying the entire time, which is "My friend sent them to me"


The following below was what i said, and you're reply.... sounds like "claiming its real" to me.


That just looks like a poorly edited photo with words typed on it.....



Nah man, it's real.



And yes there are rules about using sources- "Do not post copyrighted material without prior consent from the owner. Materials used from other sources MUST BE CREDITED (including links back to the original source)."


Im not trying to attack you but recently you have posted a few photos that do not look legit at all, with no expiation, source or anything except for a photo link , it just makes it seem even more less believable.

Just like password said, it doesn't look believable and the more (suspecting) false info you post, the less credibility you have. It just helps discussion and such if there is a source,reason,or explanation where you got it.

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