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Photo Trip Report: May 26th, 2016 - The Joker Media Event


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Some of us were thinking it may be something along the lines of what's in TDK's que, but instead of Chris Nolan's Joker goon's as the mask, it will be the Joker's face over Guest's. With the "Joker Cam" sign, it seemed a possibility. But from your pics, there are no Camera's set up i can see, yet anyway. But really good pics, can get a good feel for how the whole area came out from them. Once all the greenery grows in it will be nice upgrade to something that must of cost the Park alot of money to keep up and running with that huge salt water Pool. Especially with those old pump's and filter's, and they got no return for it. One thing i don't like is this new pattern of these generic, "pre-fab" que's they sprout out now. They all have the same "feel", think it started with the "Green Lantern", even though i really like that que with all the prop's along it.

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With the exception of GA's continued use of chain link fences in newer attractions, it all looks very good from my computer. Personally, I would have preferred that they invested in the needed modifications to the Aqua Spectacle to keep it.

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Great pictures as always. The event was very nice and it was a shame ride time had to get cut a little short due to the little mishap. The ride and ride area look good, only thing I would've wished for was more grass around the plaza and maybe some shaded areas for guests. Thank you again for the invite.

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^ Hopefully they will add both of those elements soon! You never know with Six Flags.


On a related note, any update on the former grandstand area? I imagine they'll want to have that finished before the July 4 weekend, so people can watch fireworks.


Still looks the same as in previous updates. Some grass growing, but they've been using it recently to store stuff for Joker's queue construction. Not entirely sure what the final plan is, but it does need to be cleaned up a bit still.

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