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Scary rides.

The Master

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I created this thread for past and current scary rides.


First ride is the Cedar Point Sea Swing which operated from 1914 to sometime in the 30s. 





I would have ridden it. 



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  • 5 years later...

Found a couple of more scary water rides.


First a video ad from 1985 for a slide called Raging Rapids at Funtown waterpark in Erie, PA. The slide  has bumbs to send inner tubes airborne! 



Second video is for the former Lake Dolores water park in SoCal that featured water slides you slid down while standing up on your feet, possibly outdoing Action Park.



Edited by The Master
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I don't think those slides would last long today.


A slide at Blizzard Beach was a little similar in causing people to get air time but it never opened to the public. They closed it when they saw that it had the potential to be dangerous during employee previews. The only footage of it is in this video (I have the link edited to start right at the par that shows the slide):


Some parks in Europe have modern standing waterslides that looks safer


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I didn't know ahouf the defunct Blizzard Beach slide, at least it looked like it was cushioned. Those modern European slides look a lot safer than the old Lake Dolores versions. Much shorter length and curves to keep guest speed down, but those handrails could cause abrasion. 

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  • 5 months later...

Found another scary ride at a waterpark on a island south of Greece.




Its called Kamikaze, a fitting name lol.

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