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Jersey Devil Coaster - Now Open!


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Hey forum,


I just wanted to update everyone on a few things considering it has been a while (over 7 months) since construction picked up on JDC. First thing I want to talk about is the park resuming construction this past Monday, and I'm sure none of us could be any happier with this. Walking into the park that day and seeing the crane up putting in track pieces again felt like an out-of-body experience, and now that they have picked up exactly where they left off, the project looks to have a very promising future. 


I will post some photos below of the progress that was made today. Crews today finished track up to the end of the mid-course. Tomorrow they are on par to complete the drop off of the mid-course and finish the cutback turnaround by the end of this week. Crews have been starting work early in the morning and usually ending mid-afternoon (around 2-3 o'clock). Today I was fortunate enough to watch them hoist a piece of the mid-course track into place, which was extremely awesome to see considering this is the first time vertical construction with steel has occurred with the park open.


With this new startup in construction, it seemed warranted that I returned to creating the site maps for the coaster. Unfortunately, however, I have decided to temporarily suspend the site maps for the time being. I am uncertain as to whether they will make a return in the future, but I hope that I can eventually complete this ongoing project before the coaster opens next year. That being said, however, I have an entire page dedicated to JDC on my website (XENITH.WAV (google.com)) where I will be posting daily logs for as long as construction continues on the coaster. Think of these logs as maps without the visual, as I will highlight the progress made on that particular day, what progress can be anticipated in the near future, and other cool details. These logs are a less time-intensive way of doing the maps and allow me to push out more regular updates in a more timely manner compared to before.


With all of this being said, I hope that everyone has a great night and a happy holidays! Soon enough, we will be able to say that this is the year we will finally ride JERSEY DEVIL COASTER!




JERSEY DEVIL COASTER's newly installed mid-course brake run (December 29, 2020)


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Today, December 30, 2020, crews installed two pieces of the curved drop out of the mid-course brake run. Crews remain on pace to complete the cutback turn-around element by the end of this week given progress continues over New Years Day.


JERSEY DEVIL COASTER's newly installed curving drop off of the mid-course brake run (December 30, 2020) [Source: Alex from TheCoasterSpot]


JERSEY DEVIL COASTER's mid-course brake run track (December 30, 2020) [Source: Alex from TheCoasterSpot]


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We have some great news regarding JERSEY DEVIL COASTER as of today! I have the full update on my website (link is on my profile), but just for a quick rundown:


It's crazy to think I can even say this, but crews installed a whopping 13 pieces of track last week. That's how many track pieces we can confirm were installed last week. Judging by today's update, one of the two station pieces was placed either early this morning or on Friday of last week. If crews installed all track leading up to this point, that would indicate that crews installed anywhere from 19-20 track pieces last week alone. To put that into perspective, 29 track pieces have been installed so far in 2021; 19-20 of those 29 total track pieces were installed last week. This was a historical week for JERSEY DEVIL COASTER and the most unbelievable coaster construction week I've ever witnessed. 


I am currently estimating that, with today's known track installation, 9 pieces of track remain for the lift-drop superstructure, subsequently completing the ride circuit. With this, I think it is plausible that trackwork could be finished as early as later this week (Wednesday-Friday). If not completed this week, trackwork will most likely be completed early next week. 



Given these conditions are met, we are most likely looking at a late March to early April opening for JERSEY DEVIL COASTER given no significant delays arise. While trackwork may be complete, there is still lots of work to do in terms of electrical work, ride programming, concrete work, queue lines, the ride exit, maintenance routes, restricted areas/danger zones, landscaping, theming, employee training, and more. We are in for a very good next few months!

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17 minutes ago, XENITH said:

Here is the newest update on JDC!:


With this new video, I have updated my projections and tracker. We got a more detailed look into what each day of construction looked like, and learned that crews, at one point, installed 5 pieces of track in one day! 


I am now projecting that trackwork will be completed as early as this Friday, January 22, 2021 with the installation of the crown piece NJ-5. Crews installed NJ-1 today and I am projecting that NJ-2 was installed today as well (if not today, it will most likely be installed tomorrow). Following this, if crews consistently install 2 track pieces a day from Tuesday to Thursday, they will be able to top the ride off with NJ-5 on Friday. I have a more detailed mapping of what trackwork for the rest of the week could look like on my website. 


We have some more interesting observations following today's updates:

  • There is an estimated 83 total track pieces that make up JDC's circuit.
  • The transfer track is comprised of 2 track pieces and the station is comprised of 3 track pieces. Each storage bay is comprised of one piece. 
  • Last week, crews installed about 18 pieces of track, the most track pieces installed during one week of construction on JERSEY DEVIL COASTER. 
    • From Tuesday to Friday of last week, crews installed all track on the bunny-hop airtime hill, entrance to the final brake run, the final brake run, the U-turn into the transfer, the transfer, the station, and the four storage bays; all of that in just 4 work days!
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We are currently tracking progress on JERSEY DEVIL COASTER! We now know that two track pieces (NJ-1 nd NJ-2) were installed yesterday. As of right now, two more track pieces have been installed as of early this morning (NJ-3 and NJ-4) with one or two more potentially on their way. FIVE track pieces remain that have yet to be installed. We are awaiting updates on the whereabouts of construction for the next few hours and whether crews will begin building the drop or whether they will top-off the ride. Stay tuned!

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(Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 10:30 AM) No track installation has occurred yet today. Crews are currently working on installing the saddle connection piece for column 8. 

Construction for the rest of the week can go one of two ways: crews may aim to top-off the coaster and then complete the drop, subsequently completing the circuit, or crews may begin installing track pieces for the first drop and save the last two crown pieces for last. Given the first scenario is true, I am projecting that JERSEY DEVIL COASTER will begin top-off early this morning anywhere from 11AM to 12PM and complete top-off around 2PM EST with track pieces NJ-5 and NJ-6. Given the first scenario is true, I am projecting that JERSEY DEVIL COASTER will be topped off Thursday morning (January 21, 2021) with track pieces NJ-5 and NJ-6, or will be topped off early Friday morning (January 22, 2021) with track pieces NJ-5 and NJ-6. In both scenarios, I am projecting that all trackwork will be completed as early as Thursday, January 21, 2021. 


Stay tuned for more possible updates later today. It did snow earlier this morning in New Jersey, but we are not yet aware of how much this has impacted construction. 

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Track piece NJ-7 being installed as part of JERSEY DEVIL COASTER’s 87 degree first drop, January 21, 2021 (photo courtesy of TheCoasterSpot)
BREAKING: TWO MORE TRACK PIECES remain on JERSEY DEVIL COASTER. We could see a potential top-off in the next few hours if crews continue working today. If not, we will have a confirmed top-off TOMORROW!


**We now know that yesterday, track piece NJ-9 was installed at the bottom of the drop. Installation this morning started with piece NJ-8.

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Crews just recently finished installation of track piece NJ-7. The boom lift is at the top of the structure and the crane hoist has returned to the staging area. It is likely that saddles will be installed on the remaining two connection points at the peak of the superstructure, and that we will not end up seeing the ride top-off today. However, with only two track pieces left for the crown, expect a pretty exciting morning tomorrow as crews will top the ride off barring any unforeseen circumstances arise. 

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Construction crews installing the head stock on JERSEY DEVIL COASTER - January 21, 2021 (photo courtesy of TheCoasterSpot)


BREAKING: The head stock has been installed for JERSEY DEVIL COASTER and has likely added another 5-10 feet onto the structure! This platform will house the lift motor. What a curveball this was! 

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The park just released an update regarding JDC!

Check out the size difference between the lift/drop superstructure and the raven dive. That is going to be one insane layout!

Barring any unforeseen circumstances that arise, JERSEY DEVIL COASTER will be topped off TOMORROW (Friday, January 22, 2021). Considering this week's construction patterns, I am projecting the topping off to begin around 7:00 AM - 7:30 AM EST with track piece NJ-6/NJ-5 and end around 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM with track piece NJ-6/NJ-5. 

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2 hours ago, 29yrswithaGApass said:

As I speculated months ago it looks like the lift hill will have stairs on both sides just like all the other major coasters at the park. 

The lift will likely only have catwalks on the right hand side. The other angled side of the T-bar track ties is going to be for steel-wired protective netting. These same T-bar ties can be found on the midcourse and final brake runs and will likely follow the same pattern. 

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