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Everything posted by BuddyChrist

  1. So that's what they play there? Do you know all of the songs they play in Movietown, I would love to download them off iTunes!
  2. I love this spotlight because Movietown is one of my favorite sections. It had that captivating theme with Batman and all of the Movie wall sets and fences. The music is what really makes it so special for me, it makes me forget that I'm at a theme park sometimes.
  3. Batman was by far the best track, that inverted Top Hat is just unmatched as an inversion! Makes me want the park to get Mr. Freeze moved here
  4. The ones they replaced them with weren't much better though!
  5. You can see the original restraints on the Robin train in the commercial if I'm not mistaken.
  6. Well done, I grew up with Batman: The Ride as the first major roller coaster that I saw go from concept to existence. I feel like it's lacking it's original spirit from earlier days, the theming of the junkyard and cop car being taken out just kills it. The fading wall of Gotham Public Works could use some retouching as well. Not being repainted it's original black took away from it too, the mystery was sapped and makes it seem more tame than it actually is!
  7. I like going to the park on a hot summer day and getting a brief thunderstorm. I know it shuts down the rides and everything, but I just love summer thunderstorms. There was one this past year where I was stuck in the Golden Kingdom and it poured for 10 minutes, so everyone was huddled inside the Tiger's Leap Market. There was also the time back in 98 or 99 when it was raining on Boy Scout rally day and everyone immediately ran for the bandstand. We all sat in there and we had a park representative come and say that we had to go to the Northern Star Arena and sit in the rain. My parents said screw that and we headed for the Looney Toons Shoppe to wait out the weather. It rained for 2 hours, but we did get on Chiller and Batman in between the downpours.
  8. ^^There is a trough on that roof where the water flows through, and I've never seen any leaks in that area. And the water in the queue area is intended to cool guests off on hot summer days.
  9. Could it have been a time lapse photo? I'm still amazed at how photoshop was done back in the days before computers!
  10. Skull Mountain just needs some TLC where they close patch up seams where light comes through. I'd like to see the waterfall running more often this season. The Facade needs some touching up too as I see parts of it ripped away or falling off.
  11. I found it funny that they showed Shockwave (SFGAm's) just blasting through it's course compared to how slow Scream Machine goes through those final corkscrews! Great find Harry!
  12. This was really awesome to go through! It seems as though these drawings leapt of the page and into reality with few minor changes!
  13. Nobody really wants stand-ups anymore. It seems everyone wants a launcher or woodie nowadays. I secretly want to see a new stand-up such as RR at SFMM come to a park in the Northeast.
  14. or attraction. The thing that bugs me most is that they feel that the Movietown theme should revolve around superheroes. As much as I love Batman and the Justice League, I want to see a real movie theme put into the area. I'd love to get the feel of 1920's movie set or other movie related theming. As the plaque says on the entracne to Movietown "The perfect place for movies to come alive"
  15. NO! I feel sorry that he died but I really hope they do not change the film at all! From what I have gathered, Heath nailed the role and made it the definitive Joker portrayal! He put so much into this role that it would be a slap in his face to edit it because of his death. He would be disappointed if they watered down the role. The movie is 6 months from now so hopefully the focus of his death won't be so negative against the movie. Leave the movie as it is, it's a role that he mastered and is a part of his legacy, don't take it away from him. Just my thoughts on the matter.
  16. That list is disappointing. A majority of those shows have nowhere near the caliber of a show required at a park as large as Great Adventure and with so many empty, large Show Venues!
  17. Ultra Twister from Astroworld was supposedly damaged during transport to Maryland and this damage has made it way too costly to repair and put up. I think it was supposed to be their newest addition, seeing how they haven't had one in years, but it will just sit there and rot like many rides do in a park's boneyard.
  18. Yeah, Great Adventure used to have the world record for rides. It was at 72 at one point I think, don't quote me on that though, I never counted! I was having too much fun back then to count!
  19. The timeframe makes it seem possible and since I don't see it in any of the boneyard photos, it very well could be our old scrambler.
  20. I got almost all of them. I couldn't remember a few of them.
  21. The Boardwalk is always one of those areas that I love to visit, especially at night. Even though I may not spend money on games, I still like the atmosphere it gives off. When it was remodeled, I at first didn't like the new paintjob, but I have grown to love it. I do miss the Virtual Reality games that they had, especially the one with the lightsaber, but the Boardwalk is meant for games. The original building really looked nice, but it's better now that the end is open, otherwise they may have never expanded that way!
  22. They can call it Mickey's Magic Movie Studio or Hollywood Studios, but to me it will always be MGM Studios.
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